Hello and welcome to the fancast of Justice League Dark. With a upcoming film to be DIrected by Gullermo Del Toro, here are my picks for the main characters. I do alway try and be original with my choices therefore you may not see the more popular choices seen on other fancasts.
Anyway I look forward to all your feedback.
John Constantine: John Constantine, the Occult detective from Liverpool. Uses his cunning and smarts to get him out of dangerous situations. Has great knowledge of the Supernatural, which make him a formidable opponent to evil. More of an Anti-Hero than straight out heroic. Was initially designed to look like Sting when he was fist created.
Jonathan Rhys Meyers: Intense actor who has gone from strength to strength as his career has continued. Was a great Henry in The Tudors as well as a fantastic Dracula. Shown in previous choice that he is not afraid of playing iconic characters. Has also starred in many genres, including romance and comedy. I believe that he has the skill to portray John Constantine and all the facets of his character. Also he looks like the character in that picture on the far right. Is English so should hopefully be able to do a scouse accent.

Zatanna Zatara: Zatanna is one of the most powerful sorceresses in the DC universe, with her abilities being possibly genetic. In tribute to her father, Giovanni Zatara, she usually casts her spells by speaking verbal commands backwards. Also is a notable Stage Magician. Her powers also include Telekenisis and telepathy.
Zooey Deschanel: Stunning actress who looks like Zatanna. Is captivating on New Girl, and has shown great talent in films like (500) Days of Summer and Our Idiot Brother. Has starred in films of various genres, and has the skills to portray all of Zatana's characteristics, being able to bring a certain innocence to the role. Similar in age to Jonathan Rhys Meyers, I believe that they would have chemistry.
Deadman: Also known as Boston Brand is a supernatural superhero and ghost. Former Circus Trapeze artist, who was murdered by a mysterious assailent. His spirit haunts the mortal realm and brings justice to those who need it. Can possess the living as he cannot otherwise come into contact with others.
Zachary Quinto: Famously has played Spock on the big screen where he is able to portray the complicated Vulcan with real intensity and emotion when required. Was fantastic as Sylar in season one of Heroes where he played the baddie with threatening and evil menace, before they tried to make him a hero. Has the stature to portray Deadman, and surely will play the character with true heroism. Surely is due a comic book movie role.
Shade the Changing Man: An Alien from the Planet Meta. Fights using the M Vest which gives him powers to generate a strong force-field that grants him limited invulnerability and flight, in addition to projecting a distorted version of his image to any opponents. Also is a shape shifter and has the powers of duplication.
Tom Mison: British actor and most probably well known for playing Ichabod Crane. Admittedly this is the only thing that I have seen him in but he portrays the character with humour as well as intensity when required. Would be able to play the fish out of water aspect of Shade quite well with him being an alien.
Madame Xanadu: Mystic and fortune teller, her history is connected to that of Camelot. She focuses her powers of occult sensitivity through tarot cards. Xanadu can levitate objects, teleport herself, and banish demons. Madame Xanadu is immortal, never aging and unable to die of natural causes thanks to her deal with Death.
Olga Kurylenko: Exotic actress who has a lot of experience starring in action films, with leading roles in Quantom of Solace and November Man. Would be able to portray the immortal Xanadu with calmness and intelligence.
Frankentstein: Undead creature stitched together from several corpses, as per Mary Shelleys book, although his appearance is more similar to the Hammer horror films. Became a government agent, taking care of supernatural threats with his flaming sword and flintlock pistol. He has superhuman strength and does not need to eat or sleep.
Hafthór Júlíus Björnsson: Stars as the fearsome Gregor Clegane in Game of Thrones, where his size as well as the brutality of the character make him an intimidating prospect. Would be able to portray a huge Frankenstein owing to his natural stature.
Swamp-Thing: He is an elemental creature who shares a connection to all plant life on the planet Earth through a network called the Green. He is a mass of vegetable matter that absorbed the memories and personality of Alec Holland, a botanist who died in a swamp shortly after creating a hormonal Bio-Restorative Formula for plants.
Eric Bana: Fantastic actor and someone who initially made his breakthrough in Hollywood playing the Hulk, and of course had starred in Black Hawk Down. Was the best thing in Troy and played a tormented character in The Time Travellers Wife. Has starred in films of many genres and is a superb actor. Would be able to portray the Humanity behind the monster of Swamp-Thing. He needs to play Solid Snake if a films is ever made of Metal Gear Solid.
Anyway, thank you for taking the time to read my fancast. Follow me on Twitter @simply_az
Peace and Love,
Simply Az