RUMOR: THOR 5 Scheduled To Film Next Year; Writer And Director Currently Being Sought

RUMOR: THOR 5 Scheduled To Film Next Year; Writer And Director Currently Being Sought

THOR Star Chris Hemsworth Blasts Actors Who've Criticized The MCU After Appearing In Movies That Didn't Work
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THOR Star Chris Hemsworth Blasts Actors Who've Criticized The MCU After Appearing In Movies That "Didn't Work"

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Shaman - 11/23/2009, 1:12 PM
She looks like she has big jugs. Am i wrong?
Ryden - 11/23/2009, 1:14 PM
I think she'll be Hela, she seems quite devious.
Gweedo - 11/23/2009, 1:15 PM
@Shaman, She has huge juggs. This girl is totally hott this picture does not do her justice. Makes her face look stupid.
JoshWilding - 11/23/2009, 1:16 PM
If I had to guess who she'll play out of the above four, I'd say Hela - she looks most like that character IMO!
Shaman - 11/23/2009, 1:19 PM
Gweedo- I'm glad you said that cause i was trying to look at better... features. Her face was really unimpressive on that pic ;) Her jugs look gigantic.

Indeed it is, Multi! Indeed it is ;) Thanks for adding more pics of her... she's still kinda... big chested.
JoshWilding - 11/23/2009, 1:20 PM
Shaman: Big jugs indeed. :P

Shaman - 11/23/2009, 1:22 PM
Josh- Yeah, looking at her face... i can tell you that... she has big jugs alright.
Gweedo - 11/23/2009, 1:23 PM
@josh, Mulit - Yes! That's what I'm talkin about!! That's the best one so far josh.
TheGuillotine - 11/23/2009, 1:25 PM
She has a face?
Shaman - 11/23/2009, 1:29 PM
TheGuillotine- Yep, she sure has one, and what a face it is. I... think i'll put her... in the "Scarjo" bin.
JoshWilding - 11/23/2009, 1:33 PM
Gweedo: Yup, thats one hell of a cleavage! :) In fact...

Kat Dennings

hollywood film awards 2 281008 arrivals


Christina Hendricks




Shaman - 11/23/2009, 1:34 PM
I hope she plays someone evil. I like evil chicks with gigantic jugs. Makes me wanna dip the saber in the dark side ;P

Good one Josh! Looking at Christina, now THAT's an attractive woman... with gargantuous jugs.
PhillyHulk - 11/23/2009, 1:42 PM
Christina Hendricks imo is one of the sexiest women in the world, there is just something about a red head...
StephenStrange - 11/23/2009, 1:43 PM
Now there's a very attractive young lady.

I could see her as enchantress but I was kind of hoping for someone perhaps a bit older for the ageless Death Goddess Hela.

But still...characters like Hella, Pluto, The Elders of The Universe, Odin, Gaea are so esoteric and so difficult to invision in a live action setting, that a lot of different interpretations would work.

I just picture Hela, as being like nine feet tall, with white eyes with no visible pupil and no emotion, watching the ages go by dispassionately. Her headdress makes her look a little like Eternity himself.
Like that.

JoshWilding - 11/23/2009, 1:43 PM
Shaman: Lol, and yeah Hendricks is one hell of a beauty (who just happens to have humongous honkers, hehe)! And IMO, the perfect actress for MJ! :)

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selinakyle - 11/23/2009, 1:44 PM
you guys are a hot mess!
Shaman - 11/23/2009, 1:45 PM
Josh- If we could get an older Peter, Chris would be the Perfect MJ. i can't believe she's 40!!! Those jugs don't look a day over 18 :))

You're the "hot" to our mess, MsKyle ;P

PhillyHulk- You forgot "... with gigantic jiggliedoos"
StrangerX - 11/23/2009, 1:47 PM
She sure does have a pretty mouth
InTylerWeTrust - 11/23/2009, 1:49 PM
I would hope out of the characters in the poll that she'd be a friend of Jane Foster's. I don't get an Asgardian vibe from her.

Josh: Nah B, (yes, I did just say that) Mary Elizabeth Winstead for MJ ;)

StephenStrange - 11/23/2009, 1:49 PM
oh snap! it's Safron lol

How... special

selinakyle - 11/23/2009, 1:49 PM
lol @ SHAMAN.
Chris is 40?
Gweedo - 11/23/2009, 1:52 PM
In the words of Kevin Smith, I think this forum just got very moist...
Shaman - 11/23/2009, 1:53 PM
StrangemannX09- But... she has a kristen stuart chin and should invest in upper eye shadow. She also has ginormous boinkpillows.
StuckInPanels - 11/23/2009, 1:55 PM
super nerdgasm...cant take much more*crawls on the floor in pain* whoever she plays it will be sexy
tazmaniak - 11/23/2009, 1:57 PM
Didn't they have a casting call awhile back for a female character who works with Jane Foster?Maybe that's who she's playing.
imnotwearinghockeypants - 11/23/2009, 1:57 PM
Wow, when the hell did that chick get epic tits? And why aren't they the focus of a global peace plan?
Shaman - 11/23/2009, 1:59 PM

JoshWilding - 11/23/2009, 2:03 PM
Shaman: LMAO! Its really is hard to believe but like you said, with an older Peter she could pull off MJ perfectly especially as she looks only about 30!

TYLER: I wouldnt mind seeing Winstead as MJ (especially alongside a younger actor like Bret Harrison) but I still think Hendricks would make a great MJ (or even Medusa from The Inhumans!)

Shaman - 11/23/2009, 2:10 PM
Oooooh! YES josh! Chris would be a PERFECT Medusa :))
StrangerX - 11/23/2009, 2:11 PM
@ Shaman boiknpillows lmao
InTylerWeTrust - 11/23/2009, 2:11 PM
Josh: That's my ideal cast. Bret as Spidey and MEW as MJ!
peterparker420 - 11/23/2009, 2:11 PM
she can't be Valkyrie,

VALKYRIE IS ONLY 16 (or is it 18) and is thors
girlfriend in THE ULTIMATES 2

I'm not to sure about this one, lets hope it is
just a rumor, since marvel has not put out the
offical word!
Tobuttica - 11/23/2009, 2:12 PM
I love boobs! Especially nice big natural ones....Jeepers criminy, where did all the boobs come from and how....boobs...Back to the topic at hand. I don't care who she plays as long as her cleavage is displayed very nicely. As for MJ, I wouldn't mind anyone except Dunst. For the last three movies...wait that's how many there were total....she's annoyed the crap out of me. I'll take anyone as long as they are actually hot and are any bit less irritating.
InFamouslyCool - 11/23/2009, 2:18 PM
yay.. that ugly big boobed chick. at least thor will have some nice boobs in it.
JoshWilding - 11/23/2009, 2:20 PM
peterparker420: She's Thor's girlfriend in Jeph Loeb's dreadful Ultimates 3! Millar just jokingly introduced her in his Ultimates 2 Defenders issue - it was Loeb that turned her into the actual Valkyrie in his mess of an arc...she's a proper character in the regular Marvel universe so Dennings could definitely be Valkyrie!
RockNRollCC - 11/23/2009, 2:22 PM
@shaman, LMFAO!

"you see son, these...boobs-"
yes son, these attah," XD

i just noticed if u zoom in far enough on pic 2, u can see veins popping out of her "attah!"
DDD - 11/23/2009, 2:33 PM
Man, this thread has sure gotten TOP-HEAVY!
My eyes keep gravitating downward from their
faces for some strange reason? :D :D :D
1chris2 - 11/23/2009, 2:33 PM
i agree with tyler mary elisabeth winstead for mj. wow.
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