Star Wars Episode VII: A Rogue's Odyssey fan Cast

Star Wars Episode VII: A Rogue's Odyssey fan Cast

With the cast of the new Star Wars announced I thought I'd take a swing at casting the new movie and ideas on what should happen.

By FishTacoLover - May 05, 2014 12:05 AM EST
Filed Under: Fan Fic
Source: Darren Taylor


      It’s been over thirty years since the Galactic Empire has fallen and peace seems almost obtainable. Chief of state Lando Calrissian and his second in command Leia Organa, rule over the galaxy with the help of a New Jedi Order. In an effort to not become too powerful, the New Republic gives nations the option to not be ruled by the republic. This causes some planets to be left ungoverned and forgotten by the New Republic. After marrying and impregnating Leia, Han Solo was sent to prison for crimes he performed before he became allies with the Jedi. This leaves Leia to raise their daughter, Jade Solo, alone. Expecting greatness, Leia tries to raise Jade to become the next great Jedi after her brother Luke. Twenty years ago, the Jedi banned the use of lightsbabers, with the mindset that the New Jedi should only use their knowledge of the force to protect the galaxy. This causes Luke Skywalker to denounce the New Jedi order and go into exile. After many years of relative peace, the New Republic is unprepared for the unstoppable force that is coming their way.
Here’s a preview of what how I think the movie should open

 Ice Cave
The film begins with a giant spaceship trailing behind a smaller black ship, reminiscent to the first scene in the original Star Wars. The giant ship is a military ship for the New Republic and is following the unknown ship because it’s about to land in a crystal cave unauthorized. The Republican ship tells the rebel ship to leave the area but the unknown ship lands in the icy cave anyway. The Republican ship tells the guards in the ice cave to storm the mysterious and arrest the trespassers. Suddenly, a hooded man runs from out of the ship and brutally attacks the guards. The unarmed hooded man swiftly defeats the four guards and steals one of their protective suits. The man signals to the ship that the coast is clear and walks deeper into the cave to collect the crystals. A hooded woman walks behind him and picks up a glowing black crystal as the snowstorm blows behind her.

Here's how the film should end.

Jade Solo is sitting in the back of and republican ship in handcuffs waiting to be exiled. She pulls out a a picture of her mother Leia and her dad Han out of her back pocket. Her eyes begin to tear up as she fears for what is going to become of her. The plane stops and hovers over a swampy jungle. Jade confused looks out the window when the ships hanger opens. The pilot come out from the cock pit and pushes her to the door.Jade questions the pilot on about his actions and tells him this isn't her stop. The pilot pushes her out the door of the plane and she grabs onto the ledge for dear life. The pilot menacingly stands over jade and removes his pilot helmet.The pilot turns out to be Immitus Fon, who has survived the films climatic battle.Before she can even realize what's going on Immitus kicks Jade in the face and she fall through the air to the swamp planet below.Luckily, Jade falls into one of the planets many swamp lakes and she survives the fall unscathed.Deep under the water, Jade floats unconscious until a force lifts her from under the water and to the shore. Jade lies on the shore,motionless, as a man wearing a cloak stands over her. The man removes the hood on the cloak an it turns out to be a grizzled Luke Skywalker.The movie ends with Luke smiling and the sound of R2D2's beeps in the background.

Post Credit scene
Inside of a dingy and scummy prison an alien guard is giving out dinner. The guard throws the tray under a cell of that reads Human-prisoner 7131942. The human prisoners sit in the shadows and watches the alien take his food."You better give me back my apple “says the familiar voice. The alien prisoner turns around and says "What are gonna do if i.....”Before the alien can finish his sentence the human shoots him with a blaster and the apple rolls back into the human's cell. A wookie hand picks up the apple and hands it to the man in the shadows. The man dust of the apple leans his chair back and puts his arms behind his head.
New Republic:

C3po- Now working as the official translator for the Jedi counsel, C3po enjoys the quiet life his new job brings.

Chuggs- Wyle’s personal mechanic and best friend, Chuggs also serves as one of Jade’s guardians. Quirky and fun loving, Chuggs is more lenient than Wyle and often joins Jade on her space adventures.

Josh Gad- Now some people may find his voice annoying, but given the right material Gad can add a good level of humor to this film. Having multiple experiences in voice acting for comedic films, Gad can serves as one of the comics reliefs to even out the tone of this film.

