Celebrity Gossip reports Mickey Rourke (Oscar winner and co-star) had nothing but praise for the lovely Miss Fox who plays leila, a gun-wielding prostitute.
From Rourke:
"I didn’t know too much about her, except what I read. And I think the pleasant surprise was this girl who’s a world-class beauty turned out to be probably the best young actress I’ve ever worked with. I don’t know if a lot of her films have showcased her acting ability more than, say, being action-oriented, but she really stepped up the plate with this one and was very consistent and professional, beyond her years. At 23, I couldn’t do half of what she’s doing."
Whats odd is i didn't even know Mickey Rourke was actually in the picture? Anyways enjoy the photos and thanks to Celebrity Gossip for the heads up.
Release date June 18, 2010.
Also stars: Josh Brolin as Jonah Hex (The disfigured bounty hunter).
John Malkovich as Quentin Turnbull (The antagonist).
Michael Shannon as Doctor Cross Williams (The ringleader of a gladiator circus).
Michael Fassbender as Burke (Bowler hat-wearing, tattooed, psychopathic right-hand man of Turnbull).
Plus Will Arnett as a Union soldier who enlists Jonah Hex as a bounty hunter.
LEEE777 - This is a movie i cannot wait for and is up there with The Losers, Green Lantern and the many Marvel movies coming out, comments below.