EDITORIAL: How Should Warner Brothers Approach a JLA Movie? With a Unified DC Universe!

EDITORIAL: How Should Warner Brothers Approach a JLA Movie? With a Unified DC Universe!

In the movie Jaws, Steven Spielberg was smartly shrewd when showing the full incarnation of the toothy beast, at least until near the end when the entire shark is finally fully revealed. It is at this point that Roy Schneider’s character, upon seeing the actual size of the shark for the first time, states: “We are going to need a bigger boat”. If comic book fans represent the circling shark, then a unified DC universe is definitely the “bigger boat” that Warner Brothers are going to need.

Editorial Opinion
By 6of13 - Jan 27, 2011 07:01 AM EST
Filed Under: Other

If a unified DC universe is like a boat, then a Justice League of America movie is the engine and solo movies for each league member are the fuel that drives it.

The JLA movie is more wishful thinking rather than being an actuality. At this point, we don't even know if Warner Brothers still has any plans for a JLA movie. Also, even with motivation for the project, their DC franchises seem so disconnected that we wonder exactly how a JLA can make the jump to the big screen. Given their vast potential, why exactly WB has not decided to create a linked DC universe of films seems like a wasted opportunity. Marvel is taking strives forward with their assortment of movies leading up to The Avengers. Could WB be standing back just to gauge the success or failure of The Avengers enterprise? Despite the progress of Marvel Studios, WB should be standing by ready to launch their boat.

We are in the age of the comic book movie. Therefore, it would indeed be a logical step for WB to capitalize on the potential of their DC franchise. This idea of “capitalizing” has a 3-fold connotation:
  • The perfect opportunity to bring a horde of diversified comic book movies to the live-action big screen
  • Making a ton of money
  • Please comic book fans and non-fans

So how exactly should Warner Brothers approach a Justice League of America film?

Well, the initial consideration would be to begin with the independent franchises like Green Lantern, The Flash, Wonder Woman etc. There is no reason to reject the notion that they are all part of an interconnected DC universe simply because a movie like “The Flash” only features one hero. Therefore, WB needs to use these independent movies in the same vein that Marvel Studios are for their Avengers initiative. In other words, start with the independent films featuring solo league members, but with the notion that these films are leading up to something combined and monumental. I think almost all of us would agree when I state that a unified DC universe is more than desirable, it is necessary. Chris Nolan’s Batman Begins is a stand-alone type film where Batman exists as the sole hero. Should the same apply to other DC franchises? I think not. In fact, a linked universe only enhances the fans’ excitement which in turns boosts WB’s opportunities to capitalize (in the 3 ways mentioned above) on the DC franchise.

Team Chemistry
The team consists of a unique assortment of personalities. The chemistry and relationships between the League members are vital. This team chemistry is part of what made Star Trek: The Next Generation hugely appealing. One of the fundamental aspects of the team is that it embraces the “Musketeer” motto of all for one and one for all. Of course the team’s members are not always going to see eye-to-eye on everything. However, it is the team dynamics that would make for an extremely intriguing movie. Also, just think of how humorous a few Bat glares could be.

Screen time for individual characters
Screen time for each character need not be an issue. One way to sufficiently bestow equal screen time to each character is with the use of a multiple narrative story format. The Lord of The Rings successfully utilised this concept and allowed an intricate plot to unfold whilst maintaining an appropriate share of the screen time for the characters involved.

Big Budget
No doubt that WB are going to have plough millions into the production. Big movie means big bucks. A comprehensive assortment of toys and movie prop replicas will be available for the debut of the Green Lantern movie which itself seems likely to make a huge profit. WB can rest assured that despite the money they would have to invest into a range of independent franchise films and then a Justice League, movie, that they would stand to benefit financially.

The movie’s duration
Any time less than 120 minutes would simply not do justice to a film of this epic nature. Inception has a running time of 148 minutes and no doubt most of us sat completely engaged for the entire duration. It seems reasonable that a running time approximate to that of Inception would be ideal for a movie of this magnitude. The following is an example to indicate how exactly this time frame would work: use the 1st hour to depict the assembly of the team and build upon the team dynamic; the next 88 minutes to awe us with an adrenalin-packed narrative filled with character development and astounding action.

