"Kuroshitsuji" also known as "Black Butler" is a fairly popular manga here in the US from writer and illustrator Yana Toboso. The manga series follows Sebastian Michaelis (Hiro Mizushima), a demonic servant bound by an ironclad supernatural contract to Ciel Phantomhive (Ayame Gōriki), the 13-year-old head of the Phantomhive aristocrat family. The live-action film is taking a few liberties with the manga source material, setting the events of the film in a fictional 2020 metropolitan urban landscaped comprised of East and Western cultures. The story follows Ciel who's out to find her family's killer and enlists the aid of her demonic butler Michaelis, with the caveat that once their quest is complete, Ciel must relinquish her soul to Sebastian.
Kentaro Otani (NANA) and Keiichi Satou (Tiger & Bunny) are co-directing the film. The film will be released in Japan in first quarter of 2014.
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First Image From Live-Action KIKI'S DELIVERY SERVICE