FAN FIC: Guardians of the Galaxy

FAN FIC: Guardians of the Galaxy

I write out my dream story for a Guardians of the Galaxy movie, which we now know is coming. Read on if you're interested in how I think they can make the Guardians work on-screen.

By TheRedHood - Aug 21, 2012 09:08 PM EST
Filed Under: Fan Fic

Here's my take on how a Guardians of the Galaxy movie will work. Keep in mind, I'm a fan of the characters, and like Marvel, I'm not afraid to adapt from different storylines if it means telling a great story. So this won't be a direct adaption of Annihilation or The Thanos Imperative. This will take from different stories, where needed, to help flesh out the story and the characters. I've already fan-casted this movie HERE. So you can reference that if you're looking to visually see the characters that I'm talking about and the actors I've chosen for them.

The movie starts with a bang (literally) as a metal door is ripped open. It's Thanos, and as he chucks the door aside, he darts for Star-Lord who's at a neighbouring console. Star-Lord is not equipped, and is quickly grabbed by Thanos who starts choking Peter Quill. A bright crimson blast hits Thanos in the back, it's Rocket Raccoon in a giant hulking mech. Rocket calibrates targeting lasers on Thanos again and says to Thanos "I don't need to kill ya. In fact, that's what you'd love isn't it? Nah, I'm going to torture ya, and really keep you an inch away from Deaths door. I know you don't fear death, but I'm threatening you with far worse". Thanos drops Quill and puts his arms behind his head as a sign of his surrender. Rocket asks Star-Lord if he's alright, Quill gets up and his mask retracts revealing his face; he says to Rocket "I've dealt with worse"

Cut to the Milky way, the camera pans down a planetary alignment to Earth, where it shows a young Peter Quill being born; with the doctor saying how Quill is destined for "many great things" fast forward to a domestic abuse within his home. Quill's father and his wife are fighting in the other room, as Quills mother is tossed aside, his father walks towards Peter with a knife. Peter, as an infant, stands as his Father suddenly drops dead of a heart attack. Quill in the next scene is in an orphanage, where he's plotting his escape. Cut to NASA, as an adult Quill is driving up to a NASA facility. Recruiter is asking Quill questions about his life, even commenting on how turbulent his life is. Quill replies that he's "always managed a way out somehow"

We see Quill approved to travel to an orbital station, he asks his superior if he's going to that nice new S.W.O.R.D. station. To which his superior tells him that they found a "cute blonde for that station".

Quill is seen next aboard the station, doing readouts and scans of space. His co-pilot asks him if he's getting lonely and bored up at the station as he says that not even an intervention by God himself could get him excited. Everything freezes, including the co-pilot. The Master of the Sun appears and we see Quill staring at the Master, the Master seemingly points at Quill; the Master asks Quill if he's Smith, his co-pilot. Without hesitation, Quill lies and says "Yes". The Master speaks about how 'Smith' is a worthy candidate. Quill then asks what he's worthy to be, and with that, the Master whisks Quill away.

Quill wakes up on the 'Ship'. He's now wearing the Star-Lord armor that we all know and love. Befuddled, Peter asks the Master what this is, and the Master replies that he is now "the Star-Lord".

Peter walks around the ship but hears footsteps, he hides behind a console as the Fallen One lumbers around the ship. Quill is hesitant, and whispers to himself "What am I supposed to do with that thing?". The Ship responds with a loud intercom voice telling Quill that "Apprehension of the Fallen One and his subsequent delivery to Kyln is linked to a bounty". Quill then knows that the Fallen One knows where he is. He sees two guns on a nearby table and picks them up. He starts firing at the Fallen One, who then travels behind Quill and flings him across the ship. Quill then asks the ship if it doesn't mind helping, to which the computer declines, citing 'too many variables'. A fierce firefight ensues, with Quill is on the losing end. He's knocked onto his back, the Fallen One then comes to finish off Quill, who shoots a nearby canister which blows up, sending the Fallen One into a nearby wall. Quill asks the computer if it can help now, the ship then deploys a field around the Fallen One. To which Quill then congratulates himself, he asks the ship what it knows about the Fallen One. The ship then states that the Fallen One is capable of utilizing black matter to "augment his strength, durability, manipulate time and space, project energy, and create black holes" as the computer finishes, Quill looks shocked. He turns around and notices the Fallen One concentrating, he's forming a Black Hole in the middle of the ship. He yells at the ship to do something. The ship then lists off options and as we see a breach in the ships hull, Quill starts feeling the vacuum and yells at the ship to just do something. The ship then shocks the Fallen One and incapacitates him, Quill looks around and sees the damage to his ship, the ship comments that "that could've been conducted better" to which Quill replies, "sometimes you only have a tenth of a second"

