COMICS: Marvel Unveils A Drastic New Look For Their Armored "All-New Venom"
Remember when Venom was a "Lethal Protector" who made Spider-Man's life a living hell? These days, he's a member of the Guardians of the Galaxy, and Marvel have unveiled a very different new look for the villain which is quite unlike anything we've seen before. Check it out...
Things have changed a lot for Venom over the past decade or so. Once Eddie Brock lost the symbiote, MacGargan (a.k.a. The Scorpion) took over for a time before wounded war veteran Flash Thompson inherited the alien suit as a heroic government agent. As of right now, Venom is a member of the Guardians of the Galaxy, and looks set to receive a very new look in the Brian Michael Bendis penned series. Artist Valerio Schiti had this to say about the reason for the redesign. "I suppose that the main reason for this change is the new readers—at least that’s what Brian Bendis said! The new generations of readers have a totally different idea of Venom; most of them don’t even know that once he was a bad guy. In this moment nobody perceives him like a monster, everybody knows that he’s a hero, a good guy with a super cool costume that can do amazing things so why don’t we concentrate on them?" Thoughts on the new look?