SUPERHERO FEATS: Richard Grayson / Robin / Nightwing
Stepping out of Batman's shadow, Richard Grayson has really handled the mantle of his own crime fighting justice pretty well. So what better way to show this appreciation than to display some of his amazing feats as the defender of Bludhaven.....the original Robin....Nightwing.

1. Effortlessly defeats 5 armed ninjas.
2. Cool display of agility.
3. Easily leaping and landing on a moving train, unlike Jason Todd.
4. Double teaming move with Jason Todd to take out Killer Croc.
5. As Robin, took down Blockbuster.
6. As Robin, gets complimented by Batman on his skills.
7. As Robin, outsmarts Mr. Freeze.
8. As Robin, defeats Clayface on his own.
9. Teams up with the Flash against Gorilla Grodd.
10. Teams up with Batman to fight a prototype version of the android Amazo.
11. Beating the truth out of Gorilla Grodd.
12. Dodges multiple gunfire.
13. Taking out a group of thugs.
14. Can beat a polygraph test.
15. Stands up to Superman.
16. Takes out 4 of Riddler's goons while Batman looks on.
17. Deathstroke comes to Bludhaven on an assasination mission, Nightwing keeps Deathstroke busy, disarming him a couple of times and intercepting him before he can take out his target.
18. Disarms Tarantula and knocks her out with ease.
19. Shows some skills by taking out an opponent while they're both riding bikes, and taking out a thug with a chain easily.
20. Shows off his intelligence and detective skills by solving 4 cases on "America's Most Wanted" in a morning while just watching TV while hes at home resting from an injury.
21. Despite being outnumbered five to one and all his opponent's being armed, he easily defeats them.
22. While looking for Blockbuster, he finds Shrike waiting for him, Nightwing has no real trouble with him and spends most of the fight just trying to find Blockbuster, once Shrike actually manages to hurt him, Nightwing defeats him.
23. Defeats Blockbuster.
24. Wasn't in the Justice League but the Trinity (Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman) wanted him in, Batman even considers him an exception and offered him a place before consulting Superman and Wonder Woman.
25. Shows off his hacking skills by hacking into an alien ship he has never seen before in the time it takes Superman to introduce himself to Aquaman. Superman is impressed.
26. Leading the Outsiders, Teen Titans, and local rebels against the Titans of Myth.
27. Donna Troy commenting on Nightwing's ability to inspire and lead people.
28. Avoids all of Catwoman's attacks and then shows his speed by catching up to her and appearing infront of her.
29. Throws himself off a skyscraper and saves himself at the last moment to test if the fall was survivable while Robin reads to him a file Bruce Wayne has writing about him.
30. Brutal beats Hugo Strange.
31. Defeats the previously undefeated Matatoa, as well as saving his life during the middle of the fight. An immortal warrior who feeds on the souls of those he has killed and gains their qualities. A nice showing of speed, evasion, agility and hand to hand skills.
32. Takes out "Bane" in a practice simulator in the Batcave, he was training in case they had to deal with the real thing, so safe to assume it wasn't a weak simulation.
33. Showing his smarts and detective skills, before he'd ever become Robin he was able to solve a riddle not even Bruce or Alfred could figure out.
34. His first ever apperance as Robin, saving Batman by bringing down part of a cave on top of Freeze, knocking Ivy out with a rock to the head, then dodging bullets and taking down Joker and Two-Face with Batman.
35. As Robin, KOs Green Lantern, back when Lantern had the weakness against yellow.
36. Has incredible stamina and endurance, enduring pysical and mental torture from Brother Blood's minion the Confessor, refusing to reveal any information despite the unbelievable pain, worse than any hes ever felt before, and even after torture and no time to recover, Dick finds himself immediately having to fight a giant Spider creature to save himself and the other Titans. He doesn't panic, and despite the creatures great strength and speed, he manages to evade its attacks, blind it in one eye and get Donna to safety.
37. While searching for Bride and Groom, Nightwing bursts into this bar full of criminals and meta-humans demanding information. He gets into a fight with a couple of them, one of which has super strength and is 'nearly invulnerable', he has pretty much no problems with them except for a single sneak attack from behind. Continuing his search he faces off against this group of 7 armed Ninjas, they don't even manage to land a hit and one of them pleads with Nightwing for him to not hurt them.
38. Shows his natural leadership skills by convincing a group of meta-human rogues to follow his command to try and take down Bride and Groom. When Charge steps out of line Nightwing puts him in his place and challenges the rest. Nightwing takes down Charge and Calcutta while they are under Groom's control, showing some nice agility dodging Calcutta's blades. Showing great strength in breaking through the ice Snow traps him in. Another example of his strength, wrestling the super-strong Power Punch away from Bride. Nightwing takes down Bride and Groom, even resisting Groom's mind control powers in the process.
39. Shows he can take a punch from the heavy-hitters, getting punched through a wall by Donna then using his acrobatics to dodge her second attack.
40. Acrobatically dodges a few blast from Gorgon, then takes down Pteradon.
41. Deathstroke tries to sneak up on Nightwing (you can spot him in the very bottom right of the first picture) but Nightwing knows hes there, Slade compliments him and says not one man in a million would have heard him.
42. Ducking from a super-speed karate kick from Jessie Quick.
43. Catches the Flash while running at high-speeds.
44. As Batman, vs Deathstroke.
45. "Battling for the Cowl" against Jason Todd.
46. Vs Ra's Al Ghul
47. As Batman, vs Darkseid's Batman Clone.
48. Vs The League of Assassins.