The movie’s villain/s
The movie is going to require an antagonist who is so big and bad that he poses a challenge to an entire team of super powered heroes. Now the “big bad” might come in the form of a imposing being, such as Darkseid who represents oppression. Or, the enemy might be a metaphorical notion and one which may be the reason for the creation of the Justice League. Perhaps the movie would utilize a combination of each of the league member’s villains e.g. Brainiac, Joker, Luthor, Sinestro etc.

WB are fortunate to work with creative minds like Geoff Johns and Bruce Timm. The animated lines of the Justice League and spin-off movies garnered much success. These shows’ episodes are only approximately 20 minutes in length but more than adequately encompassed an enthralling story with action. WB’s screenwriters can utilize graphic novels/comic books like Justice League of America (writers include Grant Morrison and Geoff Johns); DC: The New Frontier (Dwayne Cooke); and Justice (Jim Kruger and Alex Ross) for inspiration.

Many of us on CBM complain when a comic book movie deviates from its resource material. So, keep faithful to the comic books and graphic novels. Even with this notion in mind, we of course must demand some creative liberties in order to give us a story that we have never read about and to keep us intrigued. What is needed is a story that functions on multiple levels and plot and action are balanced.

I think this is the ideal time for DC to launch its boat, don't you?

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ManofSteel23 - 1/27/2011, 8:18 AM
I really hope they end up doing one before im to old to even be botherd with superheros anymore lol
RoscoeFolgers - 1/27/2011, 8:21 AM
Best way to do a Justice League movie: Don't.
ironknight - 1/27/2011, 8:21 AM
Too bad they said no JLA movie "anytime soon."
nuck82 - 1/27/2011, 8:21 AM
Superman1991@ you can be to old to bother with superheros?

news to me
ManThing - 1/27/2011, 8:23 AM
But DC blows...

lol Just kidding. I think what they need to do is to just more or less ignore the other movies. Ignore the Nolan Batman and Singer Superman films. Pretend they don't exist.

Create your DCverse from scratch. That would solve MOST of the problems of how to meld it all together. Kind of like the approach they planned on taking the last time they tried to get a JLA movie going.
yankeemanf - 1/27/2011, 8:24 AM
it would be sooo cool 2 see a JLA movie but i doubt it will eva happen cuz if u look every hero and villian in the DCU is played by a big name, highly payed actor whereas characters in MCU r played by non big name actors so the budget is a lot lot less in an avengers movie than JLA soo it would be a lot harder to make a JLA movie
Shunt - 1/27/2011, 8:25 AM

ManofSteel23 - 1/27/2011, 8:28 AM
nuch82@ lol ya never know,probably wont happen,but id appreciate it more if it happens while im young! haha
cbostont102 - 1/27/2011, 8:44 AM
Does anyone know where the Wonder Woman clip is taken from in the Justice League Film trailer posted above? That was pretty well done and I don't remember seeing it before...

MarvelousMarty - 1/27/2011, 8:44 AM
You've fell in to the age old trap, Roy Schneider’s character says "YOUR gonna need a bigger boat" not "We're". Not to worry, everyone does it.
HarryBloodscreaming - 1/27/2011, 8:47 AM
Regarding Jaws: The name of the actor who played Chief Brody was Roy SCHEIDER, NOT SCHNEIDER.

And the reason Spielberg was so "shrewd" about revealing the shark was because the mechanical sharks they used didn't work most of the time.

This is pretty common knowledge to most fans of the film. The storyboards were littered with shots of the shark leaping right out of the water in plain view right from the very first scene, but Spielberg couldn't get those shots because of constant technical issues, so he had to resort to the whole "what you don't see is scarier" approach, out of necessity, not Hitchcockian cleverness.

There is a documentary about the making of Jaws called "The Shark Is Still Working", a play on the constant radio chatter heard on set, as in "The shark is not working...The shark is not working...".
TheAceVinnyLee - 1/27/2011, 8:47 AM
As long as they treat Aquaman like he was treated in the Justice storyarc. Show that he's a badass, and one of the most powerful beings in existence, instead of a sissy who talks to dolphins.

