As if often the case (before any of you start hysterically screeching "Damage control!" in the comments section), Warner Bros. has issued a number of statements in regards to the massive opening weekend of Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice. Henry Cavill News has rounded up the best ones, and it definitely sounds like the studio are pleased a) with the way it's performed, and b) the fact that moviegoers clearly aren't on the same page as the critics when it comes to this movie.
"There is no question this is an extraordinary achievement," the studio's domestic distribution chief Jeff Goldstein said today. "Clearly, audiences have embraced it and we are already seeing repeat business. It's just fun. Often, there's a disconnect between critics and audiences. It doesn’t take itself seriously. It’s just an enjoyable afternoon at the movies." Perhaps the most noteworthy comment there is the fact that they're seeing repeat business for the movie. It won't be until next weekend that we see how much of an impact word of mouth will have had on Batman v Superman, but people going back to see it again and again will definitely help.
One thing which now seems clear is that these numbers have just further cemented Warnr Bros.' plans to create a shared DC Films Universe, whether critics like it or not. "When you swing for the bleachers and connect, it’s a tremendous feeling. This felt like we were launching several films, so to come through like this makes all of us very proud." However, even as someone who greatly enjoyed Batman v Superman, I wouldn't be surprised if meetings are taking place in regards to how best to proceed, because with every critic pointing to the movie not being fun enough (not a statement I agree with, but an understandable one), some tonal changes to this universe could be on the way...