Speaking with
Green Lantern: The Animated Series showrunner Giancarlo Volpe discusses the show, as well as the debut of Sinestro (arguably Hal Jordan's greatest enemy) in the episode "Prisoner Of Sinestro". He confirms that the character wasn't originally brought on board the series because of its being in early development during the release of the 2011
Green Lantern film, in which Mark Strong played Sinestro.
"The folks at DC Entertainment politely asked us to back off of Sinestro "for now" because they weren't really sure what his fate would be in the feature film [when we were in early development of the series]. They didn't know if his turn would be in the first one or later, and if you've seen the film they do hint at his turn to the Yellow Lanterns in the credits scene." Volpe expresses his pleasure in finally bringing the character onto the series, and even reveals who will be voicing him.
"So seeing that gave us permission. It was great to finally get to put him in, because it doesn't feel quite like the Green Lantern universe unless he's in it. And I suppose I can tell you, we got Ron Perlman to play Sinestro! So, he lends a very interesting take and perspective on Sinestro's character. Plus that's a cool sci-fi fan gem there."
Ron Perlman is no stranger to voice acting in DC animated shows, having previously had roles in
Justice League Unlimited,
Teen Titans, and every Batman animated series since
Batman: TAS. He has also played the title role in Guillermo del Toro's
Hellboy films. What do you think of the prospect of his voicing Sinestro? For the full first part of Newsarama's chat with Giancarlo Volpe, click the source link below.