Would it be possible for WB to make a JLA movie without a solid universe built? Would their JLA movie have to star the same actors as the solo films, or can it be a stand alone project? Either way, I'm sure we'll all go see it.
Shunt - 1/27/2011, 8:53 AM
@ evil.. Maybe its just my taste, but the Avengers does not have cool superheros in there stable.. obviously im more of a DC fan.. mainly because of Batman.. Now Marvel does have GREAT charaters overall.. but i think most of that is due to Spiderman, Ironman & the whole entire Xmen universe.. Take out the Xmen, & Marvel would be just as weak as The DC universe..

in all seriousness.. as far as the Anevegers Goes:

-"Captain America" is a corny superhero.. he has a kool backstory but he is a corny looking superhero with a costume that looks REDICULOUS in the comics and in live action.. I actually cant believe there are real Cap fans out there,, meaning that Cap is their favorite superhero..

-"Thor", is another kinda of corny character.. Yea. its cool that hes a God, but he looks rediculous too,, a silly helmet & a Hammer who looks like a long haired lumberjack.. hes just not an appealing looking character that I can say is a main attraction..

-"Hulk" is cool, but i still cant see how he can be a real fan favorite with soo many other amazing heros in comics.. great backstory, but more of a monster not a superhero..

The only awesome character in the avengers is Ironman.. hes such a cool superheo that i wish he was in the DC Universe..

This is just my opinions tho.. but i think most would agree that justice leagues main 5 members are way more appealing(visually) then avengers main 5 members in their stable..
ThaMessenger07 - 1/27/2011, 9:03 AM
I wrote a bigass comment and it's not here. Why even bother???!!!????

I feel it is a bad Idea. It would not be fresh and new it would be already done by this time. A shared universe, sure but a team film would could cause damage to the genre itself.

Unless it is an offshoot story that has them as an established team already.
JosePetrelli12 - 1/27/2011, 9:13 AM
Great article....
Shunt - 1/27/2011, 9:15 AM
@ intruder.. Im not setting myself up here.. I stated in my comment that DC universe is weak.. im not denying that.. but were talking about the avengers.. & in the avengers, the characters are far cornier then justice leagues..

if were talking Marvel Universe compared to DC Universe.. then YES, DC has was cornier characters.. but again.. i didnt deny that..

@ Godzillafart... Yes, Hulk really is a cool character.. I love his backstory & the complexity of the character as a whole.. But when were talking, appeal, coolness & a great backstory,, who is overall more appealing, a big green looking monster or a man with great looking costume??

Hulk is great, but overall, when you look at artwork of the averngers, you have a dorky Cap with a big letter "A" on his forehead, a helmeted long haired lumberjack & a huge green monster.. lol.. Ironman just doesnt fit in with that group.. he sticks out like a sore thumb..
Angelus - 1/27/2011, 9:17 AM
"DC lost the arms race before it even began" - I do not [frick] around when I say you always make me smile Intruder =)
ThaMessenger07 - 1/27/2011, 9:25 AM
@ Shunt & Godzilla:

Cap is cheesy in concept but he has grown to be one of the most stand out characters in the Marvel Universe. In Marvel the characters are riddled with negativity and tragedy that weighs them down. This make more complex and stories with greater diversity. Thor deals in the Myth and cosmos of there universe which gives him a grand scale of story telling. He is the light in marvel. Shortly after he died marvel became dark and grimm with the villains taking over. Captain represented the hope, The American dream not the reality of the American way. in the DC universe they live in a world filled with these near perfect heroes who have made it through their problems and now fight for a greater good. In Marvel they show humanity in the way that it just anin't that easy but for Cap, he did. He is the Hero that Superheroes inspire to be. You really need to read the character before you knock him.

Also DC has the most ridiculous outfits that it is ludicrous for you to say Cap and Thors outfit is cheesy LMAO

I would choose a Thor story line over most DC powerhouses because when he lifts a mountain, then smashes a giant mythical beast the next day you wont see him stopping a hooligan stealing a purse. Something Superman, Green Lanters, Wonder Woman, etc.... tend to do a lot. Plus they design them with so much power that every real threat that comes around is a reality warper causing awful retcons and destroying good continuity.

