Captain America WILL Destory The Marvel Movie Universe....

Poor Decisions Could Make This Movie Worse Than The 1990 Version

Editorial Opinion
By SCOURGE - Jan 09, 2011 11:01 AM EST
Filed Under: Captain America

I have been a long-time Captain America fan. I have always wanted my favorite hero to finally have a good movie. Captain America has never done well in film-whether it is in the old movie serials, the Reb Brown movies, or the horrid '90's movie.

I was excited about the possibility of a good-dare I hope great-Captain America movie once Marvel announced their plans for their movie universe. Unfortunately, Marvel has let me down yet again with their decision making from casting to director to story details.

Let me break it down for you:

Casting: Overall, I am pretty happy with the casting. There is just one major problem: Chris Evans is Captain America--I honestly believe that they needed to cast an unknown. Thor is gonna be huge because they cast an unknown and surrounded him with known and talented actors. That is what they should have done here.

Director: When it was first announced that Joe Johnston was going to direct, a lot of people were excited because he directed a period piece in "The Rocketeer." I just shook my head in disappointment at the choice. I own "The Rocketeer." It was a gift, and it is a horrible movie. This does not bode well in my opinion.

The Story: I am not thrilled with a lot of the story details that are coming out. The Red Skull is an ex-Nazi that leads Hydra? Captain America doing USO tours? No thanks, show his breaking up spy rings before he goes overseas. It doesn't sound like Baron Zemo is in this either, which means the Red Skull is going to be responsible for Captain America ending up in the ice. I think that sucks.

I hope this movie tanks and they recast for Avengers.

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Quasimodo - 1/9/2011, 11:40 AM
everybody has an opinion..
LEEE777 - 1/9/2011, 11:41 AM
SCOURGE @ Your brave lol! ; P

Only thing I don't like about it, is using F'ing Ultimate Fury, kinda ruins it for me... but hey at least he ain't in the World War II scenes thank [frick] lol.

Yeah we need more WWII and less HYDRA!

Still after THOR & GREEN LANTERN.... this will own!!!

Unlike that piece of sh1t X-men movie! : p
LEEE777 - 1/9/2011, 11:43 AM
P.S. Zemo should be in it... yes!
Devil89 - 1/9/2011, 11:43 AM
Everybody has an opinion. Most of us have positive expectations about it!
Frogman - 1/9/2011, 11:45 AM
Well I disagree but as Quasimodo said everyone has their own opinion.

Here's my opinion/why I disagree:
Casting - I don't think it matters if they're known or unknown as long as the performance is good

Director - A lot of directors are hit and miss, lets hope this is a hit.

Story - Not everyone is guarenteed to like the story, but individual details aren't enough to make me judge a story.
Exiles - 1/9/2011, 12:10 PM
well thats your opinion but i think its best to wait before you make a conclusion on the story on the little details that gave been given out. and Honestly it doesn't matter if its a unknown or not, no guarantee that the unknown would do any better then evans really. I respect your opinion but I have to disagree with it.

SCOURGE - 1/9/2011, 12:18 PM
I hope I am wrong, if I am, I will own up to it...but I think this ends up being more Daredevil then Iron Man I
InSpace - 1/9/2011, 12:32 PM
Casting-Chris Evans is basically an unknown to most audiences, they only know him as The Human Torch and "that guy from that other movie".

Director-The Rocketeer was a great film, which has the tone of Cap. Joe Johnston has made some great films and some not so great films, but he has acknowledged this. He has busted his ass to make this film great and he has so much confidence in the cast and crew and himself that this is gonna be a great film.

