Grave of the Fireflies is a 1988 anime film based on the 1967 novel from Akiyuki Nosaka. It's one of the most important anime films of all-time however, there are no spirit demons or shinigami in this anime adaptation. The film follows two children struggling to survive alone in a war-torn Japan during World War II. It's an important work because it offers an uncompromising look at the events of
firebombing of the city of Kobe by American forces during that time. Roger Ebert has called it
"one of the most powerful war films ever made" and the film as earned similar praise from practically every media outlet that springs to mind. Directed by Studio Ghibli, it's the feature that put Studio Ghibli on the map.
Dresden Pictures, which has released a number of noteworthy shorts has acquired film rights and U.K. distribution for a live-action adaptation of the film with plans to start shooting in 2014. There is speculation that the film could be re-imagined to reflect German bombings in England during World War II. If so, expect backlash akin to Warner Bros. planned (now shelved) adaptation of the beloved Akira anime.
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