UPDATE: 4/1 - If you haven't figured it out by now, this "article" was an April Fool's day joke. Psyche!
Holy Mind-f*ck Batfans! Dick Grayson will make his 21st century feature film debut in the final installment of Chris Nolan's Batman franchise.
Not only that, but a Warner Bros. executive has gone on record to say that Nolan has decided to finally deal with the sexual undertone of Robin's relationship with the Dark Knight. Here is an excerpt from Jim Becile's film blog:
"Chris sent the latest draft of the script over to me a few days ago, and I have to say I'm very impressed by the change of pace with this film. Fans of Batman comics will be so happy to see Chris tackle a new and improved Robin; one that is much different from what we've seen on film before. I can't say too much about it without the dynamic Nolan duo blacklisting me from anymore information, but I will say that they are taking a huge risk in exploring Batman's relationship with Robin. A risk I believe will pay off in spades! I have often wondered about the sexual orientation of both Batman and Robin, and this film will finally put that to rest. The film won't be a love story by any means, but boundaries will definitely be crossed."
I rarely interject opinions into news articles, but I have to say. . . WHAT THE F*CK?!? Are they serious?
I had my doubts reading these comments on Jim's blog, but he posted this brief excerpt from the script that eliminated any disbelief whether this was legitimate or not.
Because I don't want to leave any spoilers out in the open, highlight the section below to see a copy of the script image:
I hope you have a Glorious April Fool's Day!