Martin Freeman has officially joined the cast of Captain America: Civil War as...we don't know! Similar to when they announced that Daniel Bruhl had been cast in the 2016 movie, Marvel are saying nothing in regards to who the actor is playing, and we didn't find out that Bruhl was Baron Zemo until he let it slip in a recent interview. As a result, don't be surprised if we don't hear more on Freeman's role for some time. Hopefully someone will unearth some solid details soon though.
"From his roles as Bilbo Baggins and Doctor Watson to Tim in 'The Office,' Martin's range from the dramatic to the comedic has consistently impressed us," said Captain America: Civil War Producer Kevin Feige in a statement released today. "We couldn't be more honored or excited to have such a talented actor join the Marvel Cinematic Universe." This is no doubt a great addition to the threequel, and if I had to throw a random name out there, I'd say Freeman is playing Peter Henry Gyrich. He didn't have any sort of role in the Civil War comic book, but was a government liason to the team, so his presence in a movie like this one would make sense. What do you think?