MAXXXINE: Mia Goth Returns As Maxine F*cking Minx In First Trailer For Ti West's X Sequel

MAXXXINE: Mia Goth Returns As Maxine F*cking Minx In First Trailer For Ti West's X Sequel MAXXXINE: Mia Goth Returns As Maxine F*cking Minx In First Trailer For Ti West's X Sequel

Following Sunday's brief teaser, A24 has finally released a full trailer for Ti West's MaXXXine, which focuses on Mia Goth's adult film actress Maxine Minx as she attempts to find stardom in Hollywood...

By MarkCassidy - Apr 08, 2024 02:04 PM EST
Filed Under: Horror
Source: Via FearHQ

A24 has released the first trailer for the final part of Ti West's X trilogy, MaXXXine, which finds Mia Goth's lethally resilient adult film star attempting to become a legitimate Hollywood actress... by any means necessary.

In the first movie, X, Goth's Maxine emerged as the sole survivor of a crazed old woman's (also played by Goth) murderous rampage, and went on to play a younger version of that character in recent prequel film, Pearl.

In the '80s-set MaXXXine, a more determined-than-ever Miss Minx travels to LA with dreams of stardom, while a vicious serial killer known as the Night Stalker haunts the streets. Something tells us their paths will cross before the credits roll.

The footage also gives us a first glimpse of the impressive supporting cast, with Giancarlo Esposito as a seedy agent, Elizabeth Debicki as a director, Michelle Monaghan and Bobby Canavale as a pair of LAPD detectives, and Kevin Bacon as a private detective hired to track Maxine down.

Check out the trailer below along with a new poster, and let us know what you think in the comments section.

"I see MaXXXine as a superhero movie – that’s how I read the script," Goth told SFX Magazine in a recent interview. "Maxine, as a character, has come a long way. She’s a survivor, she’s gone through a lot. When we meet her again, in this new world that she’s in, she’s really fought for everything that she has, and she’s not about to give that up. She’s going to fight for what she has. She’s a badass. There’s a strength to her. And she’s a really proactive, determined, focused woman. She goes after what she wants, and she’s not really going to take no for an answer."

“In 1980s Hollywood, adult film star and aspiring actress Maxine Minx finally gets her big break. But as a mysterious killer stalks the starlets of Hollywood, a trail of blood threatens to reveal her sinister past,” reads the official synopsis.

MaXXXine is set to hit theaters on July 5 in the US, and on August 9 in the UK and Ireland. Do you plan on seeing this one on the big screen?

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marvel72 - 4/8/2024, 2:07 PM
Looks pretty decent, the first two movies were good.
UniqNo - 4/8/2024, 2:08 PM
Now this looks good.
tylerzero - 4/8/2024, 2:12 PM
Never having seen any of her work, I shall ask, "Why is Mia Goth?"
marvel72 - 4/8/2024, 2:15 PM
@tylerzero - Because she is one sexy crazy bitch.
Vigor - 4/8/2024, 2:18 PM
@marvel72 - does she really have no brows or are they dyed her skin color?
marvel72 - 4/8/2024, 2:23 PM
@Vigor - I didn't notice, I will take a look.
marvel72 - 4/8/2024, 2:25 PM
@Vigor - It does look like they've been shaved off but who knows?
PapaSpank54 - 4/8/2024, 2:26 PM
@tylerzero - I'll do you one better: when is Mia Goth?
WhatIfRickJames - 4/8/2024, 2:17 PM
So [frick]ing in
THEDARKKNIGHT1939 - 4/8/2024, 2:19 PM
Getting third movie curse vibes from this one but if they pull it off it will be refreshing to finally get a good horror trilogy in some time.
GhostDog - 4/8/2024, 2:19 PM
Looks pretty damn good
Nomis929 - 4/8/2024, 2:38 PM
So...I'm playing 'Dark Side of the Moon' right now during the eclipse!
User Comment Image
Vigor - 4/8/2024, 2:47 PM
@Nomis929 - the clouds are ruining the moment!!
Nomis929 - 4/8/2024, 2:56 PM
@Vigor - LOL!!!

