SPOILERS: 6 Biggest Reveals From The BATMAN v SUPERMAN Ultimate Cut You Need To Know
Who is Jena Malone really playing? How does the movie now set up the likes of Suicide Squad and Justice League? The Ultimate Cut has leaked online, and all the answers can be found here...

As you may have heard, the Ultimate Cut of Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice leaked online a little earlier today. The leak didn't get a great deal of publicity and Warner Bros. were quick to smooth things over (it miraculously hasn't even found its way on to the torrent sites), but we've managed to take a sneak peek and have extracted all of the biggest changes and major reveals you need to know.
If you hated the movie, chances are this R-Rated extended edition will change your mind, and an argument can almost certainly be made that this is the version that should have been released in theaters regardless of the running time. However, we won't bore you with details on how the editing and pacing issues were addressed (they are). What you'll find here is much more interesting!
So, with one final MAJOR SPOILER WARNING, keep on reading for a breakdown of the biggest changes in the Ultimate Cut including insight into Lex Luthor's real plan, the true identity of Jena Malone's character, and a very surprising link to David Ayer's Suicide Squad movie which is sure to excite you!
6. How Lex Luthor Framed Superman
Something which didn't really make any sense in Batman v Superman is why the government would believe the Man of Steel is responsible for slaughtering dozens of armed terrorists who were quite clearly gunned down by Lex Luthor's men. After all, Superman isn't exactly well known for shooting people, but the Ultimate Cut elaborates on this in two ways.
For starters, Anatoli Knyazev/KGBeast actually burns the bodies to make it look like the hero wiped the men out with his heat vision. Secondly, the villager who testified about his actions to that senate committee is revealed to be an actress hired by Luthor, and she's later murdered by his men after having a change of heart and telling Senator Finch the truth. This version of the movie makes it clear that Lex has orchestrated everything we're seeing, whereas the theatrical cut of Batman v Superman arguably played out more like a series of coincidences in the villain's favour.
5. Jena Malone Is Playing...

A nobody. That's right, after speculation and rumours pointing to the actress being everyone from Barbara Gordon to Cat Grant, she ends up being a S.T.A.R. Labs forensic scientist named Jenet Klyburn who helps Lois Lane figure out the mysteries behind that bullet she recovered from the desert. While the actress plays an important role in filling the journalist in on what Lex has been up to, there aren't any hints in regards to her being a major character from the comic books, so it turns out the actress was just cut because this subplot was dropped.
Talking of familiar faces from the source material, you'd best think again if you believe the Jimmy Olsen backlash changed Zack Snyder's mind about including him here and putting a bullet through his head. You see, this Ultimate Cut makes it clear that the photographer later outed as a CIA agent really is Jimmy, though the exchange he has with Lois is surprisingly fun and actually adds some of what many said was much needed humour to Batman v Superman.
4. The Truth Behind The Senate Hearing
It turns out that suspected suicide bomber Wallace Keefe's wheelchair is made of the same substance as those bullets, and while Batman v Superman's theatrical cut made us think he willingly blew himself up, it turns out that Lex framed him and planted the bomb in there without his knowledge (the casing around that was lined with lead too, explaining why the Man of Steel never spotted it).
Lois figures out Wallace didn't intend to kill himself when she sees groceries in his apartment which he clearly intended to use later that same day. However, bomb making materials have been planted there along with anti-Superman graffiti which help ensure both the public and authorities are left sure of his guilt. Going back to Lex setting up Superman for those murders, and the senate hearing makes a lot more sense because it turns out that Finch is actually going to expose the villain's actions before she spots that "tea" and realises that Luthor has actually outsmarted her.
3. Lex Luthor Is Heading To Arkham Aylum
There have been a lot of rumours about the Batman v Superman Ultimate Cut further setting up the events of Justice League, whether it's with a montage featuring the heroes in action or confirmation of who Lex Luthor was speaking to in that deleted scene randomly released online. Alas, this Ultimate Cut only includes that baffling Steppenwolf (?) scene and nothing more, but it does at least lay the groundwork for Jesse Eisenberg's long rumoured Suicide Squad cameo!
In an extended version of their confrontation at the end of the movie, Lex makes it clear that he knows Batman and Bruce Wayne are one and the same, and taunts the Dark Knight because he's too insane to ever stand trial for his actions. However, he doesn't have the last laugh as it turns out that Batman has made the necessary arrangements to have Lex moved to Arkham Asylum, something which quickly wipes the smirk off the villain's face. So, will he meet The Joker in Suicide Squad? It now feels like a very real possibility...
2. Superman Gets To Be Superman
One of the biggest criticisms levelled at Zack Snyder is that his take on Superman was simply too dark and not close enough to the comic book version of the Man of Steel. Well, the Ultimate Cut improves on that in a number of ways. For starters, quite a lot of time is devoted to Clark Kent's investigation into The Batman, something which shows he's actually become a capable journalist in the time which has passed since we last saw him.
However, Snyder also puts a greater focus on his heroic actions, and that can be seen after the Senate explosion. Rather than just standing amid all that destruction looking a bit sad, Superman actually flies victims out of the wreckage and is making an effort to save people. Talking of Man of Steel, an extended version of Clark's funeral at the end of the movie brings back Pete Ross and Lana Lang from that movie, while The Daily Planet staff can also be seen in attendance. It's also mentioned that Bruce paid for the service!
1. Final Thoughts
This version of Batman v Superman just works a million times better than the theatrical cut. Yes, the fight scenes are extended, but the flow of the movie in general is considerably better, and everyone's actions just make much more sense. In terms of rumours which can be debunked, there's no sign of The Joker and Dan Amboyer is just a random drone pilot and most definitely not Hal Jordan.
Batman already had the bulk of screentime in the movie, but he and Alfred get quite a few more scenes, while many of you will no doubt be pleased to learn that there's a very revealing shot of Bruce Wayne taking a shower (thought perhaps not as revealing as the one in Gone Girl).
Ultimately, the Ultimate Cut is vastly superior and without a doubt the version of Batman v Superman which should have hit theaters. We'll have more on this as we get closer to the release date, but for now, be sure to share your thoughts on all this and what you're most looking forward to seeing in the Ultimate Cut below.