A few months back Marvel created a new Super-Hero, Blue Ear, to help a mother who's son had become dissenchanted with having to wear a hearing aid at school. Now Marvel has partnered with New York's Children's Hearing Institute to introduce Sapheara who teams up with Iron Man and Blue Ear in an all new one-shot comic. Sapheara. who like Blue Ear, is hearing impaired, was created to show that even those with hearing dissabilites have what it takes to match the will, strength and power of their favorite heroes necessary to battle through even the fiercest obstacles.
Marvel's and the Children's Hearing Institute of New York's goal is to help and inform children about the ways to take care of their hearing aids, and to boost their confidence and make them feel empowered about the devices they use to help their hearing.
Dr. Ronald Hoffman stated to ABCnews what they hoped to accomplish with the new characters and their goal with introducing them.
It is crucial parents and children understand the facts about hearing impairment and the many viable treatment options available for patients.
Having Sapheara as a resource for entertainment and education could help many more patients receive the evaluations and care they need to lead active and engaged lives.
Although it seems that the comic is only a one-shot, it may seem safe to assume that Marvel will continue to produce more comics, albeit in limited quantities as Dr. Hoffman has stated that he hopes the creation of the characters will help inform and educate parents and children alike on the treatments and care for children who are hearing-impaired.