FAN CAST: Alpha Flight

FAN CAST: Alpha Flight FAN CAST: Alpha Flight

Here are my choices for who I think should play Canada's greatest superhero team, Alpha Flight!

By JoshWilding - Nov 06, 2009 12:11 AM EST
Filed Under: Fan Fic

Alpha Flight is a superhero movie that I would most definitely like to see make it to the big screen! Although we're all looking forward to The Avengers right now, I think that an Alpha Flight movie has the potential to be just as great! If they followed the format of the X-Men movies where the team is already assembled from the start then I can see the film having great potential in starting a whole new franchise! Anyway, here are my casting choices for the main members of the superhero team!

Matthew Fox as Guardian


James MacDonald Hudson was the original Guardian and the first leader, and creator, of Alpha Flight.

Annie Wersching as Vindicator


Heather Hudson was known as Vindicator, after the death of her husband she took over the leadership of Alpha Flight, and in time her Husband's battle-suit.

Billy Crudup as Sasquatch


A longtime member of Alpha Flight, he gained his powers while trying to duplicate the conditions that created the Hulk.

Kal Penn as Shaman


Shaman is a powerful magician who was a founding member of Alpha Flight.

Mircea Monroe as Snowbird


Snowbird is an Inuit Demi-God with the ability to change forms into any animal found in Canada.

Zachary Quinto as Northstar


Northstar is the haughty mutant speedster who has rejoined the X-men, although originally from Alpha Flight and most famous for being one of the first openly homosexual superheroes.

Katie Cassidy as Aurora


Aurora, the twin sister of Northstar, was a founding member of Alpha Flight. She also suffers from a split-personality disorder, which often causes her to be caught in precarious situations.

Martin Klebba as Puck


The bouncing and dwarfish dynamo of Alpha Flight, the good natured Puck is the heart of Alpha Flight.

Morena Baccarin as Marrina


Marrina is member of the alien race the Plodex. She was a member of Alpha Flight & honorary member of the Avengers.

So thats it, let me know what you think in the usual place and if you have any questions about why I chose these actors feel free to ask! Thanks for reading!!!

And if you haven't yet seen them, here are a list of links to my other fan casts!

The Avengers
The Avengers II
The First Avenger: Captain America
Dark, Mighty and New Avengers
Dead Space
Captain Britain
Fantastic Four
Spider-Man: The Second Trilogy
The First Avenger: Captain America II
Moon Knight
X-Men 4
Doctor Strange
Young Avengers TV Show
New Warriors TV Show
The Inhumans

And don't forget to check out my biggest fan cast of 205 Marvel Characters!!!

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Bamf7 - 11/5/2009, 8:19 AM
Haha you said it was comin'! Nice picks...especially Matthew Fox.

But why not pick Shaman for Shaman? He could use his awesome sketching powers to defend Canada!
JoshWilding - 11/5/2009, 8:43 AM
Bamf7: Thanks! :) And I would probably have cast Shaman as Shaman if I knew what he looked like, lol! He is Canadian after all so I interested to see what he'll make of this!

teabag: Thanks bud! To be honest, I couldnt think of any Native American actors who were right for the role! Penn is a great actor though and I dont think it would be too hard to cast him as a Native American especially when they completely changed Alicia Masters race in the FF movies for example, lol! Uh oh - be careful with a comment like that! MULTI's an editor now remember, hehe! :D
SlaughterHouse - 11/5/2009, 9:30 AM
I really like the Fox pick... although I think that Katie Cassidy looksa little bit like Crystal from the Inhumans lol.
LEEE777 - 11/5/2009, 9:41 AM
First, why is MATTHEW (THE FLASH) FOX GUARDIAN?? Oh hell i can see him as GUARDIAN too nice pick!

I do like this casting and i'd love to see a ALPHA FLIGHT movie, though has FOX got the rights to this? Even though they shouldn't have them as its not really X-MEN as such, anyway i like your picks though obviously MORENA for MARRINA i would have an issue with lol, coz i cast her as WASP.

PUCKS perfect ive seen that guy cast for him before somewhere, kudos for that.

Dont know who that KATIE Chic is so cant comment on her, though she looks the part!

Didn't you cast that MONROE as a INVADER? I'll check that out in a min lol, but yeah shes a sweet SNOWBIRD dude!!

We'll hi 5 for QUINTO a billion times better for NORTHSTAR than NAMOR dude!! QUINTO could bite his teeth into a role like that big time! Someone said WELLING but this picks even better!

Not sure on SHAMAN that guy makes everything he's in a comedy, though it could work bro!?

BILLY, great pick!!

