BATTLE: Broly vs Black Adam

BATTLE: Broly vs Black Adam

The Legendary Super Saiyan vs. The Avenging Disciple of SHAZAM

Feature Opinion
By SageMode - Feb 15, 2011 08:02 PM EST
Filed Under: Fan Fic

"If you'd just let me kill you all before, you wouldn't be dealing with this pain now. You're all a complete and utter waste of Saiyan blood!"

Gender: Male
Height: 6'3", 7'6" in Legendary Super Saiyan form
Weight: 195 lbs., 400 lbs. in Legendary Super Saiyan form
Eyes: Black, Green in Super Saiyan form, White in Legendary Super Saiyan form
Hair: Black, Blonde in Super Saiyan form, Greenish Yellow in Legendary Super Saiyan form

Super Saiyan:During Broly's first fit of rage wherein he pursues Goku, he transforms into a Super Saiyan, although the appearance differs as a result of the extreme power being regulated by Broly's ring. As a restrained Super Saiyan, Broly's muscles swell slightly, his hair assumes a neon blue hue with purple tint, and his skin pigment darkens. When Broly encounters Goku for the second time, Broly's anger grows out of control and the ring shatters, allowing Broly to transcend to his ultimate transformation: Legendary Super Saiyan.

It is not until Broly - Second Coming that Broly's regular Super Saiyan transformation makes its onscreen debut (in the previous movie, his unrestrained Super Saiyan form was only seen in a flashback). Before Broly transformed into the Legendary Super Saiyan, Vegeta, in his Ascended Super Saiyan form, threw a kick, then used a charged energy attack which had absolutely no effect on him.
Also, when Broly attacked Goku in his restrained Super Saiyan form, he was completely unfazed by everything that Goku threw at him, and Goku only survived this encounter by running away for the most part. In Broly - Second Coming, it was easier for Broly to transform because the ring that Paragus put on him was not on his forehead. Also, from what was shown of Broly's unrestrained SSJ form, he seemed to be at least strong enough to take down two Super Saiyans easily, as evidenced by how easily he knocked Goten and Trunks out of their Super Saiyan forms at one point in the battle. Whether he was strong enough to do that feat before Second Coming or if this was a direct result of his Zenkai from his seven year coma is unknown.

Legendary Super Saiyan: As the maniacal Legendary Super Saiyan, Broly's physique, from muscle mass through strength, and speed extraordinarily excel that of any Super Saiyan, and he was described by Vegeta as being the most powerful Saiyan in all of history. In order to maintain the great increment of muscle mass proportionate to the body, Broly's height also increases as a Legendary Super Saiyan by a great amount.

This form gives Broly phenomenal strength and speed, allowing him to easily defeat the z fighters. His power level also rises on several occasions found throughout the film, though whether this is caused by the form of if it's simply Broly increasing his power level is up to debate. Additionally, the irises and pupils in his eyes seemingly disappear, giving an even more menacing look than most Saiyan transformations. During one scene in Broly - The Legendary Super Saiyan, it is implied that Broly must release some of his power in order to maintain his physical body's stability, meaning that there initially is a limit to how much his power level can increase at one time (though he seemed to have overcome that setback when he attacked Earth). The Legendary Super Saiyan form erupts from underneath the flesh of his previous form.
This form is also one that is quite unique to Broly (as it is a genetic trait), as he is the Legendary Super Saiyan. It is a form that has very little disadvantages and allows Broly to overwhelm his opponents. Broly's power level not only shoots upward tremendously, but it also increases several additional times over the course of the film. Since the power level in this form is so vast, Broly has been shown to take extremely powerful attacks without so much as flinching. For example, in his first appearance, Broly fought two Full-Power Super Saiyans, 2nd Stage Super Saiyans, and a Super Namek all at the same time and was in control of the whole fight, with his opponents being unable to hurt him in the least.

Broly is powerful enough in this state to destroy a planet with a single energy wave. As demonstrated in the The Legendary Super Saiyan, Broly is unfazed by Goku's powerful Kamehameha, which even at point-blank range results in Broly simply laughing it off. Shortly after, Piccolo joins and gives the doomed Z Warriors Senzu Beans. Then Piccolo and Goku attack Broly with a barrage of punches and kicks, which have no effect. As a last resort, Goku instructs the other Z Fighters to lend him their energy, Vegeta added. After that, Goku "defeats" Broly by focusing all the power the Z Warriors gave him into one punch. This punch then re-opens the wound that was given to Broly when he was stabbed as a baby. Though this attack appears to destroy Broly, it is not fatal, as Broly reappears on Earth during Broly - Second Coming, where Gohan can hardly hold his own against the Legendary Super Saiyan. In his Super Saiyan 2 transformation, Gohan is able to cause some damage to Broly, but not enough to shift the battle in his favor. Also, Broly in this form, is capable of surviving lava, which is evidenced when Broly emerges from the lava pool shortly after Gohan tricked him into being caught in the lava in a last ditch effort of defeating him. It's unknown if he can survive lava in his Super Saiyan form, but seeing how Goku did in the Frieza saga, it's very likely that Broly can as well.