Quill arrives at Kyln, where he's asked to identify himself. As he does, he boards Kyln and walks off. He sees a man standing to greet him, as he walks to greet the man, he's shocked himself and transported along with the Fallen One. Both wake up in a cell together, Quill states that if he tries that whole black hole business again that he'll seriously have to come down hard on the Fallen One. The Fallen One states that humans are not prepared for the cosmic powers that be, and that there are things humans are better off not knowing.

Quill looks to his side and sees to his immediate side, a cell containing Gamora, Drax, and Rocket. He turns to Rocket and asks if there's anything to eat, or if they have to wait until a trash can rolls around. Rocket replies, saying that he's insulted by that. Quill is shocked, and asks Rocket if he's the only human on board. Rocket then says no, that the man that he saw when he got off is Richard Rider. He also says that Drax once was. Gamora then chimes in that she's surprised that a human has lasted so long. Rider then comes up and shocks the Fallen One, opens the door, and says, "So, you're the new Star-Lord huh?"

We see Rider and Quill in a room, and Rider asks Quill if he's really up to the task, Quill states that he's still a little confused as to what this all means. Rider then states that Quill is a part of a larger universe, and that he may stumble a couple times. He tells Quill that he needs him for a job. That there's items he needs retrieving, and that he needs Quill to go after the items. Remaining coy, he says that he may want a team. Rider and Quill return to the cells. He looks at Rocket and asks Rocket what he's good at. Rocket then says that Rider knows, and that if Rider allowed him his weapons he'd be able to show Quill what he can do. Quill looks to Rider and Rider nods. Gamora then says that if Quill is recruiting for a job, that he may want her help. Quill agrees. Quill looks at Drax and asks Drax if he's in. Drax looks at Quill and asks Rider if they're thinking of using Thanos. Rider hesitates, and stalls. Drax says that he knows Thanos is on-board at Kyln. Quill asks Rider what's the deal with Drax.

We cut to a flashback. Rider states that Drax was once Arthur Douglas, and that he was once a normal human being just like one of them. As they're driving on the desert road, they see a spaceship overhead. Arthur stops the car and gets out, Rider states that Thanos is not the one to leave witnesses. Thanos then fires on their car sending all three of them flying. Arthurs wife is dead, and his daughter is barely alive.  She's beamed aboard amidst the chaos, with Arthur thinking she's dead breaks into tears. He too is beamed onboard. In a chamber, we see a man in green and yellow attire tending to a broken Arthur. He states to Arthur that everything in the universe has a counter to it, and that there must be a champion to bring balance to all the chaos and death in the universe. He rechristens Arthur as Drax the Destroyer.

Rider then states that Drax has one sole purpose, To kill Thanos. Quill then asks Rider if Thanos could be trusted, Rider laughs and says that only a desperate man would trust Thanos. Quill and Rider visit a more secure portion of Kyln where Thanos is defended by Quasar and Groot.  They move aside and a small slot is opened, to which Thanos approaches the door. He looks at Quill and Rider and simply grins. Rider tells Thanos, that he's needed for a job. Thanos asks Rider how much blood will stain his hands, and Rider simply locks him back up. Quill says, "I may not know what's going on, but something tells me that I can't trust this guy."

