James Badge Dale Talks IRON MAN 3; Addresses 'Iron Patriot' Rumors And More
It was initially thought that James Badge Dale dons the 'Iron Patriot' suit in Iron Man 3, and the actor talks here about that misunderstanding, his actual 'Coldblood' costume and the tone that Shane Black has brought to the threequel.
When an actor who closely resembled James Badge Dale was spotted on the set of Iron Man 3 in the 'Iron Patriot' armour, it was understandably assumed that he would be donning the suit originally worn by Norman Osborn in the comic books. Well, we later discovered that it was simply a stuntman, and that it is in fact Don Cheadle's Rhodey who will be behind the mask in a rejigged version of the 'War Machine' suit. Talking to Vulture, Dale clarified that he is playing Eric Savin, a character that he confirmed is, "Loosely based on Coldblood."
"The great thing about my costume in Iron Man is that it's very low-pro," he adds. "It was very confusing, because I was in Albequerque filming The Lone Ranger, and people were calling me going, 'Yo, dude, I saw you on the Iron Man set!' And I was like, 'Brother, I ain't even shown up yet. I'm still in the desert, riding horses,'" the actor says of the misunderstanding that it was him wearing the 'Iron Patriot' armour. Regardless, he's still very excited about the direction that director Shane Black is taking the film in. "The tone of the film is very particular, very offbeat, very out-there."
Robert Downey Jr. as Tony Stark/Iron Man
Ben Kingsley as The Mandarin
Gwyneth Paltrow as Pepper Potts
Don Cheadle as Rhodey/War Machine
Guy Pearce as Aldrich Killian
Rebecca Hall as Dr. Maya Hansen
Ashley Hamilton as Jack Taggert
James Badge Dale as Eric Savin
Jon Favreau as Happy Hogan
RELEASE DATE: May 3rd, 2013.