In 1942, Steve Rogers (Chris Evans) is deemed physically unfit to enlist in the U.S. Army and fight the Nazis in World War II. Volunteering instead for Project: Rebirth, a secret military operation, he is physically transformed into a super-soldier dubbed Captain America. With sidekick Bucky Barnes (Sebastian Stan), he fights the Red Skull (Hugo Weaving), Hitler's treacherous head of advanced weaponry, whose own plan for world domination involves a seemingly magical object known as the Tesseract.
Thanks to the folks over at
Norton we now have this behind-the-scenes video for Joe Johnston's
Captain America: The First Avenger giving us looks at some new concept art for the film, interviews with Chris Evans, Joe Johnston, among others, and some cool shots of the filming of the movie.
Thanks to
alexandreblade for notifying me about the longer video!
Captain America: The First Avenger will be hitting a theater near you on July 22!