Super Saiyan 3: In Dragon Ball: Raging Blast, Dragon Ball: Dragon Battlers, and Dragon Ball: Raging Blast 2, Broly achieves the Super Saiyan 3 form. The look of this form is much like Broly's movie exclusive Legendary Super Saiyan form. He has great muscle mass, eyes which lack pupils, pale skin, and a greenish yellow hair color. Additionally, Broly lacks eyebrows in this form, and has the trademark long Super Saiyan 3 hairstyle. For some time before the release of Dragon Ball: Raging Blast, there was rumor of Broly possessing a unique "Legendary Super Saiyan 3" form. This rumor was supported by the fact that Goku, in one of the later trailers, said in a surprised tone "Densetsu Supa Saiya-jin Suri", which translates to Legendary Super Saiyan 3. However, he is simply referred to as "Super Saiyan 3 Broly" within the game.

Broly has a fighting style that is much different from most fighting characters in Dragon Ball. He often uses grabs, stomps, clotheslines and uppercuts as opposed to quick furious punches and kicks, yet he is still swift enough to evade any oncoming attacks. He seems to favor a fighting style which resembles wrestling to a certain extent. In the video game Budokai Tenkaichi 3, the Strategy Style Z item, Broly Style describes his fighting method as "doggedly pursuing the opponent." Broly's energy waves also work in a manner similar to Yamcha's Spirit Ball and Piccolo's Chasing Bullet, as Broly has control over their flightpaths. His energy attacks are also one of a kind. They are all a light green shade in color and there are three main types of attacks that he uses. One type is a small, single ball of energy, which he controls much like somebody would control a toy remote helicopter or airplane. He uses this to make it a lot more difficult for his opponents to get away from his attacks. Another type is a large number of these blasts all thrown at one general target at the same time. Broly uses this attack to blow up cities, as well as to aim at enemies that he wouldn't be able to hit very well with the single ball of energy. His third, and most dangerous and powerful, energy attack, is the one that starts off as a compact sphere of energy, but upon hitting its target, it changes into an enormous sphere of energy with huge destructive power. Broly has used this attack to destroy planets as well as to counterattack.

It is implied in Broly - The Legendary Super Saiyan that Broly's father, Paragus, was in fact the inventor of at least one of the techniques Broly is known to use, as Paragus is seen charging an energy wave with a green aura in his left hand, assuring his servant Moah that "there is no need to be afraid anymore," before a long shot shows Paragus' palace illuminate with the wave's aura. Because Paragus himself is not seen launching the blast and the character is not playable in any Dragon Ball video game spin-offs, it is uncertain exactly what technique he uses here, although its aura and execution are not unlike the Eraser Cannon technique (it is also similar to Broly's Omega Blaster, but as Paragus' energy wave was less catastrophic to his surroundings, this more than likely is not the case).

a technique where Broly holds his hand behind him and charges green energy into it. He then swings his hands forwards and sends out a wave of small green energy blasts.

Afterimage Technique: the ability to move swiftly enough that an image of its user is left behind.

Blaster Meteor: a technique where Broly surrounds himself in ki and launches homing energy waves at his opponents.

Energy Shield: a technique Broly uses to shield himself from oncoming attacks within an aura of ki. Broly first displayed this skill when he was a baby. The durability of his force field proved strong enough to withstand a Super Nova attack from Frieza as well as Planet Vegeta's explosion. He can also use this to survive in the vacuum of space though it proved useless against the heat of the sun. Though it was able to shield Broly from a Family Kamehameha as it didn't kill him but it pushed him into the sun. Other feats show the force field withstanding the intense heat of lava which temperatures range from 700 to 1,200 degrees.

Eraser Cannon: a powerful green energy ball technique commonly used by Broly, alternatively known as the Blaster Shell.

Eraser Volley: a variation of the Eraser Cannon technique where Broly repeatedly throws Eraser Cannon energy balls from each hand. Broly uses this technique against Goku during the battle on New Planet Vegeta.

