Alongside the Batman: Arkham City Batcave DLC being released today, Rocksteady has announced that a free Batman: Incoporated skin is being given away as a 'Thank You' from them. Alongside this, they have also informed us of a cheat you can use to play with any skin in Story mode.
"We have had an amazing release of Batman: Arkham City and we wanted to thank you all for your incredible support before, during and after the game's release.
As a token to our appreciation, we'll be offering a brand new, totally super sweet, Batman Inc. Batsuit skin absolutely free!"
The skin will be available for download tomorrow. Also, Rocksteady has given us this cheat to use so you can play with any batman skin in story mode:
"We also know you want to deliver justice on the streets of Gotham as Batman in your favorite skin, any time and all the time. So using the below cheat, you can select any alternative Batman skin and play them in the main game, without having to complete the full game.
To unlock this, simply press the following combination on the Main Menu screen (after you have selected your save slot):
- Left, Left, Down, Down, Left, Left, Right, Up, Up, Down.
You will get an audio confirmation and when you continue your game, you will get the option to select your favorite skin."
The Batcave DLC which also inclues 'The Iceberg Lounge' and 'Joker's Funhouse' challenge maps is available now, and tthe new Batman: Incoporated skin will be availible for tomorrow!
Batman: Arkham City is available now for PC, PS3 and Xbox 360!