User Comment Image
marvel72 - 4/8/2024, 2:57 PM
@Nomis929 - Did you hear about the Earthquake in New Jersey? Seems strange to get Earthquakes there.
Nomis929 - 4/8/2024, 3:06 PM
@marvel72 - Yeah, My brother and his family lives up there and i called hima after it happened. Everybody okay but he said it was really weird.
marvel72 - 4/8/2024, 3:10 PM
@Nomis929 - That's good.
GeneralZod - 4/8/2024, 4:11 PM
@Nomis929 - I'm playing "Blinded by the Light" (Manfred Mann version).

User Comment Image
GeneralZod - 4/8/2024, 4:13 PM
@Nomis929 - Much higher quality.

GeneralZod - 4/8/2024, 4:16 PM
@Nomis929 -
User Comment Image
The1st - 4/8/2024, 5:36 PM
@marvel72 - Probably a fracking coincidence.
RolandD - 4/8/2024, 5:38 PM
@GeneralZod - Springsteen or bust. So much better. The line is “cut loose like a deuce, not “wrapped up like a douche.”😂🤣 The original is best. Accept no substitutes.
RolandD - 4/8/2024, 5:38 PM
@Nomis929 - There is no excuse needed to play this album but I like your reasoning regardless.
Nomis929 - 4/8/2024, 6:55 PM
@GeneralZod - What do you think of Springsteen original version?
Nomis929 - 4/8/2024, 6:57 PM
@RolandD - I can't believe it's over 50 years old ????
GeneralZod - 4/8/2024, 8:27 PM
@Nomis929 - Meh. Bruce is a great lyricist but not a fan of his as a musician.
GeneralZod - 4/8/2024, 8:29 PM
@RolandD - The reality is that the Manfred Mann version is a completely different song musically. The only thing the Earth Band used was the really good lyrics from Bruce's version. To me, it's not a cover.
RolandD - 4/8/2024, 9:42 PM
@GeneralZod - I’ll accept that answer.😉 They do sound totally different. I’m just having a little fun with it, too.
JFerguson - 4/8/2024, 2:58 PM
So its pretty obvious Maxine is the actual killer because she wants to be the only starlet left, right?
marvel72 - 4/8/2024, 4:25 PM
@JFerguson - You are probably right,Imagine though if there is two killers though and she has to take him out as well,highlander style.

There can only be one.
ObserverIO - 4/8/2024, 3:17 PM
As one cancelled person dodges jail time another one has a movie coming out.

Does this signal the end of cancel culture? Hope so. Even Will Smith's got a movie coming out.

Mind you The Flash and Quantumania did flop and so Bad Boys and Maxxxine might flop too. But that's different. That's boycotting, not cancel culture. I'm good with that.

I certainly won't be seeing this. Not because she violently abused someone on set but because I haven't seen any of the others.
SuperJefe - 4/8/2024, 3:25 PM
Bobby Canavale is legit good in everything
HashTagSwagg - 4/8/2024, 3:56 PM
Give her eyebrows and she'd probably make for a good Rogue.
ObserverIO - 4/8/2024, 4:12 PM
@HashTagSwagg - Ooh I like that.
marvel72 - 4/8/2024, 4:22 PM
@HashTagSwagg - Nice bit of casting there.
ModHaterSLADE - 4/8/2024, 4:02 PM
Looks like TI West has another good horror flick on his hands.
rychlec - 4/8/2024, 4:36 PM
First two are excellent. That monologue at the end of "Pearl" is cinema.
grif - 4/8/2024, 4:47 PM
i have not seen any of these movies. i am very lost watching this
marvel72 - 4/8/2024, 9:09 PM
@grif - They're pretty good.
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