When filming on her ABC show, How To Get Away With Murder, was going to interfere with the filming schedule for Warner Bros.' Suicide Squad, the Disney-owned TV network worked out the logistics to ensure Davis would be able to play Amanda Waller. Said Davis on ABC's cordiality, "They were totally willing to work it out. I’d never seen anything like it. [ABC President] Paul Lee came up to me and said, ‘Oh, I want you to have everything.’ Who does that? I was very lucky." (Perhaps if Davis were going to appear in a film for Fox, it would have been a different story?)
As for what fans should expect from Suicide Squad? "I mean, you saw the trailer so the trailer very much, what you see is these superheroes have been humanized. That’s what makes this kind of a different superhero movie."
Suidice Squad is directed and written by David Ayer. The DC Comics team of supervillain anti-heroes will hit theaters on August 5, 2016.