According to sources of
Entertainment Weekly, it seems after loosing
The Wrestler &
Black Swan director Darren Aronofsky, as well the tragic events underway in it's intended shooting location, Twentieth Century Fox is putting
The Wolverine on ice. The report says verbatim:
A source close to the project tells EW that there is no short list yet of filmmakers who might be tapped to take the reins. Also, given the tragic series of events currently unfolding in Japan — where much of the movie was to be shot — the studio is unlikely to hire someone to kickstart the movie again in the immediate future. “I think we’re going to let it air out a bit before we approach another director,” says the source. “The one good thing, after losing Darren and what’s going on in Japan, is that we have a great script and the star attached and ready to go.”
UPDATE: SHH is claiming: Not true, says our solid source, who tells us that if the studio found a new director tomorrow, they could still start filming in July as was planned.
If true, (and most likely is) this seems like a new act upon Fox, holding off a high-profitable production; and for all the right reasons. What do you think?