I'll just start this off by saying that overall I loved this season. To me it was definately one of the best of the series. That being said, I will also add that I have complaints. I'm planning to review the season as a whole as well as go over the episodes and, of course, my likes and dislikes.
So the story starts off where the season 4 finale ended. Lucifer's cage is open and he is rising up to wreak havoc and end the world. Just as it seems that Lucifer has the Brothers cornered, they are transported out of the locked cathedral to a plane flying above(poor Dean). The Winchesters then travel to Chuck the Prophet's house seeking answers as to who saved them from Lucifer, while there they find out that Castiel was blown up by an archangel. Then Zachariah (Kurt Fuller) appears and explains that Michael is ready for his vessel, Dean, to say yes because Lucifer was circling his vessel as they spoke and Dean was needed to defeat the devil.
Then enters Nick (Mark Pellegrino), Nick becomes the temporary vessel of Lucifer when Lucifer manipulates Nick using his murdered baby and wife to have him say yes. Lucifer real vessel is revealed, later, to be Sam.
While trying to figure out how to defeat the devil, a possessed Bobby and some demons, including Meg, attack the boys. As possessed Bobby is ready to kill Dean, real Bobby gains control only to stab himself with Ruby's Knife and the result is he becomes paralyzed from the waist down. Later Zachariah tries to manipulate Dean to say yes through torture only to have Castiel, in all of his badassness, appears back from the dead to save the boys. Castiel doesn't possess all of his powers because he's cut off from Heaven.
The boys realize there is a rift between them because of Sam's choice to side with Ruby and not Dean, which resulted in the start of the Apocalypse. Dean realizes he can't trust Sam and Sam notices the major burden he carries now. After they encounter and defeat one of the Four Horsemen, War, they go their separate way for a while. During that time Lucifer and Sam talk and Sam discovers he's the "chosen one" for Lucifer.
Then Dean gets to go on a trip 5 years into the future, thanks to Zachariah, and he observes everything that will be after Sam says, "Yes" to the devil. He leads a group of rebels fighting to stop the devil while trying to survive against those infected with the Croatoan virus and Castiel is now a human, who indulges in drugs and orgys, after the angels abandon their hope in Dean and leave.
Dean sees the burden he will have in the future and he also talks to Lucifer, who is inside Sam's body. (AMAZING scene).
When Dean return to present time, the boys reunite and decide that they need each other to win this war. During the next few episodes the boy encounter the Anti-Christ, who ends up being a little boy, a Man-Witch, who ages Dean to his 70's, Cupids, Fans at a
Supernatural convention, Zombies, hell hounds, gods and goddesses, more demons, teenage satanists, the remaining Horsemen (Famine, Pestilence, and Death) and, once again, The Trickster, whom you find out is really the Archangel Gabriel (He is also known as Loki).
(Am skipping the details in most of the episodes. Will explain my likes and dislikes on them later. Most of them kinda trailed away from the stroyline anyways.)
Eventually some hunters catch up with Sam and Dean and kill them. They go to heaven and Castiel tells them to find an angel named Joshua. Joshua is the angel that talks directly with God. Joshua tells them that God doesn't want to be found and that they are on their own. He had already brought Castiel back to life and he got them away from Lucifer and put them on that plane and that was all he would do, to the disappointment of the Winchesters and Castiel.
Later on, Gabriel dies at the hands of Lucifer, but he leaves Dean and Sam a porn DVD starring Gabriel himself. In the DVD he tells them there's a way to throw Lucifer back in his cage in Hell. The key is the Four Horsemen's rings. They, of course, get them with the help of a demon named Crowley (Mark Sheppard) and then devise a plan to get at Lucifer. Which they decide to have Sam say, "Yes." Which he does. Because Dean refused Michael one to many times, Michael takes Adam (Sam and Dean's half brother) as a vessel. They meet on the battlefield only to have Dean show up to interfere. Castiel and Bobby arrive and Castiel banishes Michael temporarily. Lucifer kills Castiel and Bobby for interfering and begins to beat the crap out of Dean. But, when the sun shines on the Impala, Sam starts to see all the memories he's had with Dean in the car and he gains control of himself again. He opens the gate to Hell and starts to jump in, but when Michael tries to stop him he drags Michael with him and the gate closes. Castiel comes back to life, with his angelic powers restored, and heals Dean and revives Bobby and then tells him he will return to heaven to help restore everything. Bobby (now healed and able to walk thanks to Crowley) decides to start hunting again. Dean returns to Lisa (an old flame whom he always imagined a happy life with) and he begins his new life. The final scene is Sam standing outside Lisa's house staring in.
******Likes & Dislikes******
-I love Mark Pellegrino as Lucifer. All of his scene were amazing no matter whom he was acting with. I also loved how they protrayed Lucifer. I couldn't help but like the character! All of the dialogue the devil had was just brilliant and very entertaining. Especially the scene where they showed Lucifer in the future (In Sam's body) and his talk with Dean. Gave me goosebumps. I couldn't get enough of the character, and I feel he should've been in more episodes.
-Crowley... He is definately my new favorite demon. Played brilliantly by Mark Sheppard. Crowley is yet another new character they should've brought in more throughout the season. I really hope they bring him in more in the sixth season. Who else loved the scene where he brings in his Hell Hound to fight. "I brought my own... Mine's bigger." EPIC.