It's like no1 realizes that Richard Dragon is still in Pre-Crisis status fighting next to current continuity characters. Ugh! Idiotic writing I tell you!
Twenty23Three - 1/27/2011, 9:25 AM
Why do people bark on about a connected universe? Sure Marvel are doing it and cool for them, but would it really affect your enjoyment of a film?
I personally think Warner/DC have no real need for a JLA movie, all they have to do is give the world a Superman and Batman team up and it will be the biggest selling comic book movie the world has seen, with or without tie ins to the individual films. (even if you had a completely different set of actors in it with a shitty scrip, people will not be able to say no)
Angelus - 1/27/2011, 9:26 AM
What 2233 said!
Shunt - 1/27/2011, 9:30 AM
@ arminies.. Im not sure i know what your talking about.. I actually dont read many comics.. so you more then likely have more comic book knowledge then I have..

but from what comics/cartoons Ive seen of Justice League,, they have all contributed a part of completing their goals to successing.. each one of them work well together . I dont know what youve seen or read to say Bamtan & Flash are useless..

theyve used Flashes Powers to complete alot of missions.. some cases they wouldnt be able to win if it werent for Flash.. Batman on the other hand, is most of the Brains behind the group.. sometimes hes stubborn, but at the end of the day he usually comes up with the strategies to defeating their enemy.. just because he doesnt have Powers doesnt mean hes useless..

Then of course we have Superman & wonderwoman who kicks the shit out of every one.. they're the power of the group.. & like you said Green Lantern is Galactic.. so that speaks for itself..

IF ANYTHING, your boy Aquaman is the most useless Hero probably in the whole comic book world.. lol. hes surely the most scrutinzied & most made fun comic book hero.. what help is he? he uses sealife telepathy, hahaaha..lol.. that doesnt help much when most of the worlds tragedies are on land.. haha.. i still like aqauman tho..
Shunt - 1/27/2011, 9:34 AM
LMAO.. INTRUDER.. YOU GOT THAT,...AHAHAHA that looks funny.. hahaha.. im not saying he aint strong.. isnt he close to the most powerful heros in Marvel??.. Im just saying , hes a corny looking character.. hes not appealing..

and of coarse hes gonna kick the shit of of Ironman, ironman aint got no powers..

Thor will annihilate by beloved Batman.. But Batman is still way cooler & a better overall comicbook hero then Thor will ever be..
ThaMessenger07 - 1/27/2011, 9:37 AM
@ Shunt: Lets put it this way. The animated cartoon versions could all get beaten by Comic Superman by himself.

Also on that Aquaman point, the comic Version could easily take that shows version of Superman;

Xandera - 1/27/2011, 9:45 AM
Good Editorial 6of13!
DC really needs to get their shit together...
Marvel is on it's way to bigger and better things...
DC is still riding the Batman/Superman wagon straight into the ground...
Green Lantern is a great start...
But they need to start branching out to other characters, and fast...
I agree with Intruder when he said "DC lost the arms race before it even began."

Guys, check out the Seventh Sub-chapter of WHITE FIRE... A Night Never To Be Forgotten!


"White Fire"

Shunt - 1/27/2011, 9:55 AM
@ the Messenger.. I def understand what your saying.. i wont argue that they have good backstories.. Im just stating that overall.. they are corny looking heros.. I think first & foremost, to become a fan of a superhero, I believe "appearance" is the most key & important element or else most people will not pickup a comic book & read it, or watch a movie or a cartoon.. The Hero has to have visual appeal.. then next comes the story & the complexity of the character..

