FAN-ART: Julia Voth Transformed Into SPIDER-WOMAN In Cool New Digital Paining
Julia Voth has starred in TV shows like Project: SERA and Package Deal, but Marvel Studios (or possibly Sony Pictures) would be wise to give the actress a starring role in a future movie based on these two very cool masked and unmasked Spider-Woman digital paintings...
We've featured a couple of pieces of deviantART user bittermarch's work here on CBM (Natalie Dormer as Captain Marvel and Lupita Nyong'o as Storm), and this latest piece turns Julia Voth into Spider-Woman. She may not be quite as well known as the two mentioned above, but there's no denying that she looks perfect as Jessica Drew! It's not clear which studio holds the rights to the character - due to her ties with The Avengers and the obvious similarities to Spider-Man in terms of the name and powers - but we'll hopefully see Spider-Woman brought to the big screen sooner rather than later! Would you guys like to see Julia Voth play Spider-Woman?