Spanning nearly 50 minutes, Marvel has made their "AvX" live event available to watch again in case you missed it earlier today. Plenty of details about the event are revealed and teased in the following video, while the conversations shared between the editors and writers are often very amusing (Ed Brubaker and Matt Fraction in particular share a very amusing exchange in the last few minutes of the live blog). There is currently no embed code available so click on the image below to check it out.
The Avengers and X-Men have learned that the all-powerful embodiment of both death and rebirth known as the Phoenix Force is on a crash course for Earth…and it needs a new host to unleash its immeasurable power. But what is the shocking decision tied to the Phoenix’s return that will pit the Avengers against the X-Men? And when good friends become bitter enemies, what does this mean for the future of the Marvel Universe?