So why all the Gwen hate?
Because niether HER nor her Father's character were done any Justice by the actors.
Haters-"Thats the same argument people give as to why Topher really wasn't a bad choice for Brock!"
No, actually the reason Topher wasn't good for the role is because he sucked at it, and didn't give ANY inkling he was Brock. Even if he'd had any more screen time he would have still sucked, character and ACTING wise. The part where he was praying for Jesus to kill Parker was hilarious and patheticly sad.
Now with Gwen and her father, its different. Both Bryce Dallas Howard, and James Cromwell are STELLER actors and could easily pull off the parts of their characters.
But likened to those in the latest Starwars movies, they were given ZIP for face time and GOOD lines.
If given the right amount of screen time and writing, they could really live the characters, as were Topher would simply SUCK that much longer.
Haters- "Gwen is supposed to die in the comics!"
Yeah, and Peter was suposed to have met/known Gwen before he ever did MJ in the comics. Plus, his Uncle was never killed by SANDMAN!
"Well her character wasn't developed enough!"
That can be acomplished easily in the next movie if her character is treated properly. PLUS, it would be more practical to introduce an NEW character for people to love rather then resarect another we've come to loath
(Like Mary *cant-sing* Jane)
Haters-"Well it would be best to put them together again because Mary Jane and Pete were ALWAYS together in the comics, and always the ones who married each other."
AGAIN WITH THE COMICS! Look if you wanna go by the "The comics" Then technicaly Peter and Mary Jane never even met each other. (Yet another reason why you don't tell everyone your SPIDERMAN!!!)
"Thanx Mephisto."
Another reason why Gwen should be the next heart throb for our webslinger?
SHE'S SMOKING HOT! but besides that, she's liked/loved Peter even BEFORE she knew he was Spiderman, and even more after. To follow MJ really pored her heart out for Peter when she found out it was SPidey. Gwen liked him when he was a GEEK. Now if a girl that cute likes you even when your a nerd, YOU DO NOT WAIST THAT!
Look guys, my eyes get huge when I see black cat too, but I'm more concerned about who will LOVE Parker rather then who will SEX HIM UP.
Do I NOT want Black Cat in the movie?
If thats where they're going, BOO YA!
But if its a choice between, a girl who "Tingles MY spider sences." vs. someone who pulls Parker's heart strings. I pick the second OVER the first, not cause I don't like the first.