Wyle- Wyle is a responsible and cautious spaceship pilot who is often considered as one of the best in the galaxy. Serving as jade’s guardian, since she was a child, Wyle is thought of as an extension of the Solo family. Acting as the voice of reason of the group, Wyle often tries to tame Jade’s adventurous nature and keep her safe from harm.

Alan Cumming- Alan Cumming holds a special place in the CBM community and in my childhood. His great portrayal of Nightcrawler brought my favorite superhero to life and cemented my love for comic book movies. Showing his range, Cumming is well versed in theater and now acts on television as the best part of the television drama The Good Wife.

Edel- A no nonsense hardened rookie officer who works hard to prove himself to the other officers on the force. Brave and ready for any situation, Edel acts as the voice of reason and the father figure during the group’s adventure.

Josh Holloway- For six years Holloway showed his ability to enthrall and please audiences in, one of the most successful shows, Lost. Cutting his golden locks and trying his hand in movies, Holloway proved admirable in his supporting role in Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol.

Cole Jaxx- A dishonest and cunning criminal, Cole has fought his whole life trying to survive during his many stints in prison. Growing up in the underbelly of society, Cole understands where the rebellion is coming from but ultimately disagrees with their methods of getting power.

Kit Harington- A main character on Game of Thrones and soon to be leading of his own film, Kit Harington is a more than acceptable actor who has the rugged stature to play a hardened criminal.

Leia Solo/Carrie Fisher- After becoming one of the rulers of the galaxy, Leia settled into her life of luxury and focused on raising her daughter Jade. Afraid that Jade will end up a criminal like Han or a sith like Anakin, Leia pushes her to become the next best Jedi.

Jade Solo- A rebellious young adult who struggles with her conflicting beliefs and the ways of a true Jedi. Like her father Han, Jade just wants to pilot her own ship and fly around the galaxy. Quick witted and constantly disagreeing with authority Jade proves to be more trouble than the Jedi counselors can handle. Jade’s path of self discovery proves treacherous as she walks the thin line between being a rogue Jedi and a dark Jedi.

Shailene Woodley- Shailene is a beautiful and charming actress whose performance catches the attention of everyone when she is on screen. In movies like the Descendants and Spectacular Now, Shailene proves she has the capability to hold her own against other great actors and lead a film.

King Lucar’s army

King Lucar- The savage and dominate ruler of the primitive planet of Kalee; backed up by an intimidating army of warriors who listen to his every word. Loving war and violence, Lucar is convinced by Kaldonna to let his warriors fight in the revolution for power and dominance.

William Fichtner- Fichtner is an amazing character actor completely embodying and character he plays. This is recently shown when he shines in the otherwise terrible movie the Lone Ranger. Also playing Shredder in next year turtles reboot, Fichtner’s career could blow up in the next few years.

Immitius Fon- A well spoken and skilled fighter who serves as the right hand to Kaldonna. Sinister and at the same time eloquent, Immitus serves as the enforcer and main diplomat for the Guerillas. His durability gets increased after he steals the lightsaber crystal guard’s suit.

Chiwetel Ejiofor- I originally had Nonso Anozie for this part but then I saw the rumor that Chiwetel was asked to be in episode 7. Whether true or not, Chiwetel is an inspired casting choice and would fit this movie perfectly. His recent efforts in 12 years a slave made him a household name and showcased the power and intensity he gives during his performances.

Kaldonna-An anarchist who feels neglected by the republic, Kaldonna is the daughter product of living on an unprotected planet. Raised by her sith father she is skilled in the ways of the force but doesn’t embrace the lifestyle of the sith or Jedi. She wields a black lightsaber, can teleport and rides her trained Krayt dragon.

Jaime King- I chose Jaime because I feel she is an untapped gem that could really shine in a lead role. I loved her in sin city and feel she could bring a sultry take to on Star Wars first female villain.

Thanks for reading please check out some of my other articles and If you’re interested in a complete story  comment and thumbs up this article
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CherryBomb - 5/5/2014, 3:48 AM
Wow, I like it!
And great casting choices!
Alphadog - 5/5/2014, 5:36 AM
I loved what you wrote but I need to know more. Okay, maybe I don't need to but I realy realy want to.
TheHero - 5/5/2014, 9:47 AM
Good job, but like Alphadog, I need to know a little more. Also, is it just me or does it seem like the New Republic is a bit more malevolent.
FishTacoLover - 5/5/2014, 9:56 AM
Thanks for the feedback and don't worry ill write more I just wanted to know that people wanted to read it.

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