Eraser Blow: an attack where Broly hits an opponent with an energy sphere in his palm and knocks them away. Broly used this move against Gohan in Broly - Second Coming.

Explosive Grip: a technique in Supersonic Warriors 2 where Broly punches his opponent upwards, then ricochets them off the ground and creates an explosion that severely damages them. A similar technique appears in Broly - The Legendary Super Saiyan.

Flight: the ability to fly with the use of ki.

Gigantic Slam:, a technique where Broly jumps upward and rushes down at his foes with considerable force, using his own body and Energy Shield as a weapon.
Gigantic Spike a technique in Supersonic Warriors 2, where Broly grabs his opponent's face and spin pile-drives them head first into the ground.

Gigantic Hammer a technique in the Budokai Tenkaichi series where Broly punches his opponent, then kicks them upside the head, slams them onto the ground, and finishes the attack by punching him. The attack that he used against Goku when the latter tried to hold him off for Gohan to escape in Broly - The Legendary Super Saiyan may or may not have been the same attack.

Ki Blast: the most basic form of energy wave.

Gigantic Press: a technique where Broly rushes at and tackles his foes with considerable force while using his Energy Shield.

Omega Blaster: a far more powerful version of the Eraser Cannon technique demonstrated in Broly - Second Coming, which begins as a small green orb and immensely expands when in contact with a solid object, alternatively known as the Gigantic Meteor.

Gigantic Buster: a rush attack that Broly uses against Piccolo in Broly - The Legendary Super Saiyan. This attack was named in Dragon Ball: Raging Blast and is Broly's ultimate in his Super Saiyan 3 form.

Planet Geyser: another technique in Supersonic Warriors 2, where Broly fires a small energy wave at the ground, causing a geyser of ki which blows away any nearby opponents.

Telekinesis: the ability to manipulate people and objects with the mind alone. Broly uses this to strangle Goten.

Bloody Smash: a physical technique Broly uses against Goku in Broly - The Legendary Super Saiyan. He uses Goku's body as a trampoline and at at the same time, severely injuring him. It was named in the Budokai Tenkaichi series as one of Broly's Blast 1 attack and one of his Super Attacks in Dragon Ball: Raging Blast in his base form.


Black Adam
Gender: Male
Height: 6' 3"
Weight: 250 lbs (114 kg)
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Black

Power of the Egyptian Gods of Magic: Before Shazam could bestow his powers, his daughter Blaze made a deal with the god Set. When Teth-Adam spoke the name "Shazam," instead of gaining the wizard's powers, he was blessed with the power of seven Egyptian gods: Shu, Heru, Amon, Zehuti, Aton and Mehen. Thus, though Adam speaks the name "Shazam," he does not draw power from the wizard.

In order to change form, Adam must be able to call upon the name of Shazam, thereby invoking spells involving the energies of those extra-dimensional beings once known as gods on earth. This spell adds almost a hundred pounds of impervious godly muscle and tissue to his frame. This spell seems to be solely vocal; he cannot access this spell if he is gagged or hampered in some way from talking. He can share his power with Osiris, but while in this state, each person is only in possession of a fragment of the full power of Black Adam as opposed to one person commanding all of it. By calling upon Shazam again, he can once again return to his normal form and size. The spell can be shared with other personages who are of noble intent and purity, such as Mary Marvel. It is known that certain gods of sufficient power, can manipulate Shazam's spell and render Black Adam back to the human form of Teth-Adam once more.

Black Adam can switch to Teth-Adam's body by speaking the magic word, "SHAZAM". He possesses:

S for the Stamina of Shu: Using Shu's endurance, Black Adam can withstand and survive all types of extreme physical assaults. Additionally, he does not need to eat or breathe and can survive unaided in space.

* Superhuman Endurance: His godly metabolism provides him with far greater than human endurance in all physical activities. He has virtually unlimited stamina.

* Self-Sustenance: Sustained by the magical energies coursing through his body. He does not require air, food or water. Black Adam is immortal.

H for the Swiftness of Heru: By channeling Heru's speed, Black Adam, can fly and move at speeds in excess of Mach 10 (2 miles a second) and at speeds that rival Superman. While not as fast as the Flash, he has been shown easily running at a speed of over Mach 500, while less powerful( Black Adam's speed was being drained by the Flash ).

* Superhuman Speed: Ability to sharpen his awareness and increase his temporal flow, appearing to move faster than humanly possible. He can move at incredible speeds, that are almost equal to Superman. He can move fast enough to not register in the normal peripheral range of humans and seemingly vanish and disappear at will. At this speed, his mind processes information on a subliminal level so that he is aware of his surroundings.

