It looks like Marvel Studios enjoyed filming
Captain America: The First Avenger in the UK so much that they'll also be bringing the God of Thunder to this side of the pond later this year. Exactly how much will be filmed in London is unclear (as is whether these will be scenes filmed inside or outside of a studio) but we'll be sure to keep you updated with more details as and when we have them.
"I have no idea. And without revealing too much, there's a specific skill set you need to be [in] Loki's army - let me know if you have the qualifications. And all I know about Thor 2 is that we're supposed to film it in London in the summer and that it's being directed by Alan Taylor."
There's not really been much else said about
The Avengers or
THOR 2 but it makes for an interesting read nonetheless and you can check out Empire's full web chat (which is still ongoing) by clicking on the link below.
Chris Hemsworth as Thor
Tom Hiddleston as Loki
Natalie Portman as Jane Foster
RELEASE DATE: November 15th, 2013.