A very interesting rumor was brought to my attention the other day. That rumor stated that an actor from a historical Superman show or movie would be making a cameo in the upcoming Zack Snyder film, Man of Steel. People were told to think outside the box when it came to the cameo, so naturally all kinds of crazy ideas were being thrown around. Including that it might be the late great Christopher Reeve. While this sounds crazy, it might not be too far fetched. Thanks to some Batman like detective work from a Spanish site, and a heads up from @ManofSteel_2013, set photos that were taken from the Chicago set seem to reveal that the cameo might be of Reeve and his classic Clark Kent persona. Check out the set photos below, that show a man dressed in the Kent type clothes Reeve wore in the opening credits to Superman III.
Now check out this photo of Reeve, that features a side by side comparison of the man in the set photo blown up.
Could this be someone that they happen to dress like this on set? Maybe. However, it is rather doubtful that they would dress someone this way for a movie set in these modern times. How they will choose to do the cameo if they are going to keep it in the film will be interesting too. Will you see his face? If you do will they CGI it in? You can check out to see if this cameo will actually come to fruition when Man Of Steel opens on June 14.