Pet Semetary is Directed by Mary Lambert, the film features Dale Midkiff as Louis Creed, Denise Crosby as Rachel Creed, Blaze Berdahl as Ellie Creed, Miko Hughes as Gage Creed, and Fred Gwynne as Jud Crandall. Andrew Hubatsek was cast for Zelda's role.
Offical Trailer..
This Is One Of Hollywoods Scariest Scene's
Gage Creed Scene's.... I Think, this is the Most Shocking, Horrible Death's Hollywood has ever produced and seen.
Misery is Directed by Rob Reiner, the film received critical acclaim for Kathy Bates' performance as the psychopathic Annie Wilkes. The film was ranked #12 on Bravo's 100 Scariest Movie Moments... Also Kathy Bates won the Academy Award for Best Actress for her role as Annie Wilkes in Misery.
How Can You Forget This Scene... I Love You Paul!
Let The Battle Begin!