-Okay this next one might surprise many, but... I really liked Paris Hilton in the show. She really delivered in her role. She was only in one episode but she really impressed me. So good job Paris.
-I didn't like how they made Dean into a Debbie Downer. I understand he had a HUGE burden to carry but still I was glad when they ended that and gave him his balls back.
-Sam/Lucifer impressed me, but then disappointed me. I loved how Jared played him the first time around in the future but then when he finally got taken over but Lucifer in the final episode he just didn't seem to have that same energy that drew me to him in the first place. I understand it's not really Jared's fault but still a disappointment.
my biggest issue is they hype up this HUGE battle for about 2 seasons and the time comes and there's no BIG BRAWL! Only talking. FAIL... This was such a let down and I must say my biggest upset for the season. I was hoping for a little bit of action before Dean interfered.
-Of course I loved Castiel and what I loved the most was when he was trying to be more human. Such as trying to understand jokes or Dean's references to pop culture. Also trying to fit in with his new comrades by taking part in drinking games, or trying to say the right thing (such as the scene where Sam asks him to take care of Dean and Bobby when he's gone and Cass says it's impossible but stops and says, "Oh, I was suppose to lie... Suuuuure they'll be fine.) My only dislike was I was really hoping he would've stayed human but I can't complain considering I was terrified they would left him dead. My favorite Castiel scene has to be when Dean finds out he's a virgin and decides to take him to a brothel to get him laid, which, of course, doesn't work out. Also when Castiel goes undercover with Dean as an FBI agent.

- Changing Channels may have steered away from the storyline but it was a genius episode and one of my all time favorites! I can't explain how much I loved this episode. It was just so fun to see them make fun of other shows like "Grey's Anatomy"
and "CSI: Miami"
among others too. The Japanese game show scene plus the Herpexia commercial were priceless.
-I really didn't like the new Meg at all. She didn't have the same energy that the original from first season did.
-It sucked they killed Gabriel off! I loved the Trickster episodes. I was so happy they gave him more of an importance in the show. I especially loved the final scene with Lucifer and him. Amazing. So here's to hoping Castiel wasn't the only one revived.
-Now many may disagree with me but I liked the ending they gave Jo and Ellen. It was a beautiful ending for them and heroic. I never really grew the charcaters but I still cried when they died. I hope they keep them dead because it would taint what was one of the best scenes in the series if they come back.
-Now I don't know if I am misunderstanding this but I believe Chuck was God. Which if he was, that was just
genius and a great twist. Many argue about the amulet and it not glowing around him. Joshua clearly explains this. He said the amulet wouldn't work because God doesn't want to be found. Also if God doesn't want to be found then obviously he could hide himself from everyone and anything.
-Kurt Fuller really delivered as Zachariah. I love when they make characters you just love to hate but I was SO happy when they killed him off. Good riddance to that character! He was a little too much at most times.
-One of my other disappointments with the season was they brought in the Anti-Christ, who was a little boy, and said he had a big part to play in the Apocalypse. Then at the end of the episode he disappears and we never see him again. What the fail?? He should've been brought back in the final episodes or something to wrap that up. To me it felt like it was left open and there was no real closure there to me.
-Didn't like the Fan convention episode. That was just a lame attempt to give a nod to the fans which really came off as a little insulting. Maybe it was just me.
-The "My Bloody Valentine" episode was just disgusting. I mean it was a good episode because it brought in Famine but it was a little too gory for my taste. I actually got nauseated by the opening scene, which I'm sure they wanted, so good job. You succeeded in me loosing my appetite for the rest of the night...
-Props to Jim Beaver and the episode, "Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid." Considering Jim Beavers really did lose his wife to cancer in real life, he had just the experience he needed to apply it to that episode. Jim always delivers as Bobby in every season and I look forward to his return in season 6!
-Just so everyone knows. I knew the frikin Colt wouldn't work on the devil. It kills demons and Lucifer is an angel... DUH...
-Loved the scene with Death and Dean. Loved how he tells Dean that he is one of the most powerful beings in the world and he's strapped to a boy throwing a tantrum. Great dialogue in that scene too.
-A lot of the dialogue in the season was outstanding and, like I stated before, I especially love the dialogue Lucifer had with other characters.
-One of the best use of special effects has to be when the archangel Raphael arrives and has lightning bolt angel wings. Very, very Cool.
-Honestly I am sad that they renewed Supernatural for a sixth season after watching that finale. It would've been a great ending to a great show.
-Loved they gave Sam the hero's ending. He made the ultimate sacrifice by giving his life to save his brother and the world.
SirPrize is the one who really made me enjoy Sam's fate even more because I have to agree that the last few seasons they really seemed to down size Sam and up size Dean. I feel they really redeemed Sam in the final episode.
Anyways another season has ended and I must say the entire season, though it did have some flaws, was a phenomenal season. I recommend this season to anyone who hasn't caught it yet. A great story and mythology that has a great blend of action, drama, comedy, and fear. Share your thought below as usual.
P.S. For those who insist on coming in here to say they hate the show. I will delete your comments. If you don't like it then don't read and don't waste your typing skills just to share your negativity, unless you're a fan and its about something that bothered you about the season.