First Possible Plot Details For STAR WARS: EPISODE VII Emerge
A report about the filming location for 'Yavin 4' in the original Star Wars reveals that fans should expect to see filmmakers return to the location for Episode VII as Luke Skywalker reportedly sets up a new Jedi Knight academy. Hit the jump for details!
Reuters have posted a report about the Guatemalan rainforest which George Lucas used as 'Yavin 4' in Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope. It was from this planet that the Rebels launched their attack on the Death Star from, and if the following is to be believed, it appears as if we should expect to see it return in Disney's currently untitled Episode VII...sort of. "Yavin 4 and the rebel base return to the Star Wars plot in the forthcoming Episode VII, announced in October by the Walt Disney Co, in which Skywalker comes back to the planet to build a Jedi Knight academy. However, fans said that Disney will likely film those scenes in a studio rather than return to Tikal." They don't reveal where exactly this information came from, but it sounds like more than simple speculation on their part. On the other hand, the fact they say, "fans said" may shed doubt on the validity of their claims - we'll just have to wait and see. Stay tuned for any further updates!