The team is together, with Groot and Quasar at the meeting. Rider states that they are the best that he can muster. He shows video of the Infinity Gems. Gamora states that she knows of the gems, and that they are a formidable force. Rider agrees, but points out that there are only five gems. He states that one is missing to complete the set. He tells the team that they need to retrieve these gems, and that they are better off in their hands then that of others. Rider points out that everyone will receive freedom once they retrieve the gems. Quill looks at the gems. We see a screen showing the five gems. Quill says "Wow. Time, Space, Mind, Reality, and Power. Whoever owns these would be pretty damn powerful". To which Rider says, "and that's what we're afraid of"

We see the team on the newly repaired ship. Quill looks at all of them, and looking hesitant, says to the crew. "This is still all new to me, but I don't know about some of you but I really don't want to be stuck at that place again. Let's get these gems, and bring some sort of balance to the universe". Rocket grins, and says to Quill, "Balance…I like that, we're like guardians of sorts…Guardians of the Galaxy". Quill smirks in agreement.

The ship pulls up to The Universal Church of Truth. Gamora tells Quill that the Church worships a man named Magus; stating that Magus was once a great cosmic adventurer that was transported to the realm of Chaos and Order. When he returned, he returned as Magus; saying how whoever he was before, the church sees him only as Magus. Quill then asks how Gamora can know so much about the Church. She describes how she's the last of her race, and that she was once trained to be an assassin by Thanos. She states that she murdered the Black Knights, the agents of the Church. She says that Magus is a powerful being, but that there has to be more to it, that even she doesn't know. Quill asks if that's all she's willing to share, to which she says the rest of her stories aren't hers but 'her swords'.

Quill states that the Church has apparently been dormant for sometime, and that he has reason to believe that Magus may be off somewhere else, and that to get the Gem now would be a perfect opportunity. As they walk around the church, they're ambushed by members of the Church, the Black Knights. The team then has its first fight together. Groot squashes the members almost effortlessly, Gamora is hacking and slashing members. Quasar is creating constructs like walls to ward off foes, and huge blasts of energy. Rocket and Quill are fighting back-to-back. They survive the ambush. Quill looks over at Drax who's standing in a spot doing nothing, Quill states that he could use Drax's help. Drax states that he's simply conserving his energy for a more crucial time.

The team follows the halls and reaches a room with a cocoon on a table. As they approach, the In-betweener attacks the team. An all out fight ensues, with much of the team being incapacitated rather quickly. Rocket yells at Quill for some 'orders worth following'. Quill then directs Quasar to trap the In-betweener, he's strapped to a nearby pillar where Rocket fires a large rocket at the being. Unphased, Rocket is dispatched, Quill then orders Groot to smash the In-betweener; but the the In-betweener grabs a nearby torch and lights Groot on fire. The in-Betweener then fires on Quasar. Drax is still standing still, doing nothing. Quill is on the ground, and sees Drax, he tells Drax that if he helps Quill, that Quill will give him his opportunity to kill Thanos. Drax then agrees; and as Gamora is fighting the In-Betweener, Drax then comes from behind and knocks the In-Betweener to the floor. Gamora then takes her sword and stabs the In-Betweener who then says that he'll still be able to see the return of the great Magus. He then disappears.

Groot recovers, and asks Quill about the cocoon. Quill asks Drax and Gamora, who state that the cocoon has an immense amount of power within it, but that it's too hard to identify. Rocket then suggests that they take it to Rider. Quill agrees, and as Groot takes the cocoon. Gamora says that while they didn't find an Infinity Gem, that she's still sure they found something imperative to the universes survival, and Drax then adds, "or its destruction".

At the Kyln, Rider states that he knew about the cocoon and that he knew there wasn't a gem there. He states that he really thought no one could walk into The Universal Church of Truth and walk away with one of their most prized possessions. He states that they still don't know what it is, but insist that their top scientists will be on the case. As the rest of the team leaves, he sees his team, battered but willing to fight again. He turns back to Rider and says, "I know I'm not supposed to trust that big purple monster, but if he's as powerful as everyone hypes him up as, I could use him". Rider then says to Quill, that if he wants to take that risk, that he might want to prepare for the worst case scenario. Quill says, "just get him on my ship"

Thanos' cell is loaded onto the ship, and Rider says over the intercom that Thanos is all his now. Drax stands ready, with his hands on his knives. Quill looks at the handle, ready to release him, but figures that he'll do so after he has a good meal.

