Bleeding Cool has been running a theory for a while about who exactly Sergeant Marcus Johnson could be. The titular character in Battle Scars, one of the many post Fear Itself books, is in search of answers. He is an important player and he isn't quite sure why. Bleeding Cool has been making a case for Johnson being the hidden son of Nick Fury as well as being lined up to take over SHIELD just in time for The Avengers to come out, and there case just got a bit stronger.
Here are some panels they had mentioned earlier that got people thinking:
Here is the cover to the final issue of
Battle Scars
The Marvel 616 Nick Fury is white, and the Ultimates as well as movie Nick Fury is played by Samuel L. Jackson. The logic is that a black movie version would be odd for someone who got into the comics after seeing the movie. So an African-American Nick Fury is needed in the 616. Not only does he have to be a different color, but he has to be sporting an eye-patch. Which looks like Marcus Johnson will be doing shortly, as well as telling us why the book is called
Battle Scars.
While there is undoubtedly a pick up in comics bought when a movie comes out, it seems drastic that an entire piece of continuity would be changed to cater to the new audience. While this isn't confirmed, Bleeding Cool are usually very spot on about comic developments.
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Battle Scars? What do you think of the theory about a lil' Nick Fury taking over for his old man? Sound of below!