So sure, Cap & Thor might have great stories, But Im assuming there small fan base is partly due to their lack of appearance..
ninjahulk - 1/27/2011, 9:57 AM
Just do the movie and not compare it too marvel if its too big to do it then do teen Titan Which I think I will do justice for dc I think that there besy choice and it Will be a smart move to start
BigG - 1/27/2011, 10:00 AM
Nice article man, if u got the chance check out my Spider-Man Fan Cast
ThaMessenger07 - 1/27/2011, 10:02 AM
@ Shunt: I agree with most of what you say. One thing I disagree with is I think you are overlooking The comic community. These guys have a small fan base out side of comics because they haven't been mass marketed the same way Superman, Batman, Spider-Man, and as of Recently Iron-Man. Iron-man was non factor till 08. These guys are huge in the comic community 2 of the top faves of the hardcore readers like myself. For me my faves are Bats and Cap then Daredevil because of his great stories through his comic lore.
carreras10 - 1/27/2011, 10:17 AM
I am a fan of comic books period. I tend to a go for the DC Universe more because their villians tend to be more interesting all around. Luthor, Darkseid, Brainiac, Joker and Sinestro. Now, in the marvel side, Spiderman and X-Men have some interesting villians. But on the Avengers side the villians are boring except for a few. Thor has Loki, Cap has Red skull, Iron Man has Mandarin and the Fantastic Four have Dr. Doom. The success of Batman movies in part was due to the villians. Now compare that to Ironman. First Batman had great caracter development with a weak villian in Scarecrow. Ironman also had great caracter developmen in the first movie with a weak villian. Now look at the TDK success with major villian in Joker and a somewhat weak villian in TwoFace (who in my opinion was great in the movie) and compare that to Ironman 2 which had another weak villian that didn't really bring anything to the table. Now, imagine if they would have brough in the Mandarin, it would've been epic. I am rooting for these movies to be successful so I can get more an more. But the movie producers need to look at the success of Batman as a blueprint. Give us character development, then give us an ultimate villian in order to give us an epic series of movies.
I will use Transformers as an example. The first movie gave us a great introduction to all the Autobots and good fighting scenes with good special effects. We loved it. Now look at the second movie, introduction of too many characters, no background to any, great fighting scenes with better special effects, but the movie failed to deliver.
I dont care about the whole Marvel vs DC, I like them both. Just give is great movies. And give the heroes the villians that they deserve in order to make it into epic movies.
DetBullock - 1/27/2011, 10:20 AM
I don't like the idea of a Justice League film in the first place.
First: All the characters in the classic Justice League are A-list characters with just one or two B-listers, almost the opposite of The Avengers, this woul mean either a 5 hours long film or treat most of the characters as cameos...
Second: sometimes it's already difficult to mantain the same cast for all the instalments of a single franchise, but we are seeing that Marvel Studios changed the actor of one of the leading roles of the upcoming The Avengers, imagine Superman or Wonder Woman portrayed by two different actors in films of the same series!
Third: coordination would lead to film with atmospheres too similar to each other's leaving almost no liberty to writers and directors to exploit the pecularities of the characters as it is supposedly (I'm deducing this from what I saw till now) happening with Marvel Studios.

Finally, let's face reality: I'm a huge Justice League fan but for the reasons above I acknowledge the fact that a Justice League movie would only risk to ruin single franchises which would fare way better by themselves with smaller financial risks and more likely to be of good quality.
carreras10 - 1/27/2011, 10:26 AM
I am a fan of comic books period. I tend to a go for the DC Universe more because their villians tend to be more interesting all around. Luthor, Darkseid, Brainiac, Joker and Sinestro. Now, in the marvel side, Spiderman and X-Men have some interesting villians. But on the Avengers side the villians are boring except for a few. Thor has Loki, Cap has Red skull, Iron Man has Mandarin and the Fantastic Four have Dr. Doom. The success of Batman movies in part was due to the villians. Now compare that to Ironman. First Batman had great caracter development with a weak villian in Scarecrow. Ironman also had great caracter developmen in the first movie with a weak villian. Now look at the TDK success with major villian in Joker and a somewhat weak villian in TwoFace (who in my opinion was great in the movie) and compare that to Ironman 2 which had another weak villian that didn't really bring anything to the table. Now, imagine if they would have brough in the Mandarin, it would've been epic. I am rooting for these movies to be successful so I can get more an more. But the movie producers need to look at the success of Batman as a blueprint. Give us character development, then give us an ultimate villian in order to give us an epic series of movies.
I will use Transformers as an example. The first movie gave us a great introduction to all the Autobots and good fighting scenes with good special effects. We loved it. Now look at the second movie, introduction of too many characters, no background to any, great fighting scenes with better special effects, but the movie failed to deliver.
I dont care about the whole Marvel vs DC, I like them both. Just give is great movies. And give the heroes the villians that they deserve in order to make it into epic movies.
LocoLobo1127 - 1/27/2011, 10:32 AM
Dc needs to do more than one property before they even chance moving on to a JLA picture. You may not be a Marvel fan, but the way they are approaching the Marvel Franchise and let me clarify they are handling the entire Universe as a franchise instead of just individual franchises, which they are doing as well.
this saves alot of time for the studios to put more substance into their Big projects like Avengers. That being said does Dc need to go that route no, look at Xmen, if handled properly you could do a JLA that way that doesnt nessarily focus on the origins of it heroes and just focuses on the problem at had while giving mineut details on the main group. i think that Marvels way of handling the Avengers is the best way to really flesh out your characters and story and allows them to come together and focus better on the team dynamic rather then who we are playing with.
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