The final battle between Deadpool and Ajax will take place on the flight deck of a crashed airship (there go the moronic theories that the entire movie takes place on that freeway), and as you can see below, it's going to be one hell of a fight! "Ryan’s like Muhammad Ali, dancing around, whispering in my ear," Ed Skrein says of how these scenes between Deadpool and Ajax play out in the movie. "And I’m George Foreman. Every blow is like a haymaker and I just want to take his head off." Ryan Reynolds meanwhile admitted to being a little intimidated when he came up against his opponent for the first time. "Ed got yoked for the movie. I saw his arms and got pretty upset at myself for not working out harder." Of course, there are still plenty of jokes to go along with the action! "[The set] was an alternate-joke factory," he adds. "For one joke in the movie we wrote 16 versions." Let us know your thoughts on these new Deadpool details below.