RUMOR: THOR 5 Scheduled To Film Next Year; Writer And Director Currently Being Sought

RUMOR: THOR 5 Scheduled To Film Next Year; Writer And Director Currently Being Sought

THOR Star Chris Hemsworth Blasts Actors Who've Criticized The MCU After Appearing In Movies That Didn't Work
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THOR Star Chris Hemsworth Blasts Actors Who've Criticized The MCU After Appearing In Movies That "Didn't Work"

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kurekurcubic - 10/13/2011, 8:20 AM
and thor 2 has been pushed back to november
ksommer - 10/13/2011, 8:24 AM
I'm not sure if I buy this... Thor in November? It won't make nearly enough to justify further sequels... That's just not smart by Disney. I could see pushing it back a year to release in May.
Dynamo - 10/13/2011, 8:25 AM
November? Really?
PaulRom - 10/13/2011, 8:26 AM

PaulRom - 10/13/2011, 8:27 AM
Lone Ranger being pushed back was inevitable since the project was briefly shelved, but pushing Thor 2 to November??? Fail.
PaulRom - 10/13/2011, 8:32 AM
BTW, I thought Thor 2 was originally slated for July 26th, not 13th.
kurekurcubic - 10/13/2011, 8:34 AM
thor is a perfect film for was always more of a winter film to me then fact i think it can even gross much more money now
ksommer - 10/13/2011, 8:37 AM
This is how Disney is going to affect Marvel. Changing Thor in favor of Phineas And Ferb?????????? ARE YOU KIDDING ME!?!?
MarkJulian - 10/13/2011, 8:41 AM
I can get with this. Let's stop making CBM's exclusively a summer event. If studios think we can get CBM's year round then we'll get more of them.
ksommer - 10/13/2011, 8:45 AM
@brazilianbatman & @GraphicCity That's a very good point... Maybe this is Marvel's first move on getting three a year.
Kaziganthi - 10/13/2011, 8:45 AM
Hey at least there won't be comic book movie overload during the summer. Spread them out a bit, make less competition against each other at the box office. I'm sad we have to wait longer, but hey, what's a few months? It gives them more time to make it better.
LucasMend - 10/13/2011, 8:46 AM
Thor at november?
The thing with superheroes movies being on summer is that you've got lots of people available at that time, specially kids, but november is not a very good month, most of kids are back at school, so they probably won't have much time, and kids are who gives more money to superheroes/cbm movies.
Greengo - 10/13/2011, 8:52 AM
Don't movies normally come out on Friday?

How does that affect kids?
Shaman - 10/13/2011, 8:53 AM
I'm fine with that. Take your time and make it good.
HelaGood - 10/13/2011, 8:53 AM
no worries. Thor will still do well!

who really gives a rats ass about this Lone Ranger movie anyway?

Eva Green as Hela in Thor 2!!

LMB10 - 10/13/2011, 8:53 AM

Ateast I can see it at Christmas
Kayo - 10/13/2011, 8:56 AM
if that's the case then maybe the script of Thor 2 is not yet ready,
Ironbat95 - 10/13/2011, 8:58 AM
they should have at least grabbed thanksgiving weekend
hoodedjester - 10/13/2011, 8:59 AM
Me thinks the Lone Ranger is gonna sit in development hell for the next 5 years. Script re-writes, director's quitting and actors never quite onboard - it's already begun
SoulAllFlush - 10/13/2011, 8:59 AM
Was about to call this bad business, but then I remember The Lone Ranger has Johnny Depp in it. Yeah, Lone Ranger is going to do very well regardless of plot, budget, or quality.
ksommer - 10/13/2011, 9:02 AM
One thing I just noticed...

