EDITORIAL: The Rights Marvel Should Get Back & How Likely They Are

EDITORIAL: The Rights Marvel Should Get Back & How Likely They Are

Marvel has been breaking records and has being doing astonishingly with their cinematic universe. Even with Namor and Spider Man in their hands, they still haven't got the rights to use the Fantastic Four and X-Men. What if one day they come home and how likely is it?...

Editorial Opinion
By Jeremius - Jun 03, 2016 03:06 PM EST
Filed Under: Marvel Comics

Will Marvel Get The FF And X-Men Rights Back & How Likely Is It?
An Editorial By Jeremius

Back in the day, years before the MCU was even conceived, Marvel was in a tough spot, the comics weren't selling very well and they were on the edge of bankrupcy. They had to sacrifice a lot, and hand out movie right to some Marvel characters and as we all know, Spider-Man went with Sony and X-Men and F4 went with Fox, who's been doing a good job with X-Men but not so much with F4. So, Marvel wasn't left with many good characters.

Marvel had the impossible task of building a huge movie franchise around characters barely anyone gave a crap about and they were C-Listers and nobody knew about them. But somehow they pulled through and we got the game-changing universe we have now. It's all really impossible to take in, but Marvel did what most believed to be an idea that would bomb and made a 10-billion-and more franchise out of it.
Marvel has some of the most known and beloved characters in all of comics (Spidey, X-Men and Wolverine) and some that they made superstars through movies (Iron Man, Thor, Ant-Man, Cap).
Now, Sony gave Spidey up, and now it's finally time for Fox to give them up to Marvel and surrender...or so i hope so.

 F A N T A S T I C     F O U R

What Happened Last Time: Last summer, we were treated to a blockbuster that was so bad that it has defined bad blockbusters for years to come. Wildly panned and a box office dissapointment. This movie buried the F4 further down the rapid hole. Only the MCU can save them now. Although Simon Kinberg has expressed interest in doing another one, we all know it's NOT gonna happen.
How Likely Is The MCU Reboot: The most likely of them all. F4 are great characters, with a fanbase that still has hope even after the god-forbid 2015 reboot. Marvel takes good care of it's products, the best that can happen is that the FF are introduced in Infinity War as austronauts or something along the lines of that, and they get a film all to their own in Phase 4. Or so i believe, i don't know, i wish i could go full Kilgrave on a Fox executive and make it happen. But unfortanutely, this is the closest thing i can do to counter that.


What Happened Last Time: X-Men Apocalypse happened. While a decent film with some cool moments, it was a slight mis-step in the franchise. Getting mixed reviews, not perfoming as expected in the box office. While it's a success (somehow) Fox really should shake the formula up if they want to have a hit X-Movie in their hands.

How Likely Is The MCU Reboot? As much as it pains me to say it, Fox is doing a good job with the X-Men and they aren't going back anytime soon. Deadpool was a collosal success and with X-Movies like The New Mutants and X-Force in development, Fox is giving it all, in terms of keeping the franchise.


I thought it would be fun to do this fun little editorial. What do YOU think? How likely are those two franchises coming to the Marvel Cinematic Universe?
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RancidBane - 6/3/2016, 4:48 PM
Not news brother
dancingmonkey08 - 6/3/2016, 4:58 PM
move this into EDITORIALS, theres enough rubbish filling up the news section, without non-news editorials also filling it up

and in a random point (thats slightly related to this), if anyone else had a time machine, would they go back in time and make sure Marvel never sold the rights to The Punisher, Ghost Rider and Daredevil. IMO (and I know these movies have their fans and are guilty pleasures to others, so Im only stating my opinion), their movies added nothing good to the overall CBM history. Raimi's Spidey, Singer's X-Men and Wesley Snipes' Blade were all important to overall CBM history, but those other movies were just among the disappointments (I dont include the two FFs, because they did give Chris Evans a time to shine, to ultimately go on to become an amazing Cap)

Just a little point I was thinking about the other day (also I would have forced Singer to stay on X3, Raimi to get a clue when it came to Spidey 3, and Goyer to not direct Blade Trinity...but thats beside the point haha)
MileHighRonin - 6/3/2016, 5:19 PM
How are Iron Man, Captain America, Thor, and Hulk C List characters? Yes the general public had no clue about them but comic fans were excited and thrilled for this.

