Editorial: Uwe Boll's Justice League Vision and Why it Should Happen

Editorial: Uwe Boll's Justice League Vision and Why it Should Happen

I am The Comic Critic and for my first article I would like to discuss the perfect director for Justice League, Uwe Boll and why he should, plus I also include a fan-cast too.

Editorial Opinion
By ComicCritic - Aug 09, 2012 03:08 PM EST
Filed Under: Fan Fic

Hello and I'm The Comic Critic,

Now to get started, when most of us hear the name Uwe Boll, like many other film directors such as Joel Schumacher I guess you can say most of us have a sinking feeling in our heart. Uwe Boll is known for his crazy over the top Asylum styled films. Mostly he is the guy that is hated by film critics and fans everywhere. He also has a load of video game based films on his plate so you can count that as experience also. But we have never seen a higher level Uwe Boll film before. You can not just say Michael Bay is Uwe Boll with money, both these directors as you know have very much different styles of film making. Out of all this I prefer Uwe Boll, he reminds me of the kid inside wanting to make films for people to enjoy. These are films that remind me of my teenage years creating skateboarding films with my friends at the skate park and adding cool effects like explosions and all this crazy stuff. He is basically despite his bad record with some films, the child prodigy of an up and coming film director at heart. We can not blame him for his films, like most directors he has a vision but it has not been fulfilled yet. He has a university diploma, he owns his own movie studio, this is a man who wants to rise to the top. He needs much more of a challenge when it comes to film making. Which is why I think Justice League would be his great big budget film for everyone to see how truly inspired he is.

As quoted from Uwe Boll himself, he wants to make good entertaining films that are solid and have a good base to them. So why not a film of the super hero genre such as Justice League. May I remind some comic book fans that you always don't need a lot of experience in this genre to start making something extraordinary. Zack Snyder started off as an unknown to one of his first feature films Dawn of The Dead. Would you believe a few years from then he would be directing a film based on one of our most iconic superheroes of all time? No one would have ever believed it at such a time then. From Sam Raimi known for his horror films such as Army of Darkness to directing Spider-man,no one would have ever believed that would have ever happened. Even the same counts for Joss Whedon who made science fiction television shows with a major fan base till today, directing The Avengers.

Despite some of Boll's lower budget film, this is the perfect chance for him to expand on his film making and script building. With the right amount of money given to him and freedom of creative power this man could create possibly one of the greatest superhero films next to Joss Whedon's The Avengers. I have recently watched one of Uwe Boll's better films in my opinion which is called Rampage. It follows a man going on a killing spree fuelled by anger and hatred against humanity. I would have never believed it was directed by him at first because it was that good of an action film. If he can expand on a level similar to that film we can have another potential winner on our hands from him.

If we have Nolan producing the film and helping Uwe Boll along the way it would make the dream project even better. The main casting would be as followed on this list.

Batman/Bruce Wayne - Benjamin Walker

Walker would make a great young and upcoming Bruce Wayne. We have seen a older side of him played by Bale so how about a new fresh one we have not seen yet. Walker recently started in Abraham Lincoln:Vampire Hunter,despite some problems with the film I found his acting great. It would be a perfect dream casting.

Superman/Clark Kent - Gerard Butler

This guy is an amazing action star and we all know how awesome he can be when he comes up on the screen. From the film 300 to his other exciting characters. He has demonstrated he can play a strong figure, a symbol to all. So lets give him a chance people.

Green Lantern/Hal Jordan - Anton Yelchin

He is a great up and coming young actor like Benjamin Walker. He has great comedy plus the spirit to pull of a different Green Lantern from Ryan Reynolds version. Plus he has starred in a few major blockbuster's such as Star Trek so he knows what the level of this film would be already.

The Flash/Barry Allen - Garrett Hedlund

I've only seen him in one film which was Tron Legacy.But this kid has the acting chops.Like I say give him a chance also.

