Jason Palmer is a comic artist who specializes in artwork from the movie
Serenity (and the TV series
Firefly it was based off of). Last week, he posted the following message to his Deviant Art journal:
Hello all,
"Been busy with, among other things, two movies each based on DC comic characters (one has a scar, one has a ring) I'll share with you when I can. I've also done prints for recent shows. This weekend I'll be in Seattle at the Emerald City Comicon. Stop by my booth #1110 and if you like pick up a copy of the exclusive print I've done for the show!
I'll also be at Wonder Con in San Francisco April 2-4 where I should finally have the River vs. Reavers print!
If what he says is viable, the only two DC comic based films that fit the description are
Jonah Hex, starring Josh Brolin and Megan Fox, and
Green Lantern, starring Ryan Reynolds.
Johan Rex is scheduled for a summer release this year while
Green Lantern is currently filming in New Orleans, LA.
Jason also uploaded this artwork and caption to his site:
"I did some work for the upcoming Green Lantern movie. I can't show the submitted art, but this is some extra art I did as a cover to the submission pdf, but was strangely not included in the submission. Oh well. For this art, I didn't use costume designs or Reynolds ref that was provided by WB, so I can share it with you.
What to you think ComicBookMovie fans? Though Jason says this piece of artwork itself wasn't submitted to the studio, a similar one could very well have. Either way, it's still nice to see another concept piece for the film. Would you be happy with this style of uniform if Ryan Reynolds were to wear it in Martin Campbell's
Green Lantern?