Inside the cell, Thanos is then shown in his cell, with his small slot closed we then cut to Thanos in the presence of Death. He pleads with Death to show her that she loves him. She then displays the six gems, and shows Thanos a vision of him destroying half the known universe. As Thanos awakens, he's now with the Gauntlet.

He breaks out of his cell, and we are now at the beginning of the movie, where he's now running amok on the ship. He almost kills Quill but Rocket simmers him down. With everyone around the table, including Thanos. Quill tells Thanos that he needs to get these gems, and if Thanos helps, he'll then try to orchestrate a lighter sentence for Thanos. Thanos sees the gems on the screen and simply grins. He says to Quill that the Gems are all powerful, and that to go after them will be a difficult task. Quill then tells Thanos that he's used to taking risks, and that Thanos is his biggest risk yet.

The crew lands on Tarmata, where the Champion is fighting huge armies all at once. He yells that he's yet to find a worthy adversary. Quill sees the Power Gem on the Champion and offers to fight. Rocket shakes his head and says "what is he doing?" and Thanos says that Quill is taking the risk, and that he respects and admires Quill for it. Quill fights the Champion but is single-handily defeated. Gamora, Quasar, and Drax offer their services but Quill refuses. Thanos then grabs Quills shoulders and asks Quill if he'd like to utilize Thanos. Thanos states, "you took a risk with me Star-Lord, I only feel it's right that you see what I can do". Thanos then rushes to the Champion and picks him up, jumping high into the atmosphere. A weakened Champion is in space, where Thanos is choking him, the Champion is slowly dying. Thanos then offers him life on a distant planet, if he surrenders the Power Gem. Thinking it to be worthless, the Champion hands it over to Thanos. He then sends the Champion back onto the surface where his impact blows everyone off their feet.The Champion is killed. Thanos arrives on the surface, and as he gets back up, he opens his hand to show the Power Gem. Quill then smiles and says 'that's more like it'.

We next see the Gardner on the Blue Side of the Moon. He traps everyone in thick brush and trunks, but Groot is made all the more powerful. Even with the Time Gem, Groot is able to smash the Gardener, proclaiming his infamous line "I am Groot". The Time Gem is now with the team.

The team is then contemplating going after the Collector for the Reality Gem. Thanos then states that he knows of the Collector, and can get an audience with him. We then see Thanos talking to the Collector, claiming to have a prize so valuable that the Collector would be willing to trade his Reality Gem. They then go after the Runner. Quill asks Thanos how he plans to stop the fastest being in the universe, Drax even laughs at the notion. Thanos hold the Time Gem. As he goes out of the ship, he hovers and waits. In flash of a second we see the Runner dart by, Thanos then uses the Time Gem and we see a decrepit old man fling around the galaxy. He floats on over to Thanos. Thanos then states that for a man who can escape time, he's rather bad once it catches up to him. Thanos then takes the Runner into the ship. Quill looks at the decrepit old man and we see a look on Drax's face. He's starting to piece together Thanos' plot, he has a look of distrust and yet can't seem to figure it all out. Thanos then takes the Space Gem off the Runner and simply grins.

As they meet with the Collector, Thanos offers the decrepid Runner in exchange for the Reality Gem. Believing it to be a fair trade, the Collector offers Thanos the Gem, and with that, Thanos uses the Time Gem to freeze both Elders in place.

As they plot to go after the last Gem, the Mind Gem. Drax confronts Thanos. Drax states that he knows Thanos is along only to grab his hands on the Gems. Thanos states that with five, it's proven to do do nothing. Stating that the mythical 6th gem would be all that's needed to destroy half the known universe; but then Thanos states that if he were to find this sixth gem he'd find many ways to destroy Drax all over again, as Thanos states, "I'll make you relive our first encounter many times over". Drax then attacks Thanos, and a huge fight ensures, with Thanos gaining the upper hand, Drax then sends him to the floor. Drax then goes to stab Thanos, but Thanos then places his hands on Drax's head and blasts him. Drax is killed, slumped to the floor. He then is interrupted by the rest of the Guardians. Thanos then states that Drax fought him, and that thanks had to defend himself. The team looks hesitant, but nothing can be done for the moment.