Aquaman/Arthur Curry - Liam Hemsworth

Recently starred in The Hunger Games and now upcoming in The Expendables 2. This kid can handle a role such as Aquaman, he has the looks for the part but when it comes to acting we have to see.

Martian Manhunter/J'onn J'onzz - Tony Todd

Who can play an alien and still seem threatening. When I think of Martian Manhunter his name first came to me. He has the voice similar to the animated series. This guy is a mean actor and I mean great. In any role you give him no matter how crazy it is.

Wonder Woman/Diana - Teresa Palmer

Wonder Woman I believe needs a young actress in the role. That is why I picked her. Her personality may not match the character but it comes down when in the costume and how you act in the role. With a few lessons on the character she would do fine in the film. Plus she has experience in action films now.

And all of this directed by Uwe Boll. It's the perfect vision so make it happen Warner Bros and DC!
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ralfinader - 8/9/2012, 3:18 PM
I want my money back after reading this article...just like I have the few times I was stupid enough to watch a Uwe Boll movie.
GOTG - 8/9/2012, 3:33 PM
why dont u include henry cavill thr not gonna cast a new new superman bcos uwe bole, oh sorry YOU think it would be a good idea
CorndogBurglar - 8/9/2012, 3:54 PM
Uwe Boll? Why would anyone pick someone with a horrible track record and expect them to shine? You are asking for a failure when there are so many more people out there that would be fantastic. The logic here just doesnt make any sense.
Durf - 8/9/2012, 4:01 PM
I read Uwe Boll and just quit reading...
95 - 8/9/2012, 4:24 PM
whoa123 - 8/9/2012, 5:17 PM
You high bro?
kong - 8/9/2012, 7:00 PM
Anton Yelchin as Flash! Galactus please take this article down NOW!!!
SoFresh - 8/9/2012, 8:28 PM
SoFresh - 8/9/2012, 8:32 PM
I had never actually gotten pissed off at an article just because of it´s sheer stupidity, but damn dude you´re a [frick]ing retard.

It´s not even funny.
BlazinTexan - 8/9/2012, 8:44 PM
LOL someone gave you oregano instead of some bud. And No I don't want any.
TonyChu - 8/9/2012, 11:58 PM
Congratulations!! This is the worst CBM article of all time.
TonyChu - 8/10/2012, 12:00 AM
I was actually expecting to laugh at this shit but I am actually pretty pretty kissed I even read this. Have you ever seen an Uwe Boll film? He makes Michael Bay look like Martin Scorsesse.
hellfire - 8/10/2012, 1:03 AM
All I can say is

hellfire - 8/10/2012, 1:06 AM
BigDamnHero - 8/10/2012, 4:49 AM
HAHAHAHAHA!... Wait... You're serious??

Everybody is entitled to their own opinion... Except this guy.
xcrementus - 8/10/2012, 8:36 AM
JackyTimish...the Uwe Boll of CBM articles.
6of13 - 8/10/2012, 8:46 AM
This belongs in fan fic. You need a director with talent and vision for a JL movie.
NerdyGeek - 8/10/2012, 8:46 AM
Hey JackyTimish...

CharlesLord - 8/10/2012, 9:04 AM
I actually wasted 5 minutes watching that Rampage trailer....im gonna need that time on my deathbed saying goodbye to my family...
MrCameron - 8/10/2012, 1:46 PM
DDD - 8/10/2012, 1:55 PM
MercMatt - 8/11/2012, 8:15 AM
Gah! Did you write this article with the intention of getting heat??? Suggesting Uwe Boll for any movie is like Hollywood suicide, but you suggest him for Justice League??? Ugh! This is just terrible. I can't help but think that this article was just thrown together with the intention of annoying the shit out of people.
bane187 - 8/11/2012, 2:12 PM
Damn this guy ain't funny he's jst dumb I gotta go puke now
onionfabre - 8/11/2012, 3:53 PM
I think this guy is joking. All of his articles look like thinly-veiled satire. At first I believed him with this, but then I realized nobody is sane and thinks that Uwe Boll should go anywhere near a Justice League condom.
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