The Pro was a hilarious one-shot adult comic from Garth Ennis, Amanda Conner and Jimmy Palmiotti that showed some of the...dirtier...aspects of being a real-world superhero. Recently, Palmiotti mentioned on his blog that plans were in the works to turn the comic into an animated series, but that it fell apart. Now, The Pro may receive the big-screen treatment and Palmiotti posted his pick for the lead role: funnywoman Sarah Silverman.
"As you guys know, we have been going the animation route with adapting the comic book that Garth Ennis, Amanda Conner and myself created, The Pro. Well, we have given up on that since we did a killer demo that went nowhere...and no, we cannot show you it because we don't own it and would get sued...and I am sick of lawyers as is.
"so...we have been thinking of going the live action route with the project and my first and favorite candidate is Sarah Silverman. First off, she is funny as hell and I think has the right attitude. Second, she can act...which is important for this to work and last, she has more balls than most people I know and would be willing and able to pull this off just right, in my opinion.I also think the big screen needs to see more of her. let me know what you think."
If you haven't read it (and you're 18), you should go out and pick it up because it is a riot.