Initially offered the role of a scientist in Marvel Studios' next outing, Iron Man 3, Oscar-nominated actress Jessica Chastain previously announced that she'd have to pass, due to scheduling conflicts. However, speaking recently with Total Film, The Help actress confessed she'd still like a role in one of the studios' forthcoming production.
"It's always a good problem to have because it means you have options. It's not really a problem, but it was just impossible, schedule-wise. So I was sad. I met Shane Black earlier and I think he's going to make an amazing film. And of course I went to see Avengers Assemble earlier and I loved it. I hope to be in a Marvel film."
With a slew of films in production, with specific roles undisclosed, what supporting, even leading, role do you think Jessica Chastain could tackle in the Marvel Cinematic Universe? Enchantress?
Described as a “technological crisis thriller,” set in the world of international war, arms & terror, Marvel Studios' “Iron Man 3” stars Robert Downey Jr., Gwyneth Paltrow, Don Cheadle, Guy Pearce, Rebecca Hall, Andy Lau, Ashley Hamilton, James Badge Dale, with Sir Ben Kingsley and Jon Favreau. Shane Black (“Kiss Kiss Bang Bang”) takes over directorial duties from Jon Favreau, who helmed the first two “Iron Man” films. Principal photography will occur primarily in North Carolina and China. And “Iron Man 3” is set for release in May 3, 2013.