The Story- They probably put Hydra in there for future films, i.e. The Avengers and Shield Films. Cap doing USO tours makes sense to the story and character. If you saw a bright red and blue guy on the battle field you would laugh and fill him up with bullets. He is first created as inspiration to the country to gather war money and more soldiers. But then his friend (bucky) gets captured and He becomes a soldier.Zemo was probably not put here cause they didnt want to over crowd it. Red skull is probably gonna be a combining of both characters.
SCOURGE - 1/9/2011, 12:39 PM
See that is bad decision making, by not introducing Zemo and the Nazis you chanage a lot of important things about Captain America's origin. Not to mention you are limiting your villain pool.
Frogman - 1/9/2011, 12:51 PM
We've been told there will be Nazis. They're not replacing them entirely with HYDRA.
Exiles - 1/9/2011, 1:06 PM
the Nazis are in the movie, he's punching hitler for god sakes if that isn't proof of nazi's being present in the movie then I don't know what is. Nazi's wont be the main villain, thats why there introducing Hydra now IF there are sequels in the future theres no real need of introduction. Having a bit of optimism isn't a bad idea dude. But I understand your worries and if you turn out to be (which I pray you dont) then you can just say I told you so lol
SCOURGE - 1/9/2011, 1:25 PM
Using unknowns is usually a good idea, especially in the cbm realm. I will give you two recent examples: the first spidey and x-men movies. Tobey McGuire was basically unknown before spidey I and Hugh Jackman and James Mardsen were in the same boat in x I
Exiles - 1/9/2011, 1:54 PM
well chris evans more or less is a unknown he's not exactly a household name especially here in the UK. however people may recognise him from the FF movies
SCOURGE - 1/9/2011, 2:18 PM
Pitt and Matt Damon would have been good if they were about ten years younger. I think they should have looked to soap operas for talent. There are two people on General Hospital for example. One is Steve Burton (he plays Jason Morgan) and Ingo Radamacher (he plays Jasper Jax)--although he is Australian.
Zzzzup1 - 1/9/2011, 3:39 PM
Are you kidding me? lol Toby was not an unkown (Pleasantville, The Cider House Rules), and what about Christian Bale, Edward Norton, Heath Ledger, Ian McKellen, Patrick Stewart, not to mention the other cast members of the Avengers movie such as Samuel Jackson, Robert Downey Jr., Jeremy Remer, Mark Ruffalo, and Scarlett Johansson.
Zzzzup1 - 1/9/2011, 3:42 PM
And not even if M Night Shyamalan directed this film would it be worse than the one made in 1990 haha
marvelguy - 1/9/2011, 3:46 PM

I think they should have cast Hemsworth and found someone bigger for Thor.

That aside, remember casting that no one liked yet worked.

Michael Keaton, Tobey Maguire, Robert Downey, Hugh Jackman, and the list goes on. I am not saying you're wrong, but a little optimism is in order.

I didn't think this was the best choice, but seeing his gain in muscle mass seems dedicated.

Now, the story details...well, let's hope what's leaked isn't paramount nor accurate.

And they'll reboot it in six years even if it's good!
SCOURGE - 1/9/2011, 4:04 PM
Pleasantville and Cider House Rules were not major box office hits. He is a household name because of spidey.
Zzzzup1 - 1/9/2011, 4:12 PM
Cider House was nominated for Seven Oscars and it won two not to mention had about 88 million in the box office, and Pleasantville was nominated for two oscars. He maybe known to you because of Spider-Man but he was known before it
SCOURGE - 1/9/2011, 4:54 PM
I am a Marvel guy, I have been all my life. That is why this crappy decision making upsets me so much.
Symbiotesuit007 - 1/9/2011, 5:10 PM
As a marvel fan, shouldn't you hope that this movie doesn't tank? Saying you hope they recast and that it sucks just because you disagree with who they cast seems a bit unfair. I wish Evans the best, the movie looks great and he's shown real commitment to the role. BTW I'm a life long Marvel fan.
Exiles - 1/9/2011, 5:16 PM
no point getting angry over this guys editorial it's his opinion just say you disagree and move on no point of accusing him of being a hater. I have faith in the people involved with the movie and i am pretty sure cap will do perfectly fine with what it has. we've seen opinions and arguments like this before ledger, keaton prime examples. a decisions been made on who is going to play the character, all we can do is hope it turns out well.
80sFace - 1/9/2011, 5:18 PM
Scourge, it's admirable that you're passionate, but your arguments are basically "because I don't agree with their choices." Not a lot of substance, but I understand your concern.

The more we've learned about the film, however, the more interesting it's gotten. Give Marvel props for being ballsy enough to embrace the fantastical Marvel comic book feel. Batman is so grounded - which is fine - but it doesn't allow for, say, Killer Croc; and Superman had lame Lex Luthor AGAIN instead of a real threat, like Doomsday (thank goodness Warners is beginning to understand, and GL and the new Superman are going to embrace their material).

Cap's going to have Red Skull, Armin Zola, the Cosmic Cube, Hydra, and a host of things we don't even know about yet. They've made the decision that their films exist in the hyper-state of the MCU, instead of the "real" world.