Anybody who says those 4 characters are C Listers probably never truly read the comics.
kong - 6/3/2016, 5:32 PM
@MileHighRonin - He was talking about it from a mainstream perspective.

Compared to Spider-Man, Hulk, and Wolverine; Iron Man and Captain America were nobodies to most people. And without the MCU they still would be.
FishyZombie - 6/3/2016, 5:49 PM
@kong - Hulk was pretty popular and well known, what with the old tv series and the Ang Lee movie. I actually remember going to a hulk themed birthday party when I was a kid.
kong - 6/3/2016, 6:56 PM
@FishyZombie - "Compared to Spider-Man, Hulk, and Wolverine; Iron Man and Captain America were nobodies to most people."

That's what I said....
FishyZombie - 6/3/2016, 7:01 PM
@kong - oh, my bad then.
TucksFrom2015 - 6/3/2016, 6:33 PM
I stand by it, that an MCU-set Fantastic Four almost feels like a wasted opportunity, and by that I mean they'd be wasting an opportunity to tell stories that are self-contained, with characters that exist on their own terms. At this point Marvel Studios' interconnectedness has lost its novelty factor, Tony Stark's gonna be in the next Spider-Man movie, Hulk is in the new Thor movie, and Falcon is in every goddamn movie. Why would someone want that treatment for the next Fantastic Four? Suddenly Iron Man shows up in the middle of it to remind Viktor von Doom that his armor is unoriginal, criticizes the Baxter Building as a Stark Tower ripoff, and outsmarts and out-charismas Dr Richards, and then Hulk shows up and fights Thing, and wins, because he's the Hulk.

So to quote everyone's mom's favorite 90s punk band: Ya gotta keep 'em separated!

kong - 6/3/2016, 6:58 PM
@WeddingTux - Imagine Marvel getting F4 back and then producing a separate F4 universe. Then we could see the F4 against the Inhumans, Namor, Galactus, Silver Surfer, Skrulls, and all the other characters they're so strongly affiliated with.
LivingWeapon - 6/3/2016, 10:12 PM
@kong - While I would love to see Marvel's First Family in the MCU, I would love to see Feige's touch on the Fantastic Four, but if it was in a separate universe, it would be so much better. Kniberg tried to do that, but it failed. Miserably. I'm short, I agree with you, one hundred percent.
TomSolo - 6/4/2016, 1:07 AM
@kong - I can't believe I'm typing this again but here goes it...

The MCU could do the F4 as a campy 50's/60's scifi period piece. Set during the space race, they go into space, get hit with Cosmic rays, which also throw their ship into another part of the universe. They could, over the courae of a film (or preferably 2) travel throughout the galaxy trying to home, and also run into many other characters in their cb history, all the while becoming seasoned heroes and a fully functioning team.

Then, at the end, when they finally get back to earth, it's somehow current day, because science and comicbooks and stuff.

This would easily explain their absence until now, and also have them show up as fully seasoned heroes. They would also have this "we've seen shome shit" aura around them.

Also, no Dr. Doom in the F4 solo film(s). He deserves a spot in the MCU, but they shouldn't overstuff the F4 origins by linking it with Doom's origin.
TomSolo - 6/4/2016, 2:28 AM
@kong - Or here's a crazy idea...

Bring tell the F4 story in a series of 1-shots that would air either before or after each of the upcoming films, and then have them pop back into current time in Infinity Wars 2 because of somthing Thanos does accidentally, which precipitates his demise.
kong - 6/4/2016, 4:39 AM
@TomSolo - No.
TucksFrom2015 - 6/4/2016, 7:58 AM
@TomSolo - The whole timejump idea isn't even a bad suggestion, on one hand it does sound like something the MCU could pull off, but I think Kong and I are agreeing on the idea of a separate F4-verse simply because it doesn't raise those sort of questions about a continuity that you'd get more frequently with the XMCU. 13 movies in and nobody mentions those world famous explorers who were imbued with powers and disappeared into deep space simultaneously fifty years ago? And when an FF villain shows up, why would they single out one superhero team in a world populated super heroes?

How traumatized would these characters be? Everyone they knew in the 60s is now either dead or retired, they're experiencing future shock, plus Ben grimm has to deal with all of these psychological effects ON TOP of being a disfigured rock monster. It sounds like a great plan on the surface, but placed under the slightest fan scrutiny it falls apart at the seams and starts to feel like a half-baked corporate move, like some Fox execs thought it was a surefire success and pushed it past legislation, past the people who actually deal with story oversight.
Hulk94 - 6/4/2016, 10:29 AM
@WeddingTux - Complain when none of the avengers appear in the standalone films.
Complain when they don't.