The week after Thor 2 now, is the Hunger Games sequel Catching Fire and the week after that is a Pixar movie... I'm not sure if Thor 2 will get some legs underneath to be successful.
SuperFrost - 10/13/2011, 9:02 AM
Who care's about the lone ranger, how many of us here have actually watched that show ever! Thor First! It would make more sense to introduce LR during the holidays when families go out to see movies.
BiZArOh - 10/13/2011, 9:06 AM
@ksommer it could totally make enough for a sequel. James Bond and Harry Potter movies are almost exclusive novemeber releases with the exception of just a handfull. they make loads of money.
Kayo - 10/13/2011, 9:06 AM
Don Payne had a lot of time for the script i think.
PaulRom - 10/13/2011, 9:09 AM
@ksommer Depends on the success of the first Hunger Games of course, but yeah, does seem like Thor will have a hard time beating them both.
Kaziganthi - 10/13/2011, 9:10 AM
Well if what ksommer said turns out to be the actual schedule (nothing gets moved) then forget what I said about less competition. Unless they put the movie out in February or something they're going to have competition at the box office from other big movies.
TheStranger - 10/13/2011, 9:12 AM
So Disney draws first blood on the comic book fans...we all knew it was coming they put their bullshit Johnny Depp movie ahead of what will really make them the money...yeah yeah good idea Disney -_-
JWStubner - 10/13/2011, 9:13 AM
@ GraphicCity

I'm with you! I hate having to sit through fall and winter to see a new CBM. It's time they hit the holiday season hard.
marvel72 - 10/13/2011, 9:14 AM
can't see it,it'll make more money during the summer.
Kaziganthi - 10/13/2011, 9:14 AM
Sortis - Johnny Depp has been HUGELY bankable for Disney. Thor, while it made a decent amount, can't compete.
Chewtoy - 10/13/2011, 9:14 AM
People slagging Disney seem to forget that Paramount kept the lucrative Fourth of July holiday weekend for Transformers 3 and let Captain America wait until the tail end of summer where no more holiday weekends remained. Studios will always jockey their projects around for best position, and after all the dough Johnny Depp family adventure films bring in regardless of quality the Lone Ranger was obviously going to be their #1 project.

Not putting Thor in the "also ran" days of summer post every other superhero flick and opting to put it at the beginning of the second most lucrative box office season (Thanksgiving to New Years) is a smart move. It has enough of its own built in audience to open big the weekend before Thanksgiving, have a huge second weekend thanks to the holiday, and then have strong legs up through the Christmas season.

It's not a bad strategy.
CBMfan001 - 10/13/2011, 9:14 AM
well Thor was good but nothing special actually other than x-men first class all other superhero movies were average with green lantern been the weakest of the im not like hugely anticipating Thor 2,the only marvel movies im hugely anticipating are avengers (there seems to be lot of smashing,hopefully it'll have a decent storyline) and iron man 3 despite it been in the hands of a new director.

from DC its TDKR and superman man of steel both looks to be awesome from what I've seen so far.
captainbeta - 10/13/2011, 9:15 AM
It will all depend on story, director and getting everyone on board. I think it is good to move it back to develop the script even more. KNOCK IT OUT OF THE PARK!!!!!
MassExecutions - 10/13/2011, 9:23 AM
Yeah, we can't say definitively this is bad news. Lots of movies make money in November, and who knows how popular Thor might be after The Avengers? I'm not saying it will carry Harry Potter level hype, but it will be bigger than it was before the first one.

Really this is just a good business decision of Disney, though. Sequels have some built in ticket sales, so you can move they to some what less favorable spots, to give a new property a better chance.
DeadpoolDan - 10/13/2011, 9:24 AM
Booo to Disney :^( don't want to have to wait longer for Thor 2, but I guess it will be nice to have something later on in the year to watch :^/

But still not happy!!!
MassExecutions - 10/13/2011, 9:26 AM
Ah. Ditto to Chewtoy.

Also, its not like Disney isn't going to still market the hell out of Thor, just because its in November. They still want to keep it a viable franchise. A buck is a buck, whatever movie it comes from.
themayer88 - 10/13/2011, 9:27 AM
noone gives a hobos crap about a goddamn Lone Ranger movie!!
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