The stories of Detective Jim Gordon, the young Bruce Wayne, and Batman's future villains (who are all suiting up years before the Batsignal is lit up for the first time) will continue this Fall as Gotham has today been renewed for a third season by Fox.
Averaging 9 million viewers a week across multiple platforms, the show is a hit for Fox, and so this news doesn't come as a major surprise. "It takes a very special team to tell the tales of Gotham," said Fox president David Madden in a press release. "For the past two seasons, Bruno, Danny and John have masterfully honored the mythology of Gotham and brought it to life with depth, emotion and memorable high drama. This incredibly talented cast has redefined these iconic characters for a new generation, and we couldn’t be more proud of this show."
Season two of Gotham currently airs every Monday, and with the show touching on everyone from Azrael to Mr. Freeze this year, it will be interesting to see what direction it takes during its third year...