You guys are a bunch of over entitled whiners.
TomSolo - 6/4/2016, 1:11 PM
@WeddingTux - Ok... I like this discussion, as it allows me to elaborate a bit and brings up some issues I didn't think of. Let's look at a few things here:

13 movies in and nobody mentions them because they were a blip on the screen in history. How often in everyday life do we bring up the Challanger explosion? Almost never. So I think this rocket ship the F4 were on could be treated as having thought to have exploded. The world would briefly morn the loss of 4 brave souls, never knowing that their ship actually survived and and that they were imbued with crazy powers.

As far as the F4 villains? Well, the cool thing here is that on their journey trying to get home, they could accidentally run into some of these villains who then track them to earth, or maybe they help out some poor planet that is under Blastarr's rule, and while never knowing this or meeting him, he's now pissed off and comes looking for them. The movie(s) could really showcase them doing good deeds while inadvertently and unknowingly pissing off a bunch of big bad wolves who will eventually come to blow their doors in.

As far as them being traumatized, Ben in particular, that's actually one point that could make this scenario work. They are lost in the middle of nowhere with only the 4 of them to get them out of this awful situation. It could be what binds them together so strongly as this family team that is so rock solid. If you introduced them straight away into a shared MCU, one might ask, "Why is Reed not spending time with Stark and other geniuses? Why isn't Ben seeking solace with someone like him, like Bruce or (depending on the release date) the Inhumans? Why is Sue attracted to this selfish duchebag with Aspergers?" In my scenario, all these things can happen when they return, but for now, they have to stick together to survive. And it makes them a fully functioning team. Ben would be mentally scarred and should be, but he the team would be running into alien races that would look at all 4 of them as strange, so it could help lessen his isolation a bit. Sue could fall for Reed because he's the only dude who is a human and not related to her.

The idea came from my love of campy sci-if and the early F4 books were full of that stuff, so I thought it could fit. I also really liked the First Avenger, as it gave Cap time to be 40's comic book Cap before putting him in the current time. I also enjoyed how so much in that movie was just explained as "science", and it worked, as the focus was on characters and not on "science". I think, with the right writers, this could work the same way, as this movie, more than most, should focus on the characters. And it could really allow them to be that fun crazy campy sci-if thing that they had going in in the books in the 50's and 60's before getting thrown into the current day with it's accords and super-serious nonsense.

Marvel has done some ballsy stuff, and while their movies aren't Oscar-caliber, they are really fun and they seem to be able to handle multiple characters and crazy comicbook sciencey stuff well enough. I trust that they could make a fun movie out of this idea. I mean, I realize they won't, but I think it would be cool to see. I feel that Fox has not handle the F4 well, and I also don't feel like they manager multiple characters in the same movie well either. I trust Marvel could make this work. And again, like you and @kong want, this gives them some time to be in their own stand-alone universe so to speak (for a while), so everybody wins!
TucksFrom2015 - 6/4/2016, 3:05 PM
@TomSolo - See, now when a concept like this is fleshed out beyond a vaguely conceived movie pitch the picture gets a little clearer, I'm still having trouble picturing an entire movie, but I can see the trailer now. There definitely are some interesting angles to approach it from character-wise, but plotwise if the 3rd act is anything big and spectacular, it would end up being an Avengers movie featuring four lesser heroes whose powers are pedestrian by comparison.

If Fant4stic proved anything about the staying power of these characters, it's that portraying the simple, starch image of a guy on fire isn't all that fantastic, it's not something that's gonna pull an audience into a theater. FF comics were always deceptively deeper than the powers themselves, the supplementary characters, worlds, realms, species were often the main attraction, which leads me to wonder if another character-driven superhero film about coping with the existential terrors of waking up in another body, and another place, isn't gonna be just as baffling and bizarre an experience as Fant4stic.

But with an F4CU populated exclusively by FF characters, a new world with a new backstory, populated by mad geniuses, aliens, portals to other dimensions, there's enough adaptable intellectual property available to rival the MCU, even though it wouldn't be half as massive as the MCU currently is. So maybe post-Infinity War Phase 4 it'd make more sense, it's hard to tell right now but I think introducing them now would be a disaster.
TheArkhamKnight - 6/3/2016, 10:19 PM

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