Captain America: The Winter Soldier continues to film in Cleveland, a new piece of information has been revealed.
Per a local media source, a secret location was said to be a spot for Cap 2 filming in Cleveland. The location was said to be at the Lakeview Cemetery on Cleveland's east side, which was previously unknown to anyone outside of the production. So while taking a break from today's main car chase location in Downtown Cleveland and checking out this cemetery scoop, the 10-minute drive to the cemetery gave this writer concrete visual confirmation of this location scoop. Marvel Studios is indeed setting up shop at the cemetery.
UPDATE: Per a report, a dam in the cemetery is being used at this location.
So what does this mean?
It could mean there are several scenarios which may play out. The first speculation is that Captain America might be visiting an old friend's grave... Peggy Carter. Second, perhaps Nick Fury dies in the sequel since he is being hunted down by Washington D.C. authorities. Or maybe Nick Fury fakes his death just as he would do in the comic book universe.
Real details are still fuzzy on this newly revealed location but there can only be a few reasons to film in a location such as this. Also, it was
previously said here on CBM that there were unconfirmed reports of a possible funeral scene being filmed in D.C. Now there is much better evidence this could be true.
What do you think this means? Sound off in the comments and stay tuned as The Daily SuperHero is your on location source for Captain America 2 in Cleveland.