Today I will share my opinion on who's better, DC or Marvel, a question that has been plauging nerd kind since the arrival of the first Avengers comic. I will judge this on 7 different types of criteria: Heroes, Villains, Movies, Animated Films, Video Games, Graphic Novels, and Teams. Feel free to comment your opinion as well! (and to make sure that everyone knows, I AM a huge DC fan, but will try to remain unbiased)
For this criteria, I found it more rational to choose Marvel, simply because of the fame factor. If I went up to anyone in the world and asked them to name 100 different Marvel heroes, they could, in a heart beat, name off Captain America, Thor, Iron Man, Hulk, Spider-Man, ect. With DC, they would get stuck off after naming Superman and Batman. In coolness of alter ego, however, Bruce Wayne and Clark Kent definatly kill Tony Stark and Steve Rogers. I also feel inclined to say most Marvel heros seem like DC rip-offs (Superman/Thor, Batman/Ironman, Kilowag/Hulk, ect)
Villains: DC
Without a doubt, Joker has been one of the most iconic villains since The Killing Joke. But there is also Lex Luthor, Ra's al Ghul, Sinestro, Bane, Brainiac, Black Manta, Merlyn ect. Marvel's villains are kind of sad to be honest; Spider-man has OK villains, Venom is definatly awesome, but seriously, Red Skull is a pussy, and Loki is a god, how does it take a god, plus a thousand other heroes to defeat him him? Talk about over powered.
Movies: Marvel
This was hardest to judge, because of my overwhelming love for The Dark Knight, but I had to judge in favor of Marvel for a few reasons: a) the over whelming number of them, b) how spuradic DC is with films, and c) box office intake/critial reception. Now, with Marvel winning with heroes and fame, it is easy to tell how they have so many movies. With DC, if it isn't Superman or Batman, it's a toss-up. It could be great, like Watchmen, or terrible, Green Lantern. Marvel, there is Iron Man, Thor, Spiderman trilogy, The First Avenger. The other problem with DC is that even if it is Batman or Superman, it could still suck (Batman and Robin, Superman IV?). Not that Marvel hasn't had it's bombs (Hulk, Fanastic Four I/II, Howard the Duck?). In fact, the only thing that truly saved Marvel here was The Avengers.
Animated Films: DC
Please, name a Marvel Animated Film? Please? Green Lanter:First Flight was mindblowing to watch, and Emerald Knights. Mystery of Batwoman, Public Enemies, Crisis on Two Earths? Now, go back to my first question, name a Marvel Animated Film.
Video Games: DC
One series. Two mindblowing, Game of the Year video games. Batman: Arkham Asylum was a groundbreaking game, followed by an equally great, possibly better, Arkham City. Hell, even the Lego Games for DC are fricken sweet. Nothing from Marvel can even compare.
Graphic Novels: DC
We got The Killing Joke, we got Knightfall, we got The Long Halloween. Man of Steel, Sword of Atlantis, and Blackest Night. Now, Extremis and Demon in a Bottle were good, but their all Marvel has, seriously.
and finnally... Teams
Justice League vs The Avengers. Now, before I answer, let me explain how this will go. I am not including Fantastic Four or the X-Men, because their more like sub-teams. The Avengers has brought heroes from all univeres, like the Justice League, unlike FF and the X-Men, which kind of did the opposite. This brings together all the previous criteria, and has to finish strong. That is why, even if they had an awesome movie, The Avengers lose. The Justice League is huge, and includes beings from all universes. But their main 13 kills the Avengers, nine out of ten times. That is why the winner of this catigory, and the list, is and always will be, DC Comics. Feel free to voice your opinions in the comments, and as always, i hope you've enjoyed reading my take on who is better:)