Hey this was my pick for MARRINA! ASHLEY SCOTT born for the role! What ya think? Though i like yours too of course, just got her for WASP thats all!! ; D

JoshWilding - 11/5/2009, 10:07 AM
LEE: Thanks man! :)

Im not sure who own the rights...I guess that they are probably seen as X-Men character so Im guessing that its Fox unforunately! :(

Not sure about Baccarin as Wasp but i could definitely see it working! I like your choice for Marrina though - she looks the part even more than my pick (though I havent seen her act I dont think) An actor like Quinto would be perfect for Northtar - his role as Spock had the same aloof, snooty personality IMO! Cassidy's been in Supernatural and she's a decent actress! (and hot as hell as well, lol!) Not sure if I cast Monroe as an Invader though...I'll check now!

I cast Klebba as Puck in my 205 character fan cast and I also cast Welling as Northstar in that one as well so thats probably where you've seen them before, lol! I think that Penn could do a more serious type character (as he did a few years back in 24 or even more recently in House) Its just a pity he's not doing much in the way of acting anymore as he's working for Obama apparently!

Lol, I know Fox is you top choice for The Flash but I could see him doing really good as Guardian and I have a feeling that he and Crrudup would have great onscreen chemistry!
THEHAWK - 11/5/2009, 10:25 AM
Not bad. I don't care for yor Guardian or Shaman pick. Other than that I'm good.

Sadly the rights to Alpha Flight is owned by FOX. Even though they are a seperate team than X-Men, Alpha Flight first appeared in Uncanny X-Men...SOoo the film rights are earned by FOX as long as FOX is making X-Men movies and retaines the rights.
LEEE777 - 11/5/2009, 10:34 AM
What was MARVEL thinking giving ALPHA FLIGHT away too????

JOSH @ Yeah man, your right, it must've been your NORTHSTAR and the pick for PUCK lol!

Your deff right for QUINTO!! Kudos, he'd so own that role, plus its something he's never done before, amazing pick!

Yeah i can deff see BILLY an MATT work well together on the big screen!! Good stuff man, your castings are getting better an better!! ; )
LEEE777 - 11/5/2009, 10:36 AM
This is X-MEN approved!! ; D

JoshWilding - 11/5/2009, 11:55 AM
THEHAWK: Thanks man! :) Damn pity about Fox owning the rights though because whoever ends up in these roles (if they were to ever make an Alpha Flight movie) it would still probably end up being crap!

LEE: LOL! Thanks bud! When will you be doing another fan cast? Its feels like its been a while!? Im working on a Heroes For Hire cast at the moment so you'll find that up sometime tomorrow!
LEEE777 - 11/5/2009, 12:54 PM
JOSH @ Cool heh!! Hey, i did two AVENGER ones well,, an ULTIMATES and a AVENGERS one 3 or 4 days ago???? WTF you on about lol?!

ANIL @ JARED PADELICKI is a much better NOVA dude, he's spot on!!
JoshWilding - 11/5/2009, 1:03 PM
Anil Rickly: Nope, never chose a Guardian before now (well, I did make the awful choice of picking Brad Pitt in my 205 character fan cast a while back, lol) I could see Padalecki as Northstar but Id prefer to see him as Nova or Quicksilver! I also sort of want to see Quinto as Namor but I think he may be a little too scrawny...he'd also make a good Daken IMO! :)

LEE: LOL - I dunno what the [frick] is wrong with me! I forgot somehow!!! I've been so busy making mine, I can barely remember any others, hehe!
DDD - 11/6/2009, 3:53 AM
Good cast Josh@! The only one I disagree with
a little bit is Kal Pen as Shaman. Kal's East
Indian not Native American Indian!
Now the actual guy to play Shaman is this man--
MICHAEL SPEARS. He's 6'2 and impressive-

Shaman - 11/6/2009, 9:20 AM
LOL Decent cast Josh, but i couldn't be Shaman in Alpha Flight LOL :P I'm Canadian but not Native American. I look like Kratos(GOW) alot more than The Alpha Flight Shaman. But i don't have the muscles and i'm only 5'8 LOL. I'm as hairy as Sasquatch though! I guess i could pull off Daken too if they don't pay much attention to the character's race. He's half asian right?

DDD- That's a very decent choice for Shaman, bor! Good Call ;)

As for NorthStar... i dunno about Quinto. Padelecki could fit a bit better but he also does as Nova. I think there are plenty of actors that could play the part but i can't think of them ;P
Ibakedeskimo - 4/15/2010, 10:43 PM
U could cast me as shaman... I am a large eskimo... not canadian though... lol but yeah a REAL NATIVE for Shaman please... and u cant use the fantastic four race change card because his name IS SHAMAN... thats a native american term man.... but I think i am thr resident indian looking for non natives cast as native here... lol I vote for eric schweig for shaman... He is a big ass injun
Jeri - 8/23/2010, 7:28 PM
Is Matt Fox Canadian? A Canadian should play Guardian.

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