In the near future, humanity was forced to abandon the planet forever after cataclysmic events, and they reestablished mankind on the planet Nova Prime, light years away from Earth, and managed to rebuild society. Earth was left in its prime state, and continued to live on its own. 1,000 years later, a crash-landing of a small ship leaves teenager Kitai Raige and his father, army General Cypher Raige stranded. With Cypher critically injured, Kitai must embark on a perilous journey to signal for help so they can return to Nova Prime, facing uncharted terrain, evolved animal species that now rule the planet, and an unstoppable alien creature that escaped during the crash. The father and son must learn to work together and learn to trust one another if they want any chance of escaping Earth and returning home.
Stay tuned to CBM tomorrow for the debut of this new trailer.
After Earth stars Will Smith, Jaden Smith, Isabelle Fuhrman, Kristofer Hivju, Gabriel Caste and Zoe Kravitz. The film is set to hit theaters June 7th.