20th Century Fox has acquired the rights to Ed Brubaker's graphic novel series
Incognito with plans of transforming it in to a feature film. The screenplay will be written by Pulitzer Prize-winning playwright Robert Schenkkan. Peter Chernin and David Engel are set to produce the project. Brubaker is an acclaimed writer for Marvel who is probably best known for his runs on
Captain America and
The protagonist is Zack Overkill, a ruthless villain who is powered by super strength. He is caught and rats out his boss, The Black Death. He goes into witness protection. He’s given a drug to dull his powers and takes a normal guy job as delivering the mail. By the time he discovers that messing with certain drugs restores his power, he has developed something of a conscience. He becomes a vigilante and soon, his exploits become known to The Black Death, who is out for revenge.
Brubaker describes Zack Overkill...
“He’s not your typical villain and I was trying to blend the trappings of pulp, comic and noir genres. Zack was raised to be his world’s equivalent of a supervillain. We’ve all seen the story of a good person who goes undercover and gets corrupted. This is a bad person forced to live among regular people, and how he’s affected by that. He once ran around with a mask, but now he’s got the fake name and the fake job. My goal was to have you rooting for him as he grows a conscience.”
I have to admit this sounds interesting to me. At the very least, it sounds different.