In the aftermath of the Kree-Skrull war that ravaged Earth, a group of heroes consisting of Iron Man, Mr. Fantastic, Professor X, Namor, Black Bolt, Dr. Strange, and the Black Panther arranged a meeting in Wakanda to debate the need of a united body of heroes (similar to the United Nations). It’s brought up by Iron Man that numerous heroes contained information that could have prevented the war if only that information could have been combined, hence the need of this group. Though hotly debated, it was agreed upon that such a group was needed by all, save the Black Panther, who took issue with the self-righteous attitudes of all involved and predicts disaster. With the formation of the group settled between the remaining heroes, they then turned to their first order of business, sending a message to those that just fought upon our planet, the Skrulls.
Their goal set, the Illuminati traveled to the Skrull homeworld where they warn the
Empire not to attack Earth again but are unable to escape afterwards. Captured by the Skrulls, the group is analyzed and their reactions monitored until Iron Man is able to lead an escape. But the realization of this trip is apparent, another attack by the Skrulls are inevitable as the Skrulls start to make use of the data they compiled.
Let's go with those we are already familiar with. Shall we?
Now unto those that haven't hit the Big Screen yet...
As much as I love Keanu Reeves... I love being right more. So this is me being right...
Already established that this is just about the only superhero we can trust Diesel with...
A little young compared to his comrades but a great makeup team like the one that did "a beautiful mind" could easily make it work.
I was always a Djimon Hounsou fan until I found out how much this guy wants to play T'Challa. My only condition would be for the guy to slim down...
So am I good? or am I good? lol seriously I want your opinions...
Avengers Illuminati
Planet Hulk
Green Lantern Corps
DC Universe vs Mortal Kombat
Smallville vs The Real World: DC
Smallville Villains Fan Art
Smallville Character Appearances