As they approach the Grandmaster, Gamora and Quasar are watching Thanos. Rocket asks Thanos if he wants to do this without the gems. Thanos states that they help. Rocket then says, "who do they help? Us or you?"

As the crew approaches, Thanos plans to go alone, but Quill asserts himself and the rest of the team. As they land, the Grandmaster asks the Guardians why they are here. Quill states that they are here to grab the Mind Gem off his hands. The Grandmaster asks Quill if he'd be interested in a game. Rocket asserts that Quill is a master strategist, and the Grandmaster replies, "So am I". The team then fights robots sent by the Grandmaster. Quill is deploying all of his team with near perfection. They final find a small alcove to which the Grandmaster resides, he renders all of their weapons ineffective. He then displays the Mind Gem. Possessing Thanos, he leads Thanos to Quill, and orders Thanos to kill Quill; yet Thanos then turns and grabs the Power Gem He then is invincible, deflecting all attacks by the Grandmaster, he then grabs the Mind Gem and possesses the Grandmaster. He then states that the Grandmaster can will the death or resurrection of anyone. He then wills the Grandmaster to kill himself.

The Guardians arrive back at Kyln, with the five power gems on Riders desk. Rider then states that he's impressed, and that everyone will be given a discharge. He then asks Quill if there's anything else he can do for him, and he says "Lock up Thanos".

The team is then alerted by Scientists that they believe the cocoon is about to hatch. Quill is then told by Rider that this comes first, but they'll lock up Thanos immediately after. As they go down to a scientific lab, the cocoon is opening. As everyone watches, out comes Adam Warlock. Everyone is ready to shoot him, but he asks that they head his warning, Quasar tells the team that they should hear what Adam Warlock has to say. He then states that they must stop Thanos. He shares a vision of Thanos with his Gauntlet, filled with all six Infinity Gems. Quill turns to Thanos who has the five Gems. He uses all of them to incapacitate the team. He then walks up to Adam Warlock and removes the Soul Gem. He places all six gems in his Gauntlet. He now wields the Infinity Gauntlet. He rips a hole straight through the ship, and tells everyone that they now are talking to a God.

Everyone is incapacitated, Adam Warlock crawls over to Quill and tells him how they'll need an army to combat Thanos. Quill is angry with himself, he took the risk of working with Thanos and he now has created a God. He gets up and orders his whole team to go after Thanos. They're all defeated, Rocket then tells Quill that "we're in no shape to take on a God". Adam then states that he can help, and tells Quill that there are many heroes on Earth, his home planet, who can help. Quill, defeated, he can't do any more. He then turns to Adam and tells him to head to Earth and get him the army he needs.

Thanos is in front of Death. He tells Death that he's gathered the gems, and thinks of himself as being worthy of her love. She goes to embrace him, but stops short of kissing him. She turns and walks away, he yells at Death, demanding she let him know what he needs to do. The Other then comes up and tells her that she sees him as a superior, and not an equal. Thanos then turns in anger, and in his sights is Earth. Meanwhile, Loki appears. To which he sees Thanos and The Other and states, 'I need an Army'.

Film Ends.

Stinger: Drax is resurrected by Death; she points at Earth. Where Adam Warlock is fast approaching.

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Bam - 8/22/2012, 2:03 PM
I read it, its pretty decent fanfic and a relatable and easy enough premise for an actual movie. Especialy taking into account the majority of the audience not being familiar with the property. With some good visuals a nice relatable space story like this and a stellar cast I could definitely see this stretched into a perfect prelude to the Avengers.
Bam - 8/22/2012, 2:11 PM
One problemo though is that it doesnt fit in with the Marvel movie universe cause the infinity gauntlet is sitting in the old shed outside Odin's house. As just random fan fic though, good stuff.
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