Ivan Reitman Reveals Why He Won't Be Directing A Third GHOSTBUSTERS Movie
Rumour has it that Bridesmaids director Paul Feig will helm a Ghostbusters reboot with an all-female cast, but original filmmaker Ivan Reitman was attached to return for a time. Here, he explains why that's no longer the case and his involvement with the current iteration...
It appears as if we will no longer be getting a Ghostbusters movie continuing the story from the first two instalments as Paul Feig is developing a new story which some claim will reboot the franchise will an all-female cast. In a recent interview with Superhero Hype, Ivan Reitman talked more about why he decided to step away from Ghostbusters 3 and hand the reigns over to someone else.
"I am very involved. I’m a producer of the film. I wasn’t giving it all up. I suddenly felt that Ghostbusters didn’t necessarily need me as a director, at least I didn’t need to direct Ghostbusters, let me put it that way. Having done the other two and with the passing of Harold and with Bill Murray seeming disinterested being in it, I thought it was better for me just to produce it and to make sure we’re going to have the quality and style of what is appropriate for another version of that film. But the franchise could benefit from somebody else’s point of view. I’ve done it twice before and it will be great to get somebody else to lend a hand as well."
The original Ghostbusters celebrates its 30th anniversary this year, and fans of the first two movies have long been sceptical about both the necessity of a third one AND the recently revealed plans to possibly reboot. Either way, it seems like something that Sony are intent on making, so be sure to stay tuned to CBM for updates.