It's daring. But you're right in this much: Cap - and Thor also - may break Marvel. The films are going to test the limits of how much an audience can suspend disbelief and go along for the ride. I think the general public (not us hardcore nerds, we've already drank the cool-aid) will be able to hop on board for a rocking ride. But we'll see soon. In the mean time, I might suggest suspending serious negativity. Positive vibrations, dude, and hopefully everyone will forget about Captain America 1990.
Exiles - 1/9/2011, 5:29 PM
all 3 of the CBM's will have hard job next year GL,Cap, Thor. They are drastically different from your usual super hero flicks. Also it's a very busy summer this year, a lot of established franchises will be back with sequels so there's competition for the box office. But the fact that there different from your usual superhero flicks may even help these movies, GL looks like a sci fi, Thor looks like sci fi/fantasy epic. Caps sounds all right so far, i am sure the trailer will ease some peoples minds.
SCOURGE - 1/9/2011, 5:32 PM
My concern is that more we learn the bigger the train wreck this movie seems to be headed for. Maybe the trailer will relieve some of my fears. I hope so.
Exiles - 1/9/2011, 6:03 PM
@Scourge have some hope dude like I said before I understand your fears though.

@Superguy yeah Pitt is a great actor but he's nearing 50! 10 or 20 years ago he would have been great and I doubt marvel could afford some one like pitt.
marvel72 - 1/9/2011, 6:28 PM
@ scourge

your intitled too your opinion mate.

i don't think it will destroy it,this is one marvel most popular heroes ever & their biggest movie to date.

alot of people reckon in 2011 its gonna be out of thor & the green lantern as who comes out on top in the box office.

i think we could be in for a surprise with captain america.
WeekendAvenger - 1/9/2011, 6:57 PM
i hate that i read this
SeaSerpentine - 1/9/2011, 7:16 PM
@WeekendAvenger me too.
Mhaviik63 - 1/9/2011, 7:26 PM
Scrouge. You suck little man. The movie is what it is. Stop trying to share your unexpertise with the TRUE Captain America / Marvel fans! I just wasted brain cells trying to figure out what the hell you be talking about. We all have our opinions. Let us enjoy these exciting last moments of internet leaks!
M Haviik
gunner - 1/9/2011, 7:44 PM
what an arrogant little piece of crap you wrote here ,
get a Real job !!!
ckirk8 - 1/9/2011, 8:25 PM
Woah, guys! Scourge just wanted to voice his opinion, so despite how much you disagree, don't attack him for it. After all, this is America, the greatest country in the world where people have the freedom of thought. I bet that if Cap' were here right now, he'd want us to have a friendly debate/discussion.

...but seriously, cut the guy some slack.
RoscoeFolgers - 1/9/2011, 8:51 PM
Care to elaborate? You said the things you didn't like but not why you didn't like them. I'd like to know. For example, why Chris Evans would hurt the movie for not being a complete unknown. It's not like he's an unlikeable ass that everyone hates. Yes, he's been a few popular movies, but I've yet to meet one person who disliked Evans until he got cast and people wanted something to complain about.
booboo123 - 1/9/2011, 9:52 PM
Opinions! Opinions! Gotta luv em. Here's mine; If Chris Evans has shown us nothing else in his career I think there can be no doubt that he is the perfect embodiment of the all American golden boy, he's a Bostonian for cryin-out-loud, apple pie and baseball, his great great granny probably stitched a hem in Old Glory, so who better to take on Cap? Would you rather see Tatum Channing? Nice pecks but I honestly can't picture him (Channing) in this role, can you? Joe Johnston may have missed the mark when he gave us the Rocketeer but i think he hits it head on in most of his other work. As for the story; OK I see your point, but so much villany so little time! Let's not judge a book by it's cover. This movie is already worth my $12 at the box office.
StrangerX - 1/10/2011, 5:56 AM
I can't hate for putting your thoughts out there, of course I disagree, but nice article all the same.
StrangerX - 1/10/2011, 5:57 AM
BTW-Cap in a USO show is logicall, the US didn't want to loose there most prized possession.
AshleyWilliams - 1/10/2011, 6:34 AM
@Superguy- Dude, Cap is in his 20's. Not his upper 40's.


Besides, Stark was ALWAYS older than Captain America.
Cap just seems older because of his morals and rules.
DarthLaney - 1/10/2011, 6:34 AM
Here's my opinion, we haven't seen shit yet.
Coldblood6 - 1/10/2011, 7:39 AM
Sorry but the last statement shows that this is little more than a fanboy rant. Complaining that it sucks because Zemo is not in the movie and having the Red Skull be the one that causes Cap to freeze is not a valid criticism. Look at Iron Man. Obadiah Stane is completely changed and indirectly is the cause of Tony Stark becoming Iron Man; that is completely changed from the comic.

Also the guy does not give a valid reason why an unknown should be cast and that Chris Evans being a known actor will ruin the movie.

This is a fanboy rant. Nothing more. Reading it is a waste of anyones time.
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