* Flight: Black Adam can also mystically fly through the atmosphere through sheer act of will, enabling him to soar through the atmosphere at sub-orbital levels and travel across the planet. He is immune from the effects of extreme height, such as dizziness and lightheadedness. He can fly through space unaided, he does not require any extra-precautionary paraphernalia for interstellar travel.

A for the Strength of Amon: Black Adam has a phenomenal level of super strength that enables him to lift 100,000 tons effortlessly, he can bend steel, punch through walls and lift massive objects. His strength rivals that of Captain Marvel and even the likes of Superman. Black Adam is numerously referred to as one of the strongest metahuman on Earth. Black Adam has on more than one occasion held his own against the entire JSA. In his latest incarnation, he was capable of holding his own and was seemingly defeating the JSA, Doom Patrol, the Marvel Family, JLA, Great Ten and Teen Titans (Even such a large gathering of powerful heroes couldn't stop him in a physical battle).

* Superhuman Strength: Godly flesh and bone is about three times as dense as similar human tissue, contributing to the his superhuman strength and weight.

Z for the Wisdom of Zehuti: Black Adam has instant access to a vast level of scholarly knowledge. The wisdom of Zehuti also gives Adam clairvoyance and provides him with counsel and advice in times of need.

* Superhuman Knowledge: Can recall knowledge and facts that he normally should not and/or would not know.

* Clairvoyance: An uncanny awareness of his circumstances that allows him to turn disadvantages into advantages, an understanding of divine interactions with the mortal world.

* Omni-lingual

* Hypnosis: Can hypnotize minds, through this power.

A for the Power of Aton: Besides fueling the magic thunderbolt that transforms Adam, it also enhances Adam's other physical abilities and allows for inter-dimensional travel. Adam can use the lightning bolt as a weapon by dodging it and allowing it to strike an opponent or target. He could summon Aton's lightning bolts to use against his opponents. He can channel the Power of Aton and the other Gods to increase the power of his attacks to God like levels, whilst doing this he has hurt the likes of Spectre himself. He rarely resorts to this.

* Mystical Transformation

* Physical Enhancement

* Spell Source

* Advanced Healing

* Inter-dimensional Travel: This can only be used to travel to the Rock of Eternity.

M for the Courage of Mehen: This aspect is partly psychological, and gives Adam superhuman amounts of inner strength to draw off of, while also making him virtually indestructible and invulnerable to conventional physical injury like the great snake itself. This also provides Black Adam with, invulnerability to mystical enchantments and attacks.

* Superhuman Inner Strength: He is always supported by an innate and harmonious presence of good will and strength of perseverance that he never backs down from a challenge.

* Invulnerability: If he were somehow wounded, his godly energies would enable him to recover very rapidly. It would take an injury of such magnitude that it dispersed a major portion of his bodily molecules to cause him a physical death. Even then, it is possible for a god of significant power, such as Ra, Anubis and Osiris or for a number of Egyptian gods of equal power working together to revive him.

The Power of Isis: He has recently acquired the Power of the Goddess Isis, making him stronger than ever. When Black Adam utters the magic word he not only gains his usual powers but all of his original powers are greater in strength because of the extra power he gains from Isis. Although he has not shown this abilities, the Power of Isis should also grant him:

* Nature Control

* Telekinesis
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felixxx - 2/15/2011, 10:12 PM
Broly can destroy entire planets just by getting really pissed off. Unfortunately, Saiyans end up with so much power that its hard for anything to topple them(which makes it hard to watch as the show progresses). Black Adam stands zero chance, though im sure the fight would drag out for 15 or 20 episodes with lots of staring at each other and saying "I need to get stronger":)
whoa123 - 2/15/2011, 10:33 PM
Nice!! Two of my favorite villains!! Broly will take this one home.
felixxx - 2/16/2011, 2:06 AM
Yeah GT was a steaming pile of crap served on plate made from crap. Tree of might and Lord Slug(with disturbed soundtrack) were the best of them. The movies have a lot to desire as a fan.
SageMode - 2/16/2011, 6:15 AM
The only thing that was cool about DBGT was Super Saiyan 4 Goku, and SS4 Gogeta
Dynamo - 2/16/2011, 4:19 PM
Yeah I don't think there are many characters that can stand a chance against Broly.

And yeah DBGT sucked.
Hyblade - 2/16/2011, 6:01 PM
Broly FTW !!

BTW I agree, DBGT SUCKS !!!
Matador - 2/17/2011, 6:49 PM
Broly would use Black Adam as a tampon in Giganta's giant......
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