Here's a pretty clever animation reel from French animator La Pomadour titled ABC Monster. "
Dedicated to all the monsters who screwed our nights. I love you so much, you bastards." Can you guess them all? [I sure as hell couldn't]
ABC monsters from La Pompadour on Vimeo.
Gold star for whoever guesses them all or the most! Here's a rough translation from the About section of their Vimeo page courtesy of Google:
The Pompadour is a television production company founded in 2010 by three partners linking competencies in writing, art direction, design and production.
His productions are characterized by something (in French in the text) singular, offbeat and relevant. For you, the expertise and added value of La Pompadour, it is a tone marrying your projects. And didactic without being boring, funny without being vulgar (noblesse oblige), the Pompadour is without false modesty, the favorite of the short program.
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