Sensational Spider-man Part IV

Sensational Spider-man Part IV

The plot thickens!!!

By Wadey09 - Apr 19, 2010 01:04 PM EST
Filed Under: Fan Fic

Hey all, Wadey here! And wow, this job hunt is REALLY affecting my Fan Fic! But seeing as how this doesn't provide a source of income, its understandable that I need to focus on the job.

A lot has been happening in this Spideyverse let me tell you! If you have missed out and not read Parts 1, 2, or 3 I would suggest that you scroll down to the bottom of the page and catch up.

But if you don't want to do all of that work here's the recap:

Part I- Spidey kicks the crap out of Rhino at the Bank of Manhattan and runs late for class.

Part II- Peter shows up at the end of Doctor Curtis Connors' lecture where he introduced John Jameson to the class. Jameson unveiled a moon rock with an alien specimen inside. To pass the class, Peter gets to assist Connors with studying the alien. And he also manages to blow off Gwen Stacy who obviously likes him.
Elsewhere, Captain George Stacy tries to get Rhino to talk about his employer. He won't budge. But they record Rhino's phone call with a filtered voice that apparently has connections to get Rhino released.

Part III- Peter arrives at his Aunt's house only to be driven into a conversation about the Web Slinger. After shouting at her, he apologizes and makes peace with her by consuming mass amounts of her cake.
We also see how Peter and Harry first met. In a car accident. And how these two outcasts became the best of friends.
Four months later they go to a science exhibit hosted by the famed Otto Octavius. Octavius shows prototypes of his mechanical arms and begins to showcase his new device which converts any light into energy. A spider passes through the energy bolt causing it to malfunction. The spider followed a fly which had landed on Peter. The spider then bit the over achiever. Which is how Spider-man first came to be.
In the present, an elite mercenary squad broke into police lockup and freed the Rhino. Captain Stacy got the call at 2 in the morning. His daughter, Gwen, heard the shouting and crept down to see what was up. After her dad left, Gwen tried calling Peter. After that didn't work, she called Harry. He gave her a bit of advice on how to wait on Peter.

And now........
The story continues with Scenes 9-13!!!

The Everetts were not exactly what you would call rich. But they were what you might call comfortably well off. A family of four, they had some friends in high places. Which was why they were going on a cruise in a top of the line yacht.
“Make sure you bring this back the way I gave it to you,” their friend Eddie March nervously warned, “Stark hasn’t even declared this vessel open for the market.”
“Have you always been this much of a worry wart?” asked Jason Everett.
“Look, I’m just saying that this is a PROTOTYPE yacht with no expense spared. I want you to take care of it and make sure that you bring back to that harbor I told you about.”
“Yeah, that ‘Top Secret” one. I know.”
As Eddie took out the keys he pulled them back before Jason could grab them, “Your word Jason.”
“You got it man.”
And that was how a family of four took a spontaneous Spring Break vacation on the ultimate yacht. This ship had everything. The ship even had it’s own AI. The artificial intelligence went by the acronym of SHELI which stood for Super Hot Energetic Liaison Intelligence.
“How may I be of service Mr. Everett?” a silky smooth voice with just a hint of static that all modulated voices carry.
“Not right now, SHELI. And the name is Jason.”
“Yes sir, Jason.”
Jason’s wife, Susan, bopped him hard on the head, “Jerk.”
“What did I say?”
But as she turned around she smiled, and Jason chased her off to the bedroom. Their two kids, Calvin and Joan, were left to explore the bowels of the ship. Calvin, 13, made sure that his little sister didn’t stir up trouble. After about thirty minutes of investigating the ship, they discovered the ultimate game room. This room made the five stories at DisneyQuest seem like a miniscule arcade room at Wal-mart.
Joan was automatically attracted to the Princess Simulator. While she walked around a virtual castle, Cal disintegrated cyborgs in RoboAlien Hunter. After playing around for an hour, their parents called them up for dinner.
Dinner was held in the massive galley. They chose the table in the front of the room. When they had sat down, touch screens elevated up from the table for each of them.
“Hey kids, you still upset that we missed out on the concerts this weekend?” asked Jason.
“Nah,” Joan replied, “Who cares about that Milly Capricorn with a Robot Ship like this?”
“Mr. Everett, I mean Jason,” SHELI called, “Are you ready to cast off?”
“Have you got the course set SHELI?”
“Yes Jason. Three times around Manhattan Island and then once around Coney Island, making port on Sunday evening at 8:45 pm at Stark Industries private harbor.”
“That’s my girl!”
This earned him a well deserved punch in the arm hard by Susan. This was going to be an eventful Spring Break.

Alexei woke up in what only could be described as another prison cell. Dark, dank, and freezing cold, all Alexei could remember was that he had been broken out of the county jail by expert mercenaries led by an old colleague, Maxwell Dillon. He remembered lots of laughing as they were driving away. And then he felt a tingle, then a sharp shocking pain, and that was it. As his eyes adjusted, he noticed he was sitting on a hard metal stool. The room was Spartan and you could tell that something bad was going to happen. On the other end of the room was another one of those one way mirrors. Alexei tried to stand up but he soon found that his captors had cuffed him to the stool which was bolted to the floor.
“So,” a voice echoed all around the stone room, “I gave you a gift and you decided to knock out a bank. Uncanny how you feel my equipment is so easily disposable.”
“It ain’t that Mr. No.”
“Then what was it, a brain malfunction that made you get caught by the police?!” Mr. No rarely yelled, but when he did, even the staunchest of mercenaries would tremble.
“It was that Spider-man!” pleaded Alexei.
“So you would have me believe that some twerp in tights could best the more than physically proficient of the technologically superior Rhino?”
“Yes, sir.”
Mr. No apparently thought about that for a minute. Alexei was actually developing a keen sweat. The wait was excruciating. Finally, the voice spoke again.
“Don’t worry about the bug. We have other issues that need our attention.”
Alexei let out a small sigh of relief. He wasn’t getting killed tonight, “Of course sir.”
“We know the suit works. So I want you to pick up the case that I described to you.”
“Yes sir.”
“And Alexei?”
“Two things,” after a slight pause, “Don’t break the case and do NOT damage my suit. Or I shall BREAK YOU.”
After that, the lights went out. Alexei heard a hissing sound and knew no more.

Peter woke up late….. Again. He slammed off the alarm clock which he had repeatedly set on snooze for the past hour. He got dressed, pulled out his camera, and looked through the film, reflecting on the night before.
He had been swinging through the city and heard sirens. Peter had followed and found a building on fire. Most of the tenants had escaped the pursuing flames but three kids were trapped inside. Spidey had set up his camera and then burst into the inferno. He had managed to save the three kids and their little puppy.
“That was for you Uncle Ben,” sighed Peter.
He sped over to the photography department and gave his film to soon-to-be graduate Amadeus Cho. Cho owed him a favor which Pete couldn’t remember. All Peter knew was that Cho was sixteen and about to graduate with a Bachelor’s Degree in Quantum Physics. Also there was the fact that Cho had discovered a faster way to develop film.
“Y’know Pete, you could just go digital,” suggested Cho.
“Yeah but I like the feel of film.”
“Riiiiiiiiiight. And this has absolutely NOTHING to do with the fact that ol’ JJ wouldn’t give ya a raise even if he struck oil.”
“There’s that too.”
Peter waved bye to Amadeus and trotted off to class. He was on time for once. But this class he was in no danger of failing. Mathematics. Advanced Trigonometry to be precise. And Professor Burton was not exactly a difficult teacher at that.
After the four hours of blissful logic, Peter was dismissed with the rest of the class. He stopped back by the Photo Department to pick up his film.
“I’ve always wondered Pete,” Cho said, “How do you get these awesome shots of the webslinger?”
“It takes skill,” Peter winked, “and a bit of luck to get the camera in just the right position.”
As he was walking down the hall, Peter noticed Gwen strolling out of the library.
“Hey Gwen!”
“Oh. Hey Pete,” Gwen barely turned around.
“Gwen, I just wanted to apologize for the other day.”
“Ah,” after a few moments, “And?”
“I’m sorry.”
“For what exactly?”
“For blowing you off.”
“Being ignorant.”
“What else is there?!”
Gwen’s face burst into a huge grin, “Just messin’ with ya Petey. Oh, by the way, apology accepted.”
“Soooooooooooooo, you’re free tonight?”
“Gwen PLEASE!!!!!!!! I have been hanging on the brink of eternal suffering! Don’t start pretending you are not interested!”
Gwen looked affronted, “Interested in what exactly?”
“Oh c’mon Gwen! Even Harry noticed that you like me!”
“Well, you must be misinformed.”
“I don’t have an infatuation with you. I’d never be interested in someone with an ego THAT big!”
And Gwen stormed off, leaving Peter confused……… again.

The Daily Bugle was always busy. News never stopped coming, so the paper never stopped working. Maybe that was why J. Jonah Jameson was so cranky. Or maybe, it’s because his wife was starting to lose interest. But he was cranky before that. The point is, JJ was, is, and probably always will be CRANKY.
And he had two volume setting on his voice: Loud and BULLHORN.
“Ms. Brant! Have you gotten a copy of that vampire exposѐ yet?!”
“Not yet JJ.”
“Well, I need it four hours ago! Urich! How’s that Gamma Scare coming?”
“Still need to check out a few more sources JJ.”
“Parker’s here with more photos.”
“IT’S ABOUT TIME!” Jonah looked over at the timid looking Peter, “WELL?! WHATHAVEYA GOT?!”
Peter reached into his bag and pulled out a manila envelope and handed it to Jonah. Jameson immediately started shuffling through the pictures.
“Out of focus, not lined up, not centered. YOU CALL THESE PHOTOS?! I’ll give you $200 for the lot.”
Peter finally found his voice, “The Post would give me $350.”
“DO I LOOK LIKE A CRAPPY STRIP MALL NEWSPAPER EDITOR?!” Jameson’s customary stogey now spat onto the desk.
“No sir, you don’t.” Peter tried to stand straighter, “But if you keep nickel and diming me, I can take my business AND my pictures to some strip mall newspaper.”
Jonah looked like he was about to leap over his desk and throttle Peter until his pathetic existence ended. How dare this pipsqueak try and swindle him! He was lucky to get even the decent amount offered him for THOSE pictures! But Jonah knew that Parker could be great one day and he didn’t want to lose a valuable asset like that. Especially one who ALWAYS was there when that news hogging web slinging criminal showed up.
“ALRIGHT!” Jonah looked like he was chewing on something sour, “I’ll give you $275 for the photos and not a dime MORE!!!!!!” Jonah hastily wrote out the check and handed it to Peter, “Now GET OUT!!!!!! MS BRANT!!!!!!!! HAVE YOU FINISHED THAT ARTICLE YET??!!!!!!”
Peter left Jameson’s office with his ears ringing. After working for at the Bugle for eight months, you would think that Peter would be used to Jameson’s pep talks by now. But no! JJ always finds a way to increase the volume of his already thunderous voice.
Peter hiked over to the Bank of Manhattan. Construction crews were still cleaning up the rubble from yesterday’s little bout of fisticuffs. There was even a rough Spider-man shaped crater where Rhino tried to ram the Web Head off of his horn. Peter winced as the bruises had not yet healed. He walked in the front door to a medium size line.
After half an hour, he was FINALLY able to speak with the receptionist.
“How may I help you sir?” she had a nasally squeak to her voice that reminded Peter of Fran Drescher.
After holding back a smile, “Yes I would like to deposit a paycheck.”
“Do you have your account number?”
“It is……..23984.”
She keyed in the account, “And how much are you wanting to deposit Mr. Parker?”
“$150. And then would you mind if I could withdraw the rest of the check?”
“Hold one minute sir,” she then spoke into a headset, “Hello Mr. Bogen? I have a Mr. Peter Parker who would like to withdraw $125 from his account. Yes. No I haven’t. Not yet sir. Yes sir, I’ll tell him.”
“So what’s up?”
“I’m sorry Mr. Parker, but we cannot withdraw funds from the bank at this time.”
“Why not?!”
“Because the money in question is in police lockup. As evidence.”
What are the odds of that, thought Peter. I knew that Spider-man could hurt my social life but why God WHY my financial life?!
Peter though put on a hearty smile, “That’s fine. Thank you for trying. Have a nice day.”
He left the bank feeling dejected. Ah well. Win some, lose some. He then went over to the Daily Globe where the editor ACTUALLY wasn’t so cheap as to not install an ATM machine.

It was just as well that Gwen blew Peter off. He had forgotten about his appointment with Doc Connors. He ran in only two minutes late. Connors didn’t chide seeing how Peter was huffing and puffing. Connors thought he might even need an inhaler. After making sure that Parker was alright, he unveiled the moon rock. Which is when Peter had taken a closer look at the specimen.
“Yes isn’t it?” Connors knew that Parker had a passion for Science and welcomed his rapidly expanding knowledge. “The goo is a living creature. But I have yet to determine if it is sentient.”
“Is it a part of the rock?”
“Actually no. I think it was just in the wrong place at the wrong time. The moon rock though appears to have shielded it from the dangers of space which I believe is how it actually survived crashing on the moon.”
Peter’s eyebrows leaped, “Wait a second. This goop isn’t from the moon?”
Doc Connors moved over to a microscope and placed a miniscule part of the creature beneath it.
“Come have a look for yourself.”
Peter stepped over to the microscope and looked through the lense. What he saw took his breath away. It was composed of constantly shifting, constantly morphing molecules. They would start out as spheres, light as air, and after they collided with one another and shifted into prisms with the density of steel.
“Doc, do you know what this means?”
“No Peter, I don’t.”
Peter looked up from the microscope with a knowing look in his eye. All Connors could do was smile.
“Sorry Peter. Couldn’t resist.” Doc Connors indicated the sample, “Alien is the only word I can describe this specimen. But you see, this is the third sample of the alien that I have cultivated. The other two died within ten hours of being separated from the main body.”
“I haven’t been able to study it thoroughly. But from what I can discern, the samples have shown characteristics not unlike those of leeches.”
“Peter, this thing is like a parasite. It needs to feed off another to survive. But……..” Connors trailed off, thinking of how he could phrase this.
Peter couldn’t stand the wait, “But what?”
Doc mumbled for a moment, then moved over to the chalkboard, “Parker, look at it this way. The parasite,” he drew a circle, “ sucks the life out of it’s host.” He drew a larger circle on the opposite side of the board with an arrow coming from the host and going into the parasite. “But THIS particular parasite somehow is able to augment properties of the host.” He drew an arrow from the parasite to the host.
Intrigue at its peak Peter spoke up, “So It has more in common with a mutual form of symbiosis than with a parasite.”
“Not necessarily. You see, the host of this parasite WILL die eventually. Which is why we have had to take certain measures to prevent any of this creature from reaching any living thing.”
“Have you tested any of it yet?”
“I don’t have the authorization for that Peter.” Peter could tell that Connors was agitated, “I mean if it could boost say the speed of a cheetah, or the regenerative capabilities of a reptile! Do you realize the potential of this gift?”
“It sounds great Doc but I think there’s a long way to go before we even-“
“Peter, NASA has taken it upon themselves to decide that this specimen is too volatile to keep here. They are ‘reclaiming’ their property in two days.”
“That’s okay. We can still study it from their-“
“No Peter. They are sending back to the Cape for containment. NOT research.”
“Well, that sucks.”
“Parker this is no laughing matter! I need this creature to study!”
Peter noticed a desperate gleam in his professor’s eye that had not been there before. Thankfully, Peter was saved by the bell. Or should I say ringtone. Peter picked up the jingling phone and saw that it was Harry.
“Sorry Doctor Connors but I’m gonna have to catch a rain check on this extra credit. My aunt needs me.” He picked up the phone, “Aunt May?”
“Aunt May,” a bewildered Harry asked.
“Oh, your arthritis is acting up again?”
Harry decides to go with it, “Oh yes sonny. My hands are a trembling and my bowels are a moving.” He added a falsetto tone for effect.
“Alright Aunt May. I’ll go pick up your prescription.”
“Hurry up now youngin. I ain’t what you would call a spring chicken anymore.”
“Love ya. Bye.” Peter then gestured to the door, “I’ll see tomorrow Doc.”
And with that Peter left Doctor Connors alone in the lab.

I hope you enjoyed this session and keep an eye out for Part V within the next three weeks! That should give any of you plenty of time to catch up on the previous three parts!

Here are the links to my other works:

Spider-man Part I
Spider-man Part II
Spider-man Part III
Secret War
The Initiative
Doctor Strange

Batman 3

A.I. - Artificial Ironman: An all original WHAT IF...

A.I. - Artificial Ironman: An all original WHAT IF...

I KNOW WHAT YOU DID LAST SUMMER: First Poster Teases The Return Of A Killer Hook
Recommended For You:

I KNOW WHAT YOU DID LAST SUMMER: First Poster Teases The Return Of A Killer Hook

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JoshWilding - 4/19/2010, 2:11 PM
Awesome bud! :) This is really well written and you've nailed the characters personalities here IMO. I actually just went back and had another read of the first 3 parts so now I really cant wait for the next one..! Looking forward to it dude!
TANKGIRL - 4/19/2010, 4:29 PM
Batmanknight - 4/19/2010, 5:58 PM
Really cool dude. I didnt know you wrote a pt. 1 2 3. I just read them and this is incedible. But it sucks cause I was using Rhino as he first villian in my story. He was always one of my favorites and needs to be done justice.

Very cool dude.
OriginalPhysco - 4/19/2010, 6:28 PM
OriginalPhysco - 4/19/2010, 6:32 PM
Thats crazy because I told Wadey09 that I too used Rhino as my first villain in my story. Do you know what this means? Its a sign that Rhino will be the first villain seen in the reboot. Ive been real busy and been only writing little to my story. Im not a straight A and perfect attendance child for nothing. Its stressing
Wadey09 - 4/19/2010, 7:53 PM
y'know, you would think Marvel would take the hint that we want Rhino. or another B lister. seeing as how they have managed to kill off or maim a few of Spidey's MAJOR villains.

thanks for the support. i usually write this off the top of my head and it is AWESOME knowing that someone other than me likes my stuff.
spiderman620 - 4/19/2010, 8:21 PM
what series is this from wadey? is it the ultimates?
Wadey09 - 4/19/2010, 8:40 PM

i'm making my own hybrid film. it has elements of the Ultimate story like the mechanical Rhino suit.
but most of it is my own take on the 616 universe.

otherwise, i'm just taking the characters i know and love, putting them in familiar yet new situations.
which is what Sony should've done in the first place.

thanks man!
i'll head over there tomorrow and enjoy myself a good read!
LEEE777 - 4/20/2010, 5:34 AM
GET A JOB!!!!! ; P

Heh heh.

Great stuff @ WADEY man, kudos!

Really enjoyed